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hey guys today I am going to be playing msp YAY so I'm really excited so yea lets play I'm level 19 btw but I'm trying to be level 20
but its really hard like literally.
this is taking forever -.-
my laptop is sooo slow...and if your wondering why this song is always playing its because
I really love this song like seriously. TYSM FOR THE AUTO xxxx this is taking a really long time,
ughhh....I might buy 1 year vip again I dunno ;/ lets see my messages :)
this girl is saying thanks for spinning the wheel for me for some reason :/ I actually don't like
tayla like seriously I asked her for a gift and she didn't even reply back -.- I hate
her... :( her username is: tayladenn she is so rude trust me guys -.- and I actually gave kate
a vip ticket for my challenge who can reach me to level 19 and she won :D I'm like so happy
that she did :) my gf ruby on msp didn't reply back to me for some reason
I tried buying her vip but it didn't let me buy it for her on her backup :/
I think that's why... I'm kinda sad now ;( and I want to be level 20 so BADDLY LIKE LITERALLY
IM SAD. and guys btw I'm not gonna give tayla an auto she doesn't deserve any :) I want to be levelE
lmao XD. I'm so bored -.- XD. I love starfault she is like the best I cant tell u how much she is so nice to me :)
I'm really happy to have a friend like her and guys comment down bellow if u like my outfit or not :) . IM SO BORED LMAO,XD . PHMMMM
THERES NOTHING TO DO . I just created some space for me to write on . THERES NOTHING TO DO AND SORRY IF IM REPEATING MY WORDS LMAO HEHE . I don't know what to do . I NEED MORE AUTOS LIKE SERIOSLY PLSS SEND ME AUTOS SO I CAN LEVEL UP TO LEVEL 20 . I'm actually really bored like my friends aren't online well some of them are but not all of them . :/ so yeaaaah..... I actually
don't like xmyaaa because she never messaged me even though we are friends I asked her for s gift and a greet but she never replyed back
which I'm really sad about . I need to level myself up I did fameboost I think I'm not sure but I think I did I aint sure .
lemme check . wait I think someone messaged me YAY . lets see who it is :) . hey guys so srry if I was offline because I was afk sorry ... so um
this girl was saying on m s p that I was gonna scam her but I never scam. I hate her like so bad she is so mean man she is so ammature
like seriously. ugh. so basically I might do fameboost I actually don't know I am actually :3 lets do it . okay its loading. I'm excited don't know why .
EEEEEEEK. okay I'm logged on and um I buyed 2 people VIP I think star VIP oh yep it is and I'm really happy that I did lmao XD . who the hell is jasmine .this is taking a really long time like seriously ugh man .
so I am on level 19 and I need to level up to level 20. ok so I basically have famebooster on YAY
and I spinned the wheel of fame for me to level up so yea . I am literally tring to level myself from level 19 to level
20 . sooo yea I have 47 diamonds and 32,883 starcoins sooo yea.

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