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Ad fatigue means that your target audience members have seen your Facebook ads for so many consecutive times that they’ve grown tired of them.

People stop clicking on your Facebook ads – all the interested audience members have already acted upon your ads.
Your ad campaign’s costs skyrocket – you’ll be spending large sums without acquiring any more new customers.

The easiest way to predict the ad fatigue is to check your Facebook ad frequency.
Facebook ad frequency is a campaign metric showing how many times target audience members have seen your ad.
To check this metric, go to the Facebook Ads Manager, click on a campaign, and in the reporting section select the Delivery view.

The best practice is to aim for your Facebook ad frequency to stay under 2-3 points.

However, when targeting a narrow Facebook audience or working with remarketing campaigns, you can also let your ad frequency go higher.

Measure and use the ad frequency as an indicator of ad fatigue. However, also keep your eye on the overall campaign results to notice when it’s really the right time to pause or optimize your campaigns.

Facebook A/B Testing Rule #1:
Test One Variable at a Time

Facebook A/B Testing Rule #2:
Use the Right Facebook Campaign Structure
2. Multiple single-variation ad sets — each ad variation is placed in a separate ad set

Facebook A/B Testing Rule #3:
Ensure Your A/B Test Results Are Valid

Facebook A/B Testing Rule #4:
Set a Sufficient A/B Testing Budget
To get valid A/B test results, you’ll need at least 100 conversions per each ad variation. If your cost-per-conversion is $2.50 and you want to test 4 different ad variations, your testing budget should be around $2.5 x 4 x 100 = $1,000.

Tip: When one of your split test variations is outperforming others by a mile, you can conclude the experiment a little sooner. (However, you should still collect at least 50 conversions per each variation.)

Facebook Buyer Personas – Why Do You Need Them?
Hyper targeted audiences – Defining your buyer personas helps to ensure that you’re only targeting the most valuable Facebook audiences with the highest conversion potential.
Highly relevant ads & offers – If you know who your target audience members are and what they’re interested in, you’ll be able to create more relevant ads and messages.
Increased ROI – Once you’re able to target people interested in your product/service and advertise relevant offers, you’ll start to see more results at lower costs.

A solid buyer persona is actually nothing else but a collection of the most common traits you find among your current clients.”

But it’s not only your current customers you should think about. Also, consider your ideal clients, those that you’d like to acquire in the future. To develop new buyer persona profiles, you can follow a simple process of defining your target customers’ demographics, problems, needs, and interests.

You can also explore the Facebook Audience Insights tool to gather information on your customer personas.

Audience Optimization Hack #1:
Turn On the Automated Audience Optimization
You will find the Audience Optimization tool in the New Post publishing box on your Facebook page.

If your Facebook page has more than 5,000 likes, the Audience Optimization has already been activated, and the tool should be available for you to use. The option is currently available for Facebook pages using English.

If your page has fewer than 5,000 likes, click the “Settings” tab in the top right corner of your Facebook page. From the “General” tab, you’ll see a row for “Audience Optimization for Posts.” Click on “Edit” and check the box to activate the Audience Optimization. Then, hit the “Save Changes” button.

Audience Optimization Hack #2:
Learn From Facebook Audience Insights

Audience Optimization Hack #3:
Create Multiple Targeting Layers
You can optimize your Facebook audiences by clicking on the “Narrow Audience” button under the Interests section.
Once you click on this button, you can add another layer of interests. The people in your target audience must match at least one interest from both layers.

You can exclude people based on their interests or demographics.
Another way to create niche audiences, and keep your Facebook campaigns optimized, is excluding people with specific interests. For example, AdEspresso may want to target everyone interested in advertising, but we might want to exclude the people interested in influencer marketing as that’s not our main area of focus.

You can also exclude Facebook audiences based on their location.
For example, if you wanted to create two Facebook ad campaigns, one targeting the US in general and another one targeting New York, you could exclude New York from the general audience.

Audience Optimization Hack #4:
Create Remarketing Audiences
First, you’ll have to install the Facebook pixel on your website. Next, you’ll be able to create Facebook Custom Audiences of past website visitors and the people who have already engaged with your content.

According to Adobe, in the US 41% of overall revenue comes from repeat customers. Moreover, the average revenue per visit for repeat buyers is 497% higher compared to regular shoppers.

Past landing page visitors – When retargeting past website visitors, your goal should be reminding them of your product.
People who have visited your Pricing page – These people were so interested in your product that they wanted to know the price. Which makes the highly likely to make a purchase / start a free trial.
Shopping cart abandoners – Try to get these people back to your store to complete their purchase.
Past purchasers – You should also retarget the people who have already purchased from you in the past – maybe they’ll be interested in buying more.
Blog readers – Also, include to this audience eBook downloaders and other people who have engaged with your content. They’re already familiar with your brand, so they’re also more likely to convert on your offers.

Audience Optimization Hack #5:
Mix Multiple Audience Types
This is one of our favorite Facebook ads optimization hacks of all time. When setting up Facebook audiences in the campaign creation process, you can use the targeting benefits of multiple audience types – at the same time.

For example, you can create a Facebook Lookalike audience and then narrow it down by filtering the target audience by demographics and interests.

Audience Optimization Hack #6:
A/B Test Multiple Audiences
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