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a best way to explore a new world is to land on it
that's why human sent spacecraft to the moon, venus, mars, and more.
but there are some places we will never understand as well as we'd like
one of them is jupiter. jupiter is made of mostly hydrogen, and helium gas
so try to land on it would be like try to land on a cloud here on earth. there's no outer crust to break your fall on jupiter, just an endless stretch of atmosphere.
the big question then is, could you fall through one end of jupiter and out the other? turns out, you wouldn't even make it a halfway

jupiter atmosphere has no oxygen so make sure you bring plenty with you to breathe.
the next problem is the scorching temperatures, so pack an air conditioner. now you're ready for a journey of epic proportions.
for scale, here's how many earths you could stack from Jupiter's center. (5.5 earths)
as you enter the top of the astmosphere, you're traveling at 110.000 miles per hour under the pull of Jupiter's gravity. but brave yourself?
you'll quickly hit the denser atmosphere below, which will hit you like a wall
it won't be enough to stop you.

after about 3 minutes, you'll reach the cloud tops 155 miles down. here you'll experience the brunt of jupiter's rotation
jupiter is actually the fastest rotating planets in our solar system.
one day lasts about nine and a half earth hours
this create powerful winds that cam whip around the planet at more than 300 miles per hour
about 75 miles below the clouds, you reach the limit of human exploration
Galileo probe made it this far when it dove into jupiter's atmosphere in 1995

it only lasted 58 minutes before losing contact and was eventually destroyed by crushing pressure
down here, the pressure is nearly 100 times what it is on earth's surface and you won't be able to see anything,
so you have to rely on instruments to explore your surroundings

by 430 miles down, the pressure is 1,150 times higher.
you might be able to survive down here if you were in a spacecraft built like the trieste submarine the deepest diving submarine on earth
any deeper and the pressure and the temperature will be too great for the spacecraft to endure
however, let's say that you could find a way to descend even further
you will uncover some of jupiter's grandest misteries

Jupiter's deep atmosphere absorbs radio waves, so you'd be shut off from the outside world, unable to communicate.
once you've reached 2500 miles down, the temperature is 6100 degrees Fahrenheit.
that's hot enough to melt tungsten, the metal with the highest melting point in the universe
at this point, you will have been falling for at least 12 hours and you won't even be halfway through

at 13000 miles down, you'll reach Jupiter innermost layer.
here, the pressure is two million times stronger than the earth's surface and the temperature is hotter than the surface of the sun (11,000 degrees fahrenheit)
these condition are so extreme that they change the chemistry of hydrogen around you
hydrogen molecules are forced so close together that their electrons break loose, forming an unusual substance called metallic hydrogen
metallic hydrogen is highly reflective, so if you tried using lights to see down there, it would be impossible, and it's as dense as a rock
so as you travel deeper, the buoyancy force from the metallic hydrogen counteracts gravity's downward pull
eventually, that buoyancy will shoot you back up until gravity pulls you right back down, sort like a yo-yo.

and when those two forces equal, you'll be left free floating in mid jupiter, unable to move up or down and no way of escape
suffice it to say, trying to land on jupiter is a bad idea
we may never see what's beneath those majestic clouds.
but, we can still study and admire this misterious planet from a far
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