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name: charlotte nathalie parker
age: sixteen, sophomore
date of birth: 11th january 2002
place of birth:seattle, washington

personality: charlotte has that love-hate thing going on with everybody in school; they love her because she’s witty, confident and popular but hate her /because/ she’s witty, confident and popular. she acts as if the world revolves around her and absolutely detests it when things don't go her way. charlotte carries a slight air of arrogance, just because she came from an affluent family. just like her father, she believes that money is the solution to whatever problem she has which shows a slight materialistic side to her. she's very mean and rude to strangers but to her close friends, she's an absolute darling. it is incredibly hard to gain her trust; her father always told her to never let strangers mess with your head otherwise they'll use that opportunity to bring you down. charlotte does not like to sink. in her pretty little mind, she will always be the one on top. in a nutshell, you could say that she's a huge b*tch. but, somehow, people still adored her. no matter how rude charlotte was, she had enough charisma to wrap you around her dainty little finger; she can make you laugh over the smallest thing, she'll put a smile on your face and she'll make you feel like the most special human being on earth. she makes you do things you'd never thought of doing. she is a carbon copy of alison dilaurentis, minus the mental problems obviously. but sometimes, she hates herself because she knows for a fact that she can never be good enough.

bio: being the youngest and only daughter of rita and mitch parker, charlotte was spoiled rotten; whatever she wants, she gets. charlotte was always "daddy's little girl". mitch loved his daughter to pieces and would do anything to make his little princess happy. rita, on the other hand, was intent on making sure that her daughter always looked /perfect/. rita would often remind charlotte of all the things she should do; her skincare routine, her work out session, what kind of clothes to wear, etc. "you've gained weight. honey, by the end of summer, you're going to look like a whale." and "are you seriously wearing that dress? you know that it makes you look like a prostitute, right?" were occasionally the criticsm that charlotte had to endure from her own mother. ever since she was a little girl, rita was always telling her what to do and what not to do. this may resulted in charlotte's bitter attitude towards strangers. growing up, she never had an ideal childhood but nonetheless she was certainly very grateful for her family's wealth. that's how shallow she is, ladies and gentlemen.

- chooses to purge sometimes. charlotte can't seem to shed off those last few stubborn pounds and she had had enough of her mother's constant complaints.
- contemplated suicide and attempted suicide once. it certainly wasn't at all glamorous if people knew you were at the verge of killing yourself especially if they see your life as oh so perfect.
- she has a fear of bankruptcy.
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