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Faith - Individuals who are servants of a deity/have unwavering faith in a deity (auths needed)
Classifying Faith magic is rather hard to do, considering the fact that it is so variable between deities. But, the basics of it entail that those who hold a strong, unwavering faith in their deity can call upon them for support and aid. This is commonly seen with devoted warriors or templars of a certain god, and in rare cases, a warrior may be brought back in times of need to support a Deity’s armies. The magic of faith is the equivalent of the Deity giving their servant a tiny fraction of their power to use, meaning that a faithful warrior of a deity of fire may be able to use their faith to call forth a small fire ball or something along those lines.These powers aren’t just limited to warriors, of course. Infact, it’s more common for a Priest of the Deity to have minor powers from their deity. Overuse can lead to fatigue, of course, though other symptoms are based on the deity.

Holy - Individuals dedicated to the moral ‘good’ of the world. (Auths needed)
In dire times, champions of the mortal plane are picked out by a combined meeting of the deities and given small bits of their power, creating a new champion to defend the plane of existence. These warriors tend to find themselves constantly drifting to where they are needed, and are often incapable of turning themselves away from imposing in situations of corruption and wrongdoing, such as necromancy, murder, rape, etc. Holy magic is only able to be called upon to assist the user against pure evil, or to help undo it, and if the user were to commit an act of evil, s/he would lose their power almost immediately.

Rune - Dwarves Only
Much like Wynn, Runes are the Dwarvish response to magic. Functioning much like enchantments, Dwarven Runes contain a large amount of power, allowing the channeling of spells and effects that one would be hard presseed to find anywhere else. Hammers that hit with the force of a thunderclap, shields that never break, cannons that fire flaming cannonballs - all examples of Dwarven Rune Magic.

Wynn - Cousin of Rune magic, used by most of the magical community.
Wynn is almost identical to Rune magic, save for using a different alphabet of sorts. This is one of the most basic magical skills around, and can be used by just about anyone who’s taught it correctly. Wynn is the art of etching out runes into an object and imbuing a small bit of arcane into them, causing them to ‘activate’. Wizards commonly adorn their foci with Wynn runes to allow them to channel energy better, and it is common knowledge that something engraved with Wynn is magical in one form or another.

Powder - One in every four hundred births - for every race - has a chance to be born with this.
Powder magic is one of the newest ones to the realm of Koribos, having been found around the same time gunpowder was first used en-masse. Powder magic is the manipulation of gunpowder and lead, and those whom are blessed with this magic are able to do a wide variety of things involving the manipulation and consumption of black powder. Unlike most other magics, powder magic always requires a great amount of focus to do, making novices a bit of a danger to themselves in combat - however, as time goes on, they would begin to act like any other magic and operate their abilities with a separate portion of their focus whilst still moving about with the rest of their conscious. Also unlike other magics, Powder mages do not pull as much from their stamina, instead relying on a small amount of stamina and gunpowder on their person. Following a law of equivalent exchange, a powder mage burns gunpowder to power their abilities - the more gunpowder is used, the stronger the ability. The most common use of Powder magic is directing shots from muskets, allowing the user to ‘float’ the bullet and let it travel further and make minute changes to its accuracy, the range depending on their skill level and the amount of black powder they have to burn - this is NOT the same as curving a bullet. Curving a bullet would be small little changes, not full turns around corners. However, Powder mages are also able to do things such as setting off wet powder, burning off gunpowder to boost their strength for a short while, and healing. Powder magic is completely negated by Gold, however that will not stop a guided bullet or a bullet packing extra force - if gold touches a powder mage, their powers are negated immediately.
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