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It's been hundreds of years since Erwin stole fire. Zeus has been planning his revenge for that long. About a hundred years after the theft, he finds a group of eight homeless children and has Hera make a deal with them: if they agree to each embody a different evil, she will give them their hearts desires. They live comfortably for a few years until they are turned into the sins and forced into the Box. Before that, they make a new deal out of desperation. They will be released eventually, but once they're free they must never join together again or else they'll be trapped again.

So they exist in limbo for hundreds of years. Zeus never brings up the theft in order to lure Erwin into a false sense of security (the only Titans who still exist are Erwin and Mike, who helped the Olympians in the Titan War). Then Zeus creates Levi from clay and models him after Mikasa (because she was the most beautiful of them all, and Levi was supposed to be a seducer). He also makes Levi insatiably curious, charming, clever, and strong with an extended lifespan (he's tied to Zeus, so Zeus controls his lifespan, not that anyone knows this, because Zeus used a drop of his own blood to create him).

His plan all along was to get Levi to open the Box and release the evils. Once they're free, they scatter, but Eren stays behind and heard Levi's freak out over his husband being gone. He agrees to help, and most of the other sins do, too, because they all grew to like Levi when they were in the Box. They all collectively agree not to tell Levi about their deals because then he'd just be hella conflicted. Mikasa is against breaking their deal, but she eventually does it out of anger at Zeus and Hera.

So Levi travels with a magic map from Hanji and a magic mirror from Armin. He is unknowingly bringing the evils closer to their own downfall and his own demise, because if he doesn't succeed Zeus will kill him (even if he does succeed? Idk yet). He collects the sins in this order:

Eren--> Hope. Eren never leaves the house and is with Levi from the start. His hope comes off more like bullheaded determination.

Sasha--> Gluttony. The mirror leads them to an inn, where they find that she's become like a daughter to the innkeeper so he keeps her as long as she does chores to earn her keep. She agrees instantly because she loves Connie and because she cares about Levi and Erwin. She has to constantly eat, so she usually munches on small things throughout the day; she feels as though she will actually die of hunger if she goes more than a few hours without eating something.

Mikasa--> Wrath. Mikasa finds them when they all stop at the same waystation. She "kidnaps" Eren away from Levi because she doesn't trust him (she thinks he knows about the deals and simply doesn't care about imprisoning them). She eventually agrees to travel with them to find the others. She gets angry really easily and super protective, which means that she can be one extreme mama bear.

Ymir--> Jealousy. Ymir has taken up residence in a large farming community and rules over the bar scene. She's already become like a benevolent mob boss?? But she's worried that somewhere out there, Krista is being accosted, so she agrees to come with them. It takes a bit of convincing because she doesn't want anyone to take her spot as mob boss. She just gets protective of her shit.

Levi buys a cart from the farmers in return for one of his gilded knives.

Krista--> Greed. She's used her beauty to convince people that she's a princess from a far off land. She constantly asked for more shit so when the group finds her she's on the road with some merchants who keep giving her things. She keeps a lot of her stuff when she agrees to go with the group. Greedy as all hell, but is subtle and cute so no one really begrudges her.

The merchants are actually heading towards the same direction that the group is travelling towards, so they travel together for a while until they reach a large city, the capital of a powerful kingdom. The arrow then won't stop spinning unhelpfully, so Levi decides that there must be multiple sins in the city.

Marco--> Lust. They find him in the outskirts, when Levi is actually going to shady people to ask for information. He's hanging outside of a bar and flirting with people as they pass by. Everyone thinks he's a prostitute but he only has sex with people when he's horny (he and Jean have an open relationship). He agrees to go with Levi and won't stop flirting with Mikasa and Eren (he thankfully doesn't flirt with Levi). Flirts a lot, really enjoys sex but can subsist with just the flirting.

Connie--> Sloth. He's found work, ironically. He's been hired to stand on street corners and direct passersby towards a bookshop or smth. He's ecstatic to find Sasha and readily agrees to go with them. He's also unsubtle as all hell and accidentally gives Levi a lot of information (but not enough that he can pinpoint exactly what their history is). Not lazy by choice; he's always super physically tired so that he actually can't move too much or too often. Sasha usually gives him piggyback rides to places.

So the last sin is clearly Jean. They ask the mirror specifically for him and thankfully it gets over its shit and leads them to the castle on the top of the mountain that overlooks the kingdom. It's really heavily guarded and not many people can get in. Luckily, there's a fighting tournament happening in town. The winner of the fighting competition can take three guests to meet the royals and stay as their guests for a week.

Levi, Mikasa, Marco, Krista, and Eren all join the competition. Sasha, Ymir, and Connie are spectators. There are 64 total applicants who actually meet the age and physical ability requirements. The five do really well for a while.

Marco relies more on brute strength and size to win and less on technique. He's the first to be defeated out of the five. Krista relies on agility, speed, and outlasting her opponents (tiring them out and then delivering a killing blow); she is beaten by someone who has the same technique. Eren is beat out next. Mikasa and Levi are both too proud and good to lose, so eventually they're the top two and they face off against each other.

The fight lasts so long that eventually the officials have to call it off. There's an elimination round where they have to fight on a small raised platform. The first one to get pushed off is the loser. The fight is a lot shorter this time; Levi wins but Mikasa doesn't begrudge him for it since they're actually pretty evenly matched.

So after the fight Levi checks the mirror again to make sure that Jean is definitely in the castle (he be). So Levi takes Mikasa, Marco, and Ymir with him (he feels a little weird about leaving Eren behind for once but he gets over it quick).

So it turns out that the king and queen are pretty chill and are down with slavery, too?? That's where Jean comes in. He's kind of an incompetent slut so he was kidnapped by slavers really early on and has been travelling with a slave caravan ever since. Except he's kind of really pretty so they treat him okay? Like make sure he's clean n shit, n get a really good price for him from the king and queen.

That first night there's a banquet with the royals as a celebration and Jean is there as the princess' personal servant and the others are like?? really shook?? But they roll with it. Slaves are treated pretty well so Jean's not getting like abused or anything, but he's really proud of being such a highly prized slave?? He's really glad to see Marco and the others, but he's also worried about the curse and he absolutely refuses to go along with them.

Eventually Mikasa like, manipulates him by appealing to his Pride (he's a slave for gods sake that's demeaning as hell) and also his competitiveness by saying that Eren's not such a pussy as to worry about that. So Levi asks the king and queen what they want in return for Jean and they say that they'll give him up if Levi can get three strands of hair from the ruler of the underworld to use to make a bowstring.

Levi is friends with Hanji so he gets the hairs really easily and then he has all the sins and goes on his way. They agree to leave the next day. That night, he goes to Jean and asks about the sins' curse and pasts, and Jean, because he didn't yet get the memo, tells Levi about both curses (and then has a threesome with Marco and the princess). Levi is really conflicted now. He goes out into the garden and calls for Hera until she appears in the form of a pregnant servant woman.

She tells him that until the sins are all gathered together, Erwin will not be released. Levi tries to get her to rescind her deal with the sins but she refuses, and that's when he realizes that she's in on Zeus' revenge plan. So he's really fucking lost and finds himself wishing for Eren's hopeful determination to get him through this. The sins want to leave early; they have everyone so they see no reason to hang around, but Levi is extremely reluctant.

They figure out that he knows about the deal and they're sad but they tell him that they knew all along this would happen. So he really has no choice but to do it. They're somber as they travel back to the inn where all the competitors were staying. the other sins are there and they quickly figure out what's going on. Levi keeps them as separate as he can while he says his goodbyes and then he finally lets them gather.

Hera and Zeus appear in a flash of lightning and look really terrifying. they say that the eight have broken their deal and trap them again. When all is said and done, Levi is left with a Box that's heavier than it used to be and a hideous key on a string. He puts the string on and turns to Hera and Zeus and says that he's completed his deal. He finds himself on the top of Mount Olympus, the place where he dreamed about.

He sees Erwin chained to a rock and runs to him. Erwin is delirious n shit but he's coherent enough to beg Levi to leave him here and run away. Hera's eagle returns and attacks Levi and almost kills him, but he fights it off with his one knife and kills it instead. He then frees Erwin and gets him as far down the mountain as he can. They spend the night there so Erwin can recover and Levi watches his husband's face and feels remorse for what he did to the sins.

Once Erwin is mostly recovered, traveling is a lot easier. He fins Isabel and Farlan waiting for him at the bottom and they ride home, which takes them about a month because they stop often. Along the way, Levi tells Erwin abotu the sins and they resolve to find a way to free them permanently. They brainstorm as they travel. Eventually Levi calls to Hera again. She never shows up but he dreams of her that night and asks her if there's anything in the world that she wants.

She says that she'll nullify her second deal with the sins if, in return, Levi will hunt down one of Zeus' bastard children who's terrorizing people by vandalizing temples, becoming a thief and a murderer, and raping a shit ton of women. Levi must also agree to become the sin of Curiosity. If they should fail to at least find him in a year, Levi and the other sins will return to the Box, this time for eternity.

Levi agrees. When he wakes up, he tells Erwin of the dream and Erwin agrees to help him. They release the sins and it's all great and shit. Levi gives Eren his key back and the ten of them set out to find this dude using Hanji's map and Armin's mirror.
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