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Hello eWorld!
You all can see that our community getting boring, many of us went to [i]2 click mode[/i], game is going to die, if [b]we[/b] didnt do something, Yes [b]we all must work for our game to make it more attractive for old and new players.[/b]
For me it will happened if we make eWorld more like real World, and here are some suggestions for it.
I have 2 main suggestions witch are balancing with each user and one more suggest for battlefield to make it more attractive.

I apologies for my Genglish, hope you will understood the main :)
[center][img][/img][/center][center][b]#1 Taxation of Occupied Regions[/b][/center]In order to make successful military campaigns more rewarding, I suggest to introduced the [i]Taxation of Occupied Regions[/i]. In addition to the familiar production bonuses, Countries can gain additional tax income from the regions they have conquered. The amount of currency collected through taxes must be updated in real time both in the country treasury and in the Tax Revenue chart as all other taxes.
The taxes of country under partial or total occupation are divided between the occupying countries and the country that is occupied. The taxes are affected by the number of regions each country holds.

The taxes included in the calculations are:
- Import tax
- VAT (Value Added Tax)
- Work tax

As Admins announced, soon all countries will have from 2 to 10 core regions so i suggest the [u]Formula for this Taxation[/u]:

[center][b][size=100]PCI = TC × (CR/OR × 80% + BI )[/size][/b][/center]Were:
• PCI: Partial Country Income
• TCI: Total Country Income
• TC: Tax Collected
• BI: Base Income (20% for the country collecting the tax)
• OR: The number of original regions of the country
• CR: The number of original regions currently under control

Even [u]if a country is completely occupied, it will still get 20% of its income[/u] (known as the base income).

[b]For example[/b],
Georgia has 10 core regions ([b]OR Geo=10[/b])
2 of them are under occupation of Turkey ([b]CR Tur = 2[/b])
and 1 is under occupation of Iran([b]CR Irn = 1[/b])
So Georgia have 7 original regions currently under control ([b]CR Geo = 7[/b])

Now if Georgia collects 1000 currency in taxes from its citizens: 
OR = 10
TC = 1000
BI = 20%
CR (Georgia) = 7
CR (Turkey) = 2
CR (Iran) = 1
PCI (Georgia) = 760 currency [ [b]1000 * ( 7 / 10 * 0.8 + 0.2) ][img][/img][/b]
PCI (Turkey) = 160 currency
PCI (Iran) = 80 currency

The total income of a country (TCI) is the sum of PCI’s calculated for the original and non-original regions the country possesses.

[b]For example[/b], Turkey controls a part of its original regions, but has also occupied regions from Georgia and Greece. Turkey’s TCI will be:
[b]TCI = PCI(Turkey) + PCI (Georgia) + PCI (Greece)[/b]

This is a stark contrast to our real-time when occupied countries can get the entirety of their tax income, which after attaining Congress could be used in fighting off occupiers.

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