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Have you ever felt like you have too much homework? There are some schools who assign a little amount of homework or even none! Some parents say homework causes stress and keeps their children up late at night, but it can also show a student’s progress in school, whether they have difficulty, or can finish their homework with ease. I think there should be a reduction in the amount of homework assigned from schools, to help students who have a difficult time finishing their homework because they will be less stressed and more relaxed when they are not overloaded with tons of homework.
Some parents say that their children are stressed because they have many extracurricular activities they participate in, which makes them come home late and then they are able to start on their homework later in the evening. Homework can cause stress when someone procrastinates, which creates more frustration, and makes the student sleep later because they do not want their grades to drop. When students have difficulty understanding assignments, the homework also becomes hard to tackle, because the student spends so much time on it, and may even get the wrong answer, making the student feel like they wasted their time on it.
Children’s homework can also add stress to parents. When there is too much homework or when the homework is too difficult for the student, parents try to get involved by helping with their children’s homework. After the long work hours, parents might come home late, and are tired, and frustrated that their children have not finished their homework yet. The parents might stay up late trying to help their children with homework, therefore creating stress for the adults. If there was less homework, then the parents would not have to stay up late trying to help with the homework. In order to help the students, the teacher should assign a minimal amount of homework per week and also have it assign it earlier, so the student doesn’t have to work on multiple assignments all in one day or night.
Although the homework might be difficult, it can also show the student’s progress in each subject. For example, grades are a way to help the parents see what subjects their student is struggling with, and to see if they can help, and raise their grade. It can also help parents know what subject their student needs to focus on, so they can ask for help and work harder on that subject.
If there was a reduction in the amount of homework, students who are struggling with homework would be less stressed and when students are less stressed, the parents are also less stressed. Students could spend more time on extracurricular activities and become a more well-rounded person with less homework.

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