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Kelly x Neon Fan-fic

Neon- Nice, apparently an Indian Punjabi ass

dan- some fuckboy i think idk?

Kelly- Fucking white SPANISH, hoe Fucked some kid named dan before because of course im making this a chronicles sure....

Its a bright and sunny morning in the uk, the birds ARENT chirping there aren't even roosters screaming and i have school... fucking hell and its 6. I begin my day making breakfast for once. Cereal of course the good stuff aka (Name of cereal) aw fuck i forgot to brush my teeth before actually eating food rip. Neon continues eating his food with his dasterdly indian punjabi ass breath. Its 8 o clock so i begin heading out the door already dressed from time. while neon is walking to school he sees his good friend mike
a gay dumbass who actually isn't gay but yknow what i mean right. I pat mike on the shoulder and mike grabs my hand and says "babe u don't have to rape me, i rape you" wtf?? neon says why do you say the weirdest shit, any ways mikes i kinda forgot what class we have mind telling me. we got uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh some subject. I stare at mike questioning how i met this guy. Never mind nwvermind i say, we reach the school and the bell rings, i've heard this rumour about this kid named dan and kelly i say to mike. yeah they say their both on drugs having sex everyday, but i wouldn't know that. its not like i stalk them or anything i mean i've watched them before but i don't stalk them. alright alright mike thats al-- wait hold up u watched them making out? god damn u went to far, anyways since u apparently watched them do whatever... let me come with you sometimes alright, although i'm just kiding about the let me come with you part he'll probably take it seriously and bug me to come, i mean its 1st time for everything. we get in class and its boring garbage shit. Fast forward and its lunch time kevin klevin are my other friends they're gamers. i talk to them about games mostly yknow i have other friends but yknow i need a girl-friend. So while me kevin and klevin are talking about some garbage games or something school related during lunch, mike walks up to me and he says "come here, come here" what u need vr0 i say to him. its top secret come neon. mike tells me to be quiet and to not make a sudden move when he puts his fingers on me. we walk through a Fucking forest out of all things, while this is going on i ask him boy im hungry i needa snack, some milk. mike says boy if u dont shut yo punjabi ass up i'l fucking rape ur sister. I quiet down and follow him. SHHHH dont move mike says. we hear foot steps coming from in front of us. its some rich ass wooden cabin that is the size of a large mansion. holy shit its dan mike says. i look to where hes looking at its dan. he looks likes a villan from mega mind god damn... mike lets sneak into the cabin real quick i say. he says sure. this dumb ass dan left the door open me and mike try not to laugh at this retard we go inside and see portraits of some white people. Gay Mike says, gay lesbian they all are. we walk up the staircase and there is dark room. why is there girl clothes in this room wtf? a training bra damn dan sniffs training bra's, this kid is edgy. neon says. mike says lets check downstairs. me and mike gently tip toe going downstairs and see a girl. shes studying.... and taking selfies at the same time this "bitch is not normal" i say out-loud. Shhh thats kelly u fucking baljeet.. thats kelly? neon says. nigga r u deaf stfu mike says. kelly looks at the way we are watching her from. Is anyone there she says we fucking DIP out the house at the speed of light
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