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lead large scale rebellion 1981 he died because he was hanged
rebelion took place in southhampton country, virginia
planned for july 4 1831 but fell ill so it took place in augest
traveled house to house freeing slaves and killing all white's
nat turner was 1 of the 3 most successful rebellion
it was put down within 2 days
born Oct 2 1800 died Nov 11 1831
american slave who lead a rebellion and freed slaves in Aug 21 1831
intelligent young boy compared to other slaves his owner allowed him to write read and religion.
he had a lawyer but he was not really his lawyer was a fake and he made his confection to pay off gambling debts
he believed he was chosen by god to lead a rebellion
they were sick and tired of being dehumanized and drowned in work
its very difficult to be a slave and lead a rebelion
rebellion ended in Aug 23 1831
120 slaves were beat torchered and murdered by solders
if involved in rebellion they were death and slaves were given less privileges
it grew in 48 h and slaves and killings incresed
it was a fail but it was good compared to others
many of blacks that weren't apart of it were affected
when nat hid white mobs killed black people for no reason
after 2 months he was cought in oct 30 1831
he was cought by a farm owner named Benjamin phillips
turner surendered
was sentenced to death on nov 11 1831 he was ganged with 6 other rebels
depends of point of view
killed many people
he ran away and 1 month later he returned
turner was skinned
because of nat turner blacks cant read or write
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