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so this guy is tailgating me for awhile in a 55mph zone, which I'm doing and the guy in front of me is. The speed drops to 45mph which we both do. The guy behind me keeps popping out from behind me to see if he can pass
as we go past a turn lane section, he speeds past me, and then passed the van in front of me on solid yellow line
he gets stuck behind 5 cars at the light about 500' later. the van and I continue on our way headed north at the intersection as we had a right lane with only a yield sign and didn't need to stop
as I passed the guy in the car, i looked at him and smiled at him because he go stuck behind the traffic even though he was in such a hurry to disregard the law, thrice
i noticed a few seconds later that instead of going straight, he turns right on a straight lane (which, there is a median between the right and straight lanes) and rapidly approaches me from behind
I and the guy in front of me are both doing 45mph which is the posted speed limit. the guy in the car catches up to me in about 10seconds or so, which means he was doing well over 55mph
so i change lanes to the left to be in front of him because i didn't want him next to me. as he approaches, I see he has his phone out and taking pics and/or video
then he quickly changes to the right lane, gets next to me, and takes more pics. after a few seconds, he floors it, and tries to get in between me and the van I had be behind earlier. which, our distance didn't change, I was still about 30' behind the van
as the guy in the car got up to the space, he whipped into my lane clipping my front bumper
then when we stopped at the intersection, he said it was my fault, i'd get it now, and he was on the phone with the police
i called my insurance to let them know what was going on
as you can see from the pictures, i got only a skuff mark. he ended up with several hundred dollars worth of damage
he tried to tell the officer that because I was following behind the guy in the van, i must of been with that guy
the officer was pretty kewl over the whole deal. she didn't right a ticket or a citation

the funny thing was the look on his face when he saw my bumper and I didn't have much more than a scuff mark :stuck_out_tongue:
I had already taken pictures of my bumper. and after she was done I asked her if it was ok if i took pics of his and she agreed. she gave me my paperwork, and she gave him his, told him I was going to take pictures. so i guess he asked if he could take pics of mine
then he walks to the front of the truck, has a look of disbelief, throws his hands up in the air, and shakes his head
then I see him take pics
his taillight will be about $200
the bumper to be repaired another $200 or so

all that work, and no results
i still can't figure out what he was taking pictures of me for? I didn't do anything wrong and he'd not be able to substantiate any claim
the police would just say go away and let it be
he "claims" i sped up to hit him when he changed lanes front of me. But, had I done so, my damage (and his) would not be on the side. mine would of been in the front, not the side and his lens would be cracked on the back, not the side
the insurance guy did ask if I hit the brake. I told him no. I didn't have a chance to do so
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