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You were laying in bed taking a nap to try to forget about everything for a little while. You had been so stressed out lately and it was getting out of hand. Every little thing seemed like a huge weight on your shoulders and you felt as if you didn’t sleep right then, you were going to crack.

"(Y/N)" you heard Louis whisper in your ear "Wake up for a second" he said and you squeezed your eyes shut "Not now". You rolled over trying to ignore him but he was stubborn and persistent, as always. "Come on" he begged "I have a surprise" he added and you sighed.

You rolled your head over and opened your eyes “What is it Louis i’m tired” you said “I know and I have something that should help” he said and you rolled the rest of your body over to face him competently. ”Come with me” he said getting off the bed and extending his hand out for you to take.

You exhaled as you took his hand and he helped you out of bed. “This better be good” you said taking your free hand to rub your tired eyes. Louis let go of your hand and when you brought your hands down your sides and eyes finally focused you found yourself in your master bathroom.

It was lit with candles and the bathtub was filled with bubbles and steam rolled off the top, you could smell the relaxing lavender that filled the air. “Louis” you said looking over and him to find a Cheshire cat smile on his face. “I thought this might help you” he said taking a step behind you and reaching around to the front of your shorts.

"Help me?" you questioned as you felt his hands start to push your shorts down. "Maybe the both of us" he said pressing a gentle kiss on your neck as your shorts hit the floor. "No panties?" he asked and you feel his smirk on your skin. "I thought I was going to sleep" you said biting down on your lower lip as Louis grazed his finger tips along your lower stomach.

You pressed your thighs together trying to contain the throbbing between them. “I love the feeling of your soft skin” he whispered in your ear moving his hands to the hem of your shirt and slowly pulling it. “I love the feeling of your hands” you said making him chucked as he continued to pull at your shirt till your breast were free.

"I’ve been horny all day" he admitted taking your nipple in between his fingers. "And you’ve been so busy" he continued and he rolled and pulled them in his fingertips making you hum. "I love the sounds you make" he said burring his face in the crook of your neck and he kept toying with your nipples.

You could feel yourself grow more aroused and you couldn’t help put move your hand down to your heat. You started to rub your clit in slow circles making Louis moan. “Shit babe you can do that later, get in” he instructed moving his head and finally stripping you of your shirt completely.

Once the shirt was gone you walked over to the bath, swaying your hips more than usual. You turned around to see Louis pulling his own shirt over his head and you blushed looking at his toned body. Louis took noticed and laughed “Get it” he said pointing at the bath and you nodded.

You dipped your toes into the warm water and you let out a sigh of relief. You quickly slipped into the bath and let the hot water relax every tense muscle in your body. You could feel every problem that you had this morning just melt away into the water.

You had almost forgot Louis was even there until you felt the water splash around and his hot skin pressed to yours. You turned to face him and found he was so close your lips brushed together. “Feel good?” he asked and you nodded before your lips collided.

The kissed was warm and inviting, and you need more. You placed your hand on Louis hard chest and slowly down into the water. You could feel his stomach clenching as you let your hand graze his tip. Louis pulled away and looked you in the eyes “Such a tease” he muttered making you smile.

You felt him grab your knee and forced your legs apart. “I wouldn’t do that to you” he added before he dipped his hand into the water and rubbed fast hard circles onto your clit. You arched your back moaning loudly and grabbing the edge of the bath. He lend forward and pressed a kiss below your ear as you thrust your hips forward into his hand.

"Such a tight little pussy" he said knowing you loved dirty talk as he pushed two fingers into you casing you scream. "Louis" you whined staring slowly rise out of the water as you felt a burn rising in the pit of your stomach. "Don’t run away from it" Louis said going faster making you cry out in pure ecstasy.

"Cum on my fingers babe" he said in hushed tone "Come on your so close, cum for me" he said using his other hand to squeeze your nipple. You mouth went agape and you felt warmth run throughout your body. "Shit" you forced out as Louis let you ride out your high "That’s it" he mumbled against your sensitive skin.

Your heart was still pounding as you lazily opened your eyes and smiled at Louis. “You look so pretty when you cum” he said pressing his lips gently to yours. He let his tongue wonder into your mouth and you gladly let him explore. After a while he pulled away and practically picked up and made you straddle his lap.

You felt his tip at your entrance making you whine. “It’s gonna feel good, alright” he said and you nodded placing your hands on his shoulders. He placed his hands on your hips and started to push you down. “Fuck” you moaned as he moved past your highly delicate walls till there was no more of him left.

"Shit" Louis said rolling his head back to rest on the edge of the bath. You slid up a little and come back down forcing the now lukewarm water to almost spill over. "I love the way your tight little pussy feels around my cock" he said forcing you up and making you whimper. He thrust upward making you moan his name along with a string of curses.

He kept going faster and faster while grunting and moaning. Water was being splashed out of the tub and onto the floor, but at this point you couldn’t have cared less. His hands came around to caress you ass and you moved your hands from his shoulders to the side of the bath.

"I’M CLOSE" you almost shouted at Louis as he went faster trying to get you there. "Fuck" he continued to curse repeatedly and quickly as you felt him twitch inside you. Then you felt one of his hands come down into the water and rub your clit swiftly. "I want that pretty little pussy come all over me" he said slapping your clit and sending you over the edge.

You let out a loud yelp and gripped the bath as you came undone around him. You felt him shoot inside you as he stopped all movement. You both stayed fixed in place as you slowly came down from your highs. You let your body collapse onto Louis as you tried to catch your breath.

"Waters cold" he said in short huffs "Time to get out?" you asked. He pressed a kiss to your neck again before slipping out of you making you wince due to the sensitivity. "Yea I think we both need a nap now" he joked sluggishly getting out of the bath and grabbing some towels that were sat on the sink.
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