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* BrainsAndBrawn: It's so prevailing, Chito even muses about their respective roles aloud.
* CallBack: Yuu establishing wind direction with licked finger pops-out by the end of the series.
* CentralTheme: Everything perishes, so enjoy the little things for as long as they last. Friendship is all that matters.
* DarkestHour:
** While penetrating the temple, lights go out. In the darkness, Chi is lost, Yuu has no source of light on herself and she's very deep into a huge, unknown building, unable to navigate in any way in the pitch-black darkness. [[spoiler: Chito is just messing with her and was there the whole time]].
** In the final episode, [[spoiler: Yuuri is swallowed by a huge "cat". Chito must save her, while being scared out of her mind she will be now alone. It's not helping the entire series established firmly Chito is a NonActionGuy and she's also tired and scared]].
* FeelNoPain: Invoked. The girls often talk about concepts of afterlife and heaven, each time coming to the same conclusion - they can't be dead, because they still feel pain, cold and hunger.
* FalseCameraEffects: The digital camera adds low lighting blurr effects, along with grainy image cause by it. There are also few {{Lens Flare}}s here and there.
* InnocenceLost: Subverted, if not even defied. The girls are still innocent kids, despite the world they live in and at least Yuu is completely oblivious to everything bad going around.
* RobotWar: One of the videos stored on the camera shows the final stage of war, with massive walkers burning everything with lasers. It also counts as a ShoutOut to Manga/NausicaaOfTheValleyOfTheWind.
* SaharanShipwreck: On one of the high levels the girls find a submarine. There is no explaination provided at all, but it was most definitely ''in service'', yet somehow got this high at any point in the past.
* SnowMeansDeath: Fittingly for a desolated apocalypse, the weather makes it feel even more empty and lifeless. For the entire story, it ranges from blizzards to being cold enough to justify wearing winter jackets lined with fur. [[spoiler: Assuming the date on the camera is right, it's late August and mid September, making it even worse]].
* TyrantTakesTheHelm: During the war, the society gets progressively more militarised, eventually reaching the point where "the glorious leader" is giving rallying speeches.

* FauxSymbolism: Numerous reviews point out the series is in fact a tongue-in-cheek take on all the stample philosophical musings of the post-apocalypse as a genre. Content that could fill entire run of few different shows is presented in short conversations, tearing down any pretense of deeper meaning when characters speak about "important" subjects. There is a lot of talking about afterlife, meaning of life, meaning of continuing to live AfterTheEnd, humanity being bunch of bastards... but it's all a ''filler'', with all the flaws of different concepts quickly being pointed out.
* InferredHolocaust: Two layers of it
** Humanity managed to almost completely destroy itself, to the point where within the ruins a new civilization could start ''and fall'', making the whole setting a post-post-apo. But for girls this is a state of normalcy, as they never experienced anything else and audience observe the world through their perspective.
** The entire MegaCity is so desolated they meet grand total of ''two'' humans while traversing few levels of it. Said humans probably never meet each other. The complete die-back event is at this point a matter of time, but again, for Chito and Yuuri all that matters is having each other.
* NightmareFuel:
** By episode 12 the "cats" inform girls they are the only known alive humans. This still might mean Kanizawa and Ichii are fine and alive and that's just a case of an UnreliableExpositor, but there is barely anything left of human race anyway.
** Kanizawa was travelling with some woman and was apparently close to her. She's never mentioned by him and he is alone when he meets the girls. [[NothingIsScarier We never learn]] who she was or what happend to her.
** Old news clips and private footage of the war are show. It consists of a different stages of a very brutal RobotWar and bombardments, made even worse by [[MoodWhiplash sandwiching them with peaceful clips]] showing world before the war and apocalypse.
** The world isn't just dying, but ''already died'' and nothing can be done about it.
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