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[C]「Full Name」
[IC] ⚘ Yuma Felicity

[C]「Name Meaning」
[IC] ⚘ Yuma means chiefs son, and Felicity means good luck

[IC] ⚘ Yoo - Ma Fe - li - city

[IC] ⚘ Dumpster

[C]「Nickname Reason」
[IC] ⚘ Simply because a bully decided to throw something precious to him in a dumpster and he had to get it, so they took pictures and proceeded to post them around the school. He hates everything to do with that hell, but he goes because he wants to get a really good job and help his family before its too late.

[IC] ⚘ September 23rd

[IC] ⚘ Sapphire

[C]「Birth Flower」
[IC] ⚘ Aster and Morning Glory

[C]「Physical Age」
[IC] ⚘ 19

[IC] ⚘ Libra

[C]「Biological Sex」
[IC] ⚘ Male

[IC] ⚘ Gay

[C]Picture here

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[IC] ⚘ Human

[C]「Blood Type」
[IC] ⚘ O

[IC] ⚘ 6'3 - 190cm

[IC] ⚘ 178lbs - 81kg

[C]「Hair Length」
[IC] ⚘ Just barely above his neck, his hair is messy most of the time and not cut professionally though.

[C]「Hair Color」
[IC] ⚘ Midnight black

[C]「Hair Texture」
[IC] ⚘ It isn't quite soft, but it isn't tough either, just in the middle of the two textures. He's been trying to help himself get healthier, but he doesn't have the money.

[C]「Body Build」
[IC] ⚘ Ectomorph

[C]「Eye Color」
[IC] ⚘ Chestnut brown

[IC] ⚘ N/A

[C]「Voice Description」
[IC] ⚘ It has a deepish tone to it, but its mostly just very smooth, and honestly its pretty comforting to listen to so long as he isn't mad.

[C]「Voice Claim」
[IC] ⚘ Kageyama Tobio from Haikyuu

[C]Picture here

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[C] 「Personality Description」
[IC] ⚘

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[C]「Positive Traits」
[IC] ⚘
[IC] ⚘ Secretly soft
[IC] ⚘

[C]「Negative Traits」
[IC] ⚘ Cold
[IC] ⚘ Ignorant
[IC] ⚘ Tsundere

[IC] ⚘ Music
[IC] ⚘ Being alone
[IC] ⚘ His baby sister

[IC] ⚘ The world
[IC] ⚘ School
[IC] ⚘ Meat

[C]「Pet Peeves」
[IC] ⚘ Stereotypes
[IC] ⚘ People who spend money carelessly

[C]「Soft Spots」
[IC] ⚘ Babies. He used to think that they were just annoying money hogs, but after the home birth of his baby sister, he just couldn't hate such adorable little humans. She is the number one reason he's working so hard to bring them up from their poor state.

[IC] ⚘ Loosing everything
[IC] ⚘ Love

[IC] ⚘ Anthropophobia

[C]「Usual Mood」
[IC] ⚘ Annoyed

[C]「Rarest Mood」
[IC] ⚘ Happy

[C]「How do they behave when happy?」
[IC] ⚘ Yuma is normally only happy with his little sister, and when he's holding her or watching her play with the few toys he managed to get for her, he has this loving smile on his face, and he seems a lot more brighter than usual. He doesn't know if that'll happen the same way if his life ever turns around though, which he doubts it will.

[C]「How do they behave when sad?」
[IC] ⚘ Its pretty hard to really see any vulnerable emotions in him, so when he's sad, it just looks like he's his normal annoyed self. Once he gets back hoe though, he's cried himself to sleep more time than he can remember. He hates his life, and often just wishes he could re-do everything.

[C]「How do they behave when angry?」
[IC] ⚘ When he gets mad, he often tries to fight back, but because he doesn't have much muscle and isn't exactly the strongest person around, he always end up loosing and gets beaten up pretty badly. But when he doesn't fight back, that anger keeps rising and rising until it eventually comes out, which starts a fight anyways.

[C]「How do they behave when afraid?」
[IC] ⚘ He's almost never afraid. During fights, he just keeps going even if he can't do anything, the only moment he ever got really scared was when his mother was pregnant, he always worried about her getting hurt or something.

[C]「How do they behave when in love?」
[IC] ⚘ He's never been in love, and he doesn't think he ever will be. Even if he does, theres a big chance that he won't change since he likes guys, as well as everyone seems to hate him.

[C]「Worst Memory」
[IC] ⚘ Nearly his entire life is a bad memory.

[C]「Best Memory」
[IC] ⚘ When his sister Amaya was born, he didn't want to help, but he did anyways because he didn't want his mother to get hurt. He couldn't stop himself from thinking that she was cute while his mother held her, but once he actually gave in and held her, he felt like everything just suddenly could get better. As weird as it might seem, she was his light, and she had started to guide him onto the path of success. When he was alone with her, that was the only time he actually smiled and felt happy.

[C]Picture here

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[C]「Family Wealth」
[IC] ⚘ Yuma's family finds that money is very rare, they really aren't doing too well in that sense, the only reason they're actually able to keep their small apartment is because of their son working two part time jobs, and he's even looking for a third so he can help his family.

[C]「Family Reputation」
[IC] ⚘ They're known as the scavengers. At least his parents are, at school he's known as the 'dumpster'. Not only does he hate the people at school, he just hates people in general. Everyone are complete dicks.

[IC] ⚘ Name:
[IC] ⚘ Age: 39
[IC] ⚘ Status: Alive
[IC] ⚘ Relationship: He always helps his mother out with taking care of Amaya or making dinner, even if their dinner isn't very interesting. He often can't help for long though because of his jobs that take up almost his entire day, plus school.

[IC] ⚘ Name:
[IC] ⚘ Age: 41
[IC] ⚘ Status: Alive
[IC] ⚘ Relationship: His father had always been trying to make his son into a good person, and even though he's kind of quiet, hes proud of him for what he's doing.

[IC] ⚘ Name: Amaya
[IC] ⚘ Age: 7 months
[IC] ⚘ Status: Alive
[IC] ⚘ Relationship: Yuma absolutely loves his sister, he feels kinda bad saying it, but he's starting to think he loves her more than his parents. He'd never say that aloud, but his parents can see that he has a lot of love for her, so they're happy with whatever love they get from their son.

[IC] ⚘ Name: 99% of people at school
[IC] ⚘ Age: 15-19
[IC] ⚘ Status: Alive
[IC] ⚘ Relationship: Simple. He hates all of them, and they all hate him.


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[C]「Peaceful / Hostile」
[IC] ⚘ Both

[C]「Territorial / Non-territorial」
[IC] ⚘ Non-Territorial

[C]「Angry / Calm」
[IC] ⚘ Both

[C]「Arrogant / Kind」
[IC] ⚘ Kind

[C]「Innocent / Dirty Minded」
[IC] ⚘ Both, though mostly innocent

[C]「Optimist / Pessimist」
[IC] ⚘ Pessimist

[C]「Leader / Follower」
[IC] ⚘ Leader

[C]「Modest / Boastful」
[IC] ⚘ Modest

[C]「Honest / Liar」
[IC] ⚘ Honest

[C]「Exaggerated / Moderated」
[IC] ⚘ Moderated

[C]「Stable / Unstable」
[IC] ⚘ Stable

[C]「Logical / Emotional」
[IC] ⚘ Logical

[C]「Realist / Idealist」
[IC] ⚘ Realist

[C]「Daredevil / Cautious」
[IC] ⚘ Cautious

[C]「Merciless / Merciful」
[IC] ⚘ Merciful

[C]「Aware / Naive」
[IC] ⚘ Aware


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[C]「Fun Facts」
[IC] ⚘
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