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[C]「Full Name」
[IC] ⚘ Lynn Ryu

[C]「Name Meaning」
[IC] ⚘ Lynn means waterfall, which he believes is hinting to how clear and beautiful he is, and Ryu means dragon.

[IC] ⚘ Li - N R - you

[IC] ⚘ Sir

[C]「Nickname Reason」
[IC] ⚘ Most of the employees at the famous entertainment named RFA, which stands for Rika's Funding Association, call him simply 'Sir' because he feels like they don't deserve to call such a perfect human being informally by his name, only his friends and family can do that.

[IC] ⚘ June 7th

[IC] ⚘ Pearl, Alexandrite, and Moonstone

[C]「Birth Flower」
[IC] ⚘ Rose and Honeysuckle

[C]「Physical Age」
[IC] ⚘ 21

[IC] ⚘ Gemini

[C]「Biological Sex」
[IC] ⚘ Male

[IC] ⚘ Pansexual

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[IC] ⚘ Human

[C]「Blood Type」
[IC] ⚘ B

[IC] ⚘ 5'9 - 175cm

[IC] ⚘ 143lbs - 65kg

[C]「Hair Length」
[IC] ⚘ He normally has his hair back in a ponytail, and it goes down to about the small of his back, but it gets about an inch longer than that when he lets it out of the hairband that keeps his hair out of his face.

[C]「Hair Color」
[IC] ⚘ Silver white

[C]「Hair Texture」
[IC] ⚘ Soft isn't even a word to describe just how amazing the texture of Lynns hair is, he takes such good care of his body, which is probably why its almost like he's famous in the company that he's a higher up in.

[C]「Body Build」
[IC] ⚘ Mesomorph

[C]「Eye Color」
[IC] ⚘ Pinkish red

[IC] ⚘ Sometimes he'll put in an earring in the one earlobe piercing he got on his right ear, but aside from that he just leaves accessories alone, he's beautiful enough.

[C]「Voice Description」
[IC] ⚘ His voice is decently deep, and it has a very smooth tone to it, which just makes people want to talk to him more. Sometimes it can get annoying when hes trying to work, but aside from that, he loves the attention.

[C]「Voice Claim」
[IC] ⚘ Zen - Mystic Messenger
[IC] ⚘

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[C] 「Personality Description」
[IC] ⚘ Lynn is a VERY narcissistic person, he will always think he is perfection and god made a mistake making him in a world without perfection. Adding to that, he is quite flirtatious, since he thinks that he can gain anyone's heart, which he often does. He really wants a girl/boyfriend, even though his father said because he's a higher up that he really shouldn't because it could cause bad things to be said about his company. When he actually does have a lover though, he's the sweetest, most caring being on the planet, and will love and spoil them to no end.
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[C]「Positive Traits」
[IC] ⚘ Loyal
[IC] ⚘ Kind
[IC] ⚘ Romantic

[C]「Negative Traits」
[IC] ⚘ Flirty
[IC] ⚘ Narcassistic
[IC] ⚘ Lustful

[IC] ⚘ Cute girls/guys
[IC] ⚘ Partying
[IC] ⚘ Working out

[IC] ⚘ Cats
[IC] ⚘ Being sweaty
[IC] ⚘ His father

[C]「Pet Peeves」
[IC] ⚘ Fakers

[C]「Soft Spots」
[IC] ⚘ Seeing people sad. If he ever sees someone crying, his first instinct is to go over to them and make them happy again, he absolutely hates it when other cry for attention though and not because they're actually sad about something. He does have a few other soft spots, like dogs and cute guys or girls, but they aren't main ones.

[IC] ⚘ Loosing his mother/loved one, if he ever gets one
[IC] ⚘ Getting kicked out of the company

[IC] ⚘ N/A

[C]「Usual Mood」
[IC] ⚘ Flirty

[C]「Rarest Mood」
[IC] ⚘ Calm

[C]「How do they behave when happy?」
[IC] ⚘ Lynn is in a happy mood whenever he isn't at work, as much as he likes getting a lot of money so he can live the way he wants in comfort and can spoil his lover whenever he gets one, work just makes him annoyed and more often stressed, even if he doesn't show it to anyone. So when he's happy, he's all smiles and is much more energetic than normal, and anyone with him will very likely get flirted with.

[C]「How do they behave when sad?」
[IC] ⚘ Since he's a little more emotional than most people, he will end up having teas in his eyes no matter where he is depending on what was making him upset, and often he'll just try to play everything off like he was okay and pretend that he was just like normal.

[C]「How do they behave when angry?」
[IC] ⚘ He doesn't get mad very often, but when he does, he often tries to walk away from the situation and lock himself somewhere so he can cool himself down. Unless of course its his father, then he wont hesitate to yell and argue with him, that is, until his job gets threatened.

[C]「How do they behave when afraid?」
[IC] ⚘ Being afraid isn't something that happens very often, since Lynn doesn't really have many fears, but if he were to get afraid, he'd probably just run away like the scaredy cat he is.

[C]「How do they behave when in love?」
[IC] ⚘ He just gets a lot more flirty with that person than he already is, as well as when they're alone or h's away from his father, he gets pretty touchy. Sometimes though, that isn't the best thing, since more often than usual it'll just push that person away, so he's trying to control that with specifically the people he happens to fall in love with.

[C]「Worst Memory」
[IC] ⚘ When his parents got into a car accident that caused them both to change. His mother lost memory of his father, and almost forgot that he was her son, but after long hours of talking and talking with her, she luckily managed to remember him before it was too late. She is still at risk of loosing all memory one day, which is scary, but he texts her everyday to make sure she won't forget him. His father on the other hand, just had a bit of brain damage that made him turn from a happy and caring father to a rude, stern man that he just doesn't know anymore.

[C]「Best Memory」
[IC] ⚘ When he was in high school and got his first, and currently last, girlfriend. He felt like he was on cloud 9 the whole year and a half they dated, but she eventually broke up with him because he was being too flirty with other people.

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[C]「Family Wealth」
[IC] ⚘ His family isn't exactly rich, but they're pretty close. He was used to having a bit of a spoiled life, but he definitely didn't act like a spoiled rich boy, he just acted like a narcissist.

[C]「Family Reputation」
[IC] ⚘ Because of himself, his family has a pretty good reputation, aside from his father being an asshole to almost everyone he meets.

[IC] ⚘ Name: Lilly Ryu
[IC] ⚘ Age: 43
[IC] ⚘ Status: Alive
[IC] ⚘ Relationship: The amount of love he has for his mother is honestly more than anyone else he'll ever be with. He can't deny that he's a mothers boy, even before the accident, he always listened to her and now, he tries his best to take care of her.

[IC] ⚘ Name: Jace Ryu
[IC] ⚘ Age: 45
[IC] ⚘ Status: Alive
[IC] ⚘ Relationship: He used to have a close, strong relationship with his father, but after his personality change, he's quickly come to hate that man. He refuses to even call him a father anymore, he just calls him 'sir' at work or by his real name.

[C]「Best Friend」
[IC] ⚘ Name: Saeyoung Choi
[IC] ⚘ Age: 22
[IC] ⚘ Status: Alive
[IC] ⚘ Relationship: Saeyoung works at a computer and tech company that is actually connected to where he works, but they've been best friends ever since elementary, and he doubts that they could ever be pulled apart. He way be a little weird to some people, but he's gotten used to him and his weird ways.

[IC] ⚘ Name: Marie Chuu
[IC] ⚘ Age: 19
[IC] ⚘ Status: Alive
[IC] ⚘ Relationship: He often just calls her by her nickname MC, and they met when she entered the company as the secretary, and he always finds spare time to hang out with her as friends. Even though he does have a secretary of his own, she always flirts with him and hardly does anything he asks her to, so she is often the one who ends up bringing him coffee or certain documents.


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[C]「Peaceful / Hostile」
[IC] ⚘ Peaceful

[C]「Territorial / Non-territorial」
[IC] ⚘ Non-Territorial

[C]「Angry / Calm」
[IC] ⚘ Calm

[C]「Arrogant / Kind」
[IC] ⚘ Both

[C]「Innocent / Dirty Minded」
[IC] ⚘ Dirty Minded

[C]「Optimist / Pessimist」
[IC] ⚘ Optimist

[C]「Leader / Follower」
[IC] ⚘ Leader

[C]「Modest / Boastful」
[IC] ⚘ Boastful

[C]「Honest / Liar」
[IC] ⚘ Honest

[C]「Exaggerated / Moderated」
[IC] ⚘ Exaggerated

[C]「Stable / Unstable」
[IC] ⚘ Stable

[C]「Logical / Emotional」
[IC] ⚘ Both

[C]「Realist / Idealist」
[IC] ⚘ Idealist

[C]「Daredevil / Cautious」
[IC] ⚘ Both

[C]「Merciless / Merciful」
[IC] ⚘ Merciful

[C]「Aware / Naive」
[IC] ⚘ Both


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[IC] ⚘ Lynn had a childhood that any kid would want, he got spoiled a lot and got mostly everything he wanted when he wanted, but as he grew up, he did stop being like that and always tried to give back to his parents. That is, until he was fifteen, when the two of them got in a car accident as they were about to meet up with a company to talk about whatever, he didn't quite know that part. When he learned about what happened and how they both would likely loose their memory, he almost lost it, but he kept himself together just so he could try and make them remember everything. His father was a lost cause from the start, but he helped his mother through most of her memories, ad he continues to help her. He currently lives in a one story home, seeing as he uses hi money fro more useful things then some huge mansion, even if he believes that's where he really belongs.

[C]「Fun Facts」
[IC] ⚘ He has a really bad allergy to cats, even if he sees a picture of one, his nose gets all itchy.
[IC] ⚘ Even though hes very narcissistic about himself, he secretly thinks people only like him for his looks and nothing else, which he absolutely hates.
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