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bio: the santiago siblings were born in brooklyn and were raised there until durrani was 7 and tiago 6. they were living in an okay apartment but their father wanted much more for the kids. he received a job offer to work at the american embassy in china for good money so he accepted. he couldn't bear to leave his family in new york where he felt they didn't get what they deserved. he asked his wife to move to his hometown (dillon) and she reluctantly left the city she loved. once she arrived she wasn't received with open arms by her husband's family as a black women with mixed children who did not look like the mixed kids people long to have. tiago was too young to understand however durrani albeit young was wise beyond her years and understood what happened. eventually those who had a problem had to deal with it. the feeling of not belonging though never left durrani. tiago on the other hand grew up there with no qualms in the belonging area.

durrani jeala santiago
ishmael "tiago" tobias santiago
age/grade: 18
fc: zendaya
zion kowonu

school activities/hobbies: debate team, olympic readers, musical theatre
football, singing, and dancing
football position and #(if a player): ;wide receiver 16

personality: she's heIIa based of mj from spiderman homecoming because that character is the loml. she's really sarcastic, has a smart mouth because she's so da()mn smart, she's really loyal, honest, blunt, woke, and a bit of a floater. basically the queen of sarcasm and she's a bit on the outside (not exactly a loner though like everyone just knows of her) of all the drama so she notices things. a bit odd but a really cool girl.

they're personalities are basically mirrors but tiago is cheeky and outgoing and the chill vibe he gives is from smoking lol. he's not as smart as his sister too (his headass doesn't allow him to) so he often feels like she's the better of the two even though no would think that since he gets a lot of attention. he loves his sister to death so he'd 10/10 square up for her but most people don't try it.

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