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It was early in the morning, the sun had not yet risen. Stretching Oakkit (alex) awoke from his deep slumber he looked to his sides his litter-mates had not woke yet. Leaning gently to his side he lay over Flamekit (leo). Flame kit had bright brown-red fur. Shuffuling to his other side Oakkit saw Breezekit (james) breathing in a steady beat, so steady a butterfly landed neatly on his nose. The butterfly came in at a swift high speed. In defense Oakkit batted ant Breezekits nose. With a jolt and a loud wince from Brezzekit everyone awoke, the blue butterfly stood place on Brezzekits nose.
"Can anyone get sleep here?" Coalkit whined, Flamekit turned to smirk at him. Letting out a loud grunt coalkit got up and bounded towards a tree stump right outside the nursery. Coalkits dark gray fur bristled as he walking into the cold morning air.
"So why's everyone awake?" A light gray queen with white around her muzzle and dark black srtipes around her back.
"oh sorry Willowleaf," Oakkit said " you see a butterfly landed on Breezekit," Oakkit continued The queen turned to look at her kin
"And?" she asked "Well you see it came in really fast," Oakkit said Flamekit seemed to be gaining intrest.
"It scared me so I hit it and-" Oakkit was cut off by Flamekit.
"He hit Breezekit becuase he has over-sized paws" Flamekit laughed. Breezekit squinted his blue eyes as the sun rose from its slumber. Flamekits eyes brightened as he saw there leader head towards the warriors den, her head raised.
"we're six moons old!" yowled the kit as his amber eyes blazed with excitement. Breezekit twitched his left ear.
" Except Breezekit." added coalkit walking through the entrance. They all had the voice of their leader Fawnstar ripple through their heads as she called "All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather hear beneath the high rock!" the three kits would be at their very first clan meeting. The disky brown she-cat carried on " We have three cats who are each old enough to be an apprentice." she leaped down from the high rock motioning for Oak kit to come up first he followed her directions. " By naming apprentices we show that thunderclan will survive and remain strong. Oakkit, from now on you will be known as Oakpaw Peddletail, you are ready for an apprentice you will be Oakpaw's mentor. The wise leader bow her head on Oakpaw's as a respectful gesture it was tradition for him to like her shoulder. she carried on with the other apprentices. Flamepaw forgot to like her shoulder, his mentor was Whiteclaw a big brown tom with cream white claws. Coalpaw's mentor was Darkdust a mostly blaclk she-cat with sploches of ginger and whit on her fur.
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