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Applying for: Admin, but if you don't think it is good enough, then mod.

Username » rhdd

Age: 13

Gender: Male

TimeZone: EST

Discord Username: FireSprayer04#3792

How many hours can you be on weekly? At least an hour a day
Do you have a microphone & recording software? » Yes, I do have a Microphone and Recording software, and I use OBC
What languages can you speak fluently besides English? Besides English, I can speak Chinese.
Why should we pick you as staff?

Why you should pick me? Well, lets start with the most important things about me. First of all, I am an experienced staff member. I have been staff on multiple Minecraft & Discord servers, moderating the community. Not only am I experienced in communities like Minecraft and Discord, I am also experienced in real life, and this brings me to my second point. I am great at leadership. If you guys have chatted with me before, you will know that I am a humorous individual, who can be serious at the same time. I've had a lot of experience in leadership roles especially on other discord servers. Im currently the Vice President of a club called FBLA(Future Business Leaders of America) at our school. Now you might ask, how is that relevant? Well because if you did not know, being a high ranking individual also gives you responsibility over people, hence leadership. So I'd say 3 years of leading others is a lot of experience. Now, moving on to my third point. I'm a cheerful, bright and helpful individual, although we all have our down times. I'm a really helpful person, and even if I am not chosen to be a part of the staff team, I will always be happy to point a new player in the right direction. When someone asks me a question, I always try my best to answer them. I'm friendly to everyone, and I can bring smiles to the faces of the staff team. Now, my fourth point that I would like to address to you all: To be honest, I really love this server as it has shown me a lot. The staff team are all cooperative, funny, and helpful! I love this community, and in the past 30 minutes that I have been here, I have been motivated to join the staff team. I myself know a very good developer, and I would be happy to help the server on configuring files and helping with plugins! And finally my last point. I'm a mature and creative person and I would really love helping the developer team and builder team, giving them ideas & suggestions on new updates, builds and cool features that the server can have so that we can be the best. Personally, I think I'm really mature for my age, so that also brings up another reason why you should choose me over some other immature applicants. To wrap things up, I'm experienced, I have leadership skills, a usually happy person, and I'm very creative and can help the team a lot on developing new games and making your the top factions server!

Do you have experience of moderating a server? »
I've had a lot of experience moderating a community or game, although none of them as big as Mineplex. I have even been an owner before with usually 15 players at once. I've been on countless servers, and I am currently mod on another factions server.

Specific Skills
My specific skills would be detecting hackers and chat filters; I am a very experienced hacker catcher as I have this friend who is a hacker (I don’t play with him but when we are outside together he only ever talks about hacking) so I’ve learnt a lot on how to detect hackers, even hackers that hide their hacks very well. I love reading chat, which means I will be seeing any kind of bullying / chat filter bypassing in an instant.

Some of my other specific skills would be helping players in their downtime. Throughout my staff experiences, I have come to see that a lot of players are suffering from depression, etc. I love sitting down with people and helping them solve their problems, and making their day better and more fun!

And finally my last skill that I would like to introduce to you guys is creativity. As I might have mentioned in other sections, I am a highly creative person and love helping servers grow and develop. I am an enthusiastic staff member and I would love to help out with the server, because right now, I notice some things I can help with, such as permissions. I would like to help the server think of some awesome new updates to make the server unique and different from other factions servers so there will be more players that are going to join. I am excellent at thinking up of details for different ranks and rank names so they sound cool and will make people want to buy them!

Will you abuse power? No, I promise, never to abuse. To be honest, the whole entire topic of abusing hurts my mind, because I have seen what it could do to a server.

Anything else that you wish to include?: I would like to say that I personally think that I am more mature than other staff members! I can choose to be mature when I want to be, which means that If you have seen me being silly or immature before, that's probably the other side of me!
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Regards; Team

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