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•Plot 1

Once upon a time, in West Java, there lived a wise king who had a beautiful daughter.  Her name was Dayang Sumbi.  She liked weaving very much.  One day, she was weaving a cloth. Suddenly, one of her tool fell to the ground.  She was very tired at the time so she was too lazy to take it. Then she just shouted outloud.

DS: “Anybody there? Bring me my tool.  I will give you special present. If you are female, I will consider you as my sister.  If you are male, I will marry you”

After that announce, suddenly a male dog named Tumang came. He brought her falling tool. 

T: "Is this really the tool you are looking for?"
DS: "A-a-ah Yes"

Dayang Sumbi was very surprised. She regretted her words but she could not deny it. So she had to marry Tumang and leave her father. Then they lived in a small village.

•Plot 2
Several years later they had a son. His name was Sangkuriang. He was a handsome and healthy boy. Sangkuriang liked hunting very much. He often went hunting to the wood using his arrow. When he went hunting Tumang always with him. But, Dayang Sumbi still worried about Sangkuriang who rarely came home.

DS: " I will not be able to calm down until I see his face and the Tumang."

Until Dayang Sumbi hear sound of footsteps. Mamang ardelepa, the old man who continues to excite even though his age is not young anymore.

DS: "Mamang I want to see my son, Sangkuriang, happy like mamang"
MA: "Sangkuriang can't be like me if he always curious about one secret"
DS: "Secret? What secret?
MA:" A week ago Sangkuriang asked mamang 'Where his father?'. But mamang didn't know and after that sangkuriang hostile and didn't want to talk again with mamang.
DS: "Really? My son do that?

After Hearing a statement from Mamang Ardelepa, Dayang Sumbi became more sad.

DS: "Sangkuriang must be wandering because of that"

•Plot 3

In the morning Sangkuriang comes home with Tumang and approaches Dayang Sumbi who is sewing.

S: "Mother, I'm home"
DS: "Sangkuriang! Where have you been? Why are you rarely going home late?
S: "I'm tired of all the lies in this world. And how long will Mom keep the truth about my father?
DS: "About that-"
S: "Look! You can't answer it?
DS: "Sangkuriang, did you just yell at me right now? Your mother?"
S:" Never mind, I'm tired. Tumang let's go DS: "SANGKURIANG! SANGKURIANG!"

•Plot 4

Sangkuriang went to the forest with Tumang.

S: "Actually, where is my father?!"
T: "I'm your father"
W: "SANGKURIANG! This disgusting creature already touch you"
S: "Don't you dare touch me, disgusting creature, I don't want to be your son!"
T: "I'm your father, Sangkuriang!"
W: "You must kill him!"
S: "Don't call me with your mouth!" Sangkuriang who was on the verge of emotion also issued Tumang with kris and hit the heart part of the body, his own father."

•Plot 5

After that Sangkuriang back to home and approached his mother.

DS: "Sangkuriang where are you? Why did you just come alone?
S: "You're looking for tumang? That strange creature?"
DS: "Where is he?"
S: "I killed him
S: "What's up? Why do you ask me like that?
DS: "Sangkuriang! He is your father. Your father is sangkuriang!"
S: "HAHAHA ... You're joking? You said my dad is the dead disgusting creature?"
DS: "Sangkuriang keep your mouth!
S: "Ah! Hell, I do not care about that now."
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