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Description: Yesterday I was with some people I knew online who were having fun with the translating the bible in the Ghetto speak. As I was having fun, I said many ghetto words like homeboy, yo, busta, OG, straight up gangsta. Though this was not what is making me anxious, it was using the ghetto word "nigga" to relate to a homeboy in the biblical text. This word was meant to be as a fun joke to imitate black gangsta gangs out there. Though politically incorrect it was no a attempt to disregard black people in anyway but was a fun joke on discord with people I've know for a while.

Now I'm extremely anxious because of this.

Consequences in my mind:
- They will find out where I am and get me fired for my job due to using the slur nigga for fun.
- I will be carved in stone that I said such a slur and therefore cannot find another job as a nurse because I said the word for fun
- As a Christian I've screwed myself in ever considering to be acceptable within the community due to this discussion. I will never become a theologian due to this joke incident
- I will fail at life and be hounded by the community as a racist man who has no filter.

What did you do to remedy the situation:

- I deleted the Stepper accounts and by Old Theology account permanently
- Deleted discord permanently
- I promise myself never to say the word to people online again

What do they know about you:

- You're Asian
- You're part of the Church of Christ
- You like scholarly things
- Your name is Matt
- My age: 23
- You live in Melbourne
- You play games
- You have an Australian accent
- I said I work in the Health industry

What don't they know about you

- They don't know your full name, address or number
- They don't know your facebook account
- They don't know where you work or what my specific role is
- They don't know what I look like or how I live
- They don't the place that you work at

Was there anything that you left online that showed you existed?
- Yes: I was in a small discussion over ANE cosmology on someones channel for 3 minutes
Were these people present in the chat time when ghetto speak was going on?
- No
Do people at your workplace know you do this?
- No
Is it your private business

Where are these people from in the chat:
- America

What are these people's beliefs
- Devout Christians

Have they ever been deceptive to you
- No

Has anyone else said nigga as a joke and got more exposure than you and who?
- ChoasKampf
- ChristianMan

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