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In the Importance of Being Earnest, the symbolism of food holds various meanings within the text. Such as how Algernon, on page 76 of Act II, he says, "When I am in trouble, eating is the only thing that consoles me," and "Indeed, when I am in really great trouble, as anyone who knows me intimately will tell you, I refuse everything except food and drink." In this sense, food is used as an escape to one's troubles / as consolation, such as how one drinks to forget their worries.

Wilde also has food be present during tension or conflict, such as on pages 69 and 70 of Act II, where Cecily and Gwendolyn get into a heated argument over their fiances, who are both Ernest. Gwendolyn refuses sugar and cake, as they are "not fashionable any more," and "rarely seen at the best houses nowadays." Despite having asked for tea without sugar and for bread and butter, Cecily still has Merriman serve Gwendolyn tea with sugar and cake. In response to this, the argument escalates further, food exacerbating the situation, or being an instigator.

Food being present in conflicts can be seen in the muffin scene with Jack and Algernon from pages 76 to 78 in Act II. The muffin plate is gradually emptied as the argument goes on, the two snatching the plate from one another, and eating the muffins in an agitated manner as they argue. Food can also be seen as a symbol for greed, or giving into one's tempations. Such as the cucumber sandwiches on pages 8 and 7 of the first act. Although intended to be for the Lady Brackwell, Algernon continues to eat the sandwiches, not even letting Jack have any but instead providing him with Gwendolyn's plate of bread and butter.

Algernon does something similar later on during the muffin scene, on page 76 of Act II, where Algernon begins to devour the muffins and refuses to share with Jack, but instead provides the tea-cake dish to him. Jack even comments on Algernon's greedy mannerisms, such as when he says "Well, that is no reason why should eat them all in that greedy way," to which Algernon disregards his comment, and offers him the tea-cake instead. With that, food could also be used as a means of dissuading or as a distraction to throw of conflict, or as an excuse not to share.
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