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Firstly I say this to help you, not beleauger you, or "Take charge" these are but simply my written down opinions on what needs to change about both you and the server.

1: Stop constantly getting power hungry over stuff.
Everytime I attempt to do something, as a Co-owner mind you, you always seem to be heavily angered by it. Whether I do a bit of shelling to spawn in headcrabs, or do a server vote with the playerbase, you seem to always get angery with me for these simple things that either add, or help the server, rather than "destroying rp" and the such....

2: Getting triggered over every suggestion, crituiqe, ecetera...
This seems to be very present in you, I will give example...
I asked if you wanted to perhaps consider something that a multitude of players have complained of, constant un-meaningful pks.
Here was your response to my suggestion to listen to them (The players who make the biggest part in the server)
черномазый: no fucking mercy
черномазый: and here you are disagreeing
черномазый: most likely you are
черномазый: "uh well i mean"
This is disrespecting me as for all I did was suggest something, and even if I disagree, you should be triggered by this.
черномазый: stop trying to change it
черномазый: what i say goes
черномазый: dude
черномазый: it should be pk
"What I say goes" is possibly the worst thing to do as somebody who got a job like managing something. Imagine if 7/10 of apple users said "Stop making delf destruct mode man" Then apple goes and agrees with that, and changes it, for the better of their players/consumers
черномазый: actually im done
черномазый: im demoting you
Demoting your suggesting something, and wanting to take a day off since the job he is VOLUNTARILY doing to see a server bloody suceed, with the same motives as you, is not fun.

Remember that a chain of command doesn't mean be hitler, it means be keeping your admins and staff in check. I will admit the headcrab thing could of been asked, and a few other things, but even then, which will be my next note, you aren't CONSTRUCTIVLEY CRITICIZING ME.

Constructive critisizm
If you can do this, you will teach. If your teaching consist of getting pissed at your admin/person in the wrong, rather than trying to peacefully solve it, along with telling him peacefully and formally what he did wrong. I believe I made these multiple mistakes DUE to your lack of constructive critisizm towards me...

Pking chars CONSTANTLY
I will finally just go on one players complain about a lot, constant pks. I suggested this to test it mostly, and it sucked man. Good on paper, bad on practice. Basically, any pk must be meaningful IMO, mainly because it isn't just sad or angering to die after stepping into an OTA by chance, it is to the point where you don't have FUN anymore, and players just don't fucking have fun, and neither do I bro.

I hope you are able to recieve this critisizm, and perhaps reply

-Kenkade Strong

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Regards; Team

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