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Simon: Yeah, I got a job interview coming up and I know they're gonna ask me about what are your strong points and your weak points. You know.

Todd: Yeah, that's tough, because like I know my strong points and my weak points.

Simon: Yeah, well, let's talk about that, actually, personality wise. Forget about the job interview. Let's talk about, what do you think, what are your strong points as a person?

Todd: Ah, let's see. Well, I think the biggest one is I'm pretty generous. Like I really don't care about money, so I'll give my friends money or things that I have, cause I just don't care about that. Um, so that's probably my strong point. My weak points are I am very late all the time. I'm late to work. I'm late to meet my friends. I'm late when I have appointments, and I am always late, so that is probably my number one bad point, and um, I'm, and sometimes I'm a little selfish. I want things my way, and only my way.

Simon: So it's, do you use that expression, "It's my way or the highway!"

Todd: I would never say that, but that's maybe how I think sometimes.

Simon: That's how you feel inside, yeah.

Todd: How about you? What are your strong points and your weak points?

Simon: Well, one of my weak points. I can say, much like you, was being late but, uh, since, you know, uh, since I've has a long term girlfriend, she's made sure that that part of me has changed, but I think one of my weak points is that, uh, I'm mentally disorganized. I'm all over the place all the time, so that sometimes makes me forget things like, uh, my keys, or you know, where I put an important piece of paper or something like that.

Todd: You know sometimes I wonder, because I'm a teacher, that maybe more people are that way today because we have so much input, so much stimulus from TV, from the internet, from movies, from radio that we are not as mentally organized as people maybe 50 years ago.

Simon: Yeah, that quite, that could be possibly true, but most of my close friends, you know, say that I'm more disorganized in that way, or more chaotic than most people, so I think I'm a special case. You know, I lost my wallet about four or five times in the past year, so.

Todd: That's pretty bad. Um, what's your strong point though?

Simon: Well, you know, that's putting me on the spot. That's a pretty difficult question cause it's difficult to talk about yourself, but uh, you know I would have to say that I'm friendly, and easy-going and.

Todd: Yeah, I agree actually.

Simon: And uh, I think I have, I think I can get along with people well, so, that's would be my strong point I guess, easy going and and friendly, easy to get along with.

Todd: Well, I agree.

Simon: Oh, thank you, and I agree about you.

Todd: What? I'm always late.

Simon: That, too.

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