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What is logging?
Storing information into a text file for later use.

Do you only log exceptions?
No, you will typically also log user activity and maybe even log parameters that methods receive.

When should you log information?
When accessing stuff outside of your program. Text files, APIs, Databases etc.

How does well executed logging help the developer?
When code fails it is sometimes really hard to figure out the order in which steps occurred and the information those steps might have (or might not have) received.
Allows you to provide more context to a situation if your code fails.
Meaning, if you don't log it-it will be gone forever, so store it somewhere.

What class do you use to write a log?
Typically, if you are using .NET, you will use either the StreamWriter class or the FileStream class.

What basic information does a typical log file contain?
Time the message was logged
Which class threw the exception
The method in the class that threw the exception
The message the user wants to store
(optional: Not all logs are based off of exceptions) A stack trace to show the order in which the methods were called.

What if I throw an exception while logging an exception?
If this occurs you are probably running into folder/file access issues. I would attempt to log the exception again, using recursion, but provide a variable that limits the call count. (If you do not put in a limiter you will throw a stackoverflow exception.)
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Regards; Team

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