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Everyone has their own birthday. A birthday is a day that comes once a year. Someone will have celebrated the anniversary of his or her birth. Birthdays are celebrated in numerous cultures, often with a gift, party, or rite of passage. Party has been the most popular birthday. The party will have food.

When that day comes to my family. My family is very busy because they have to buy the decorations and food for the party tonight. My mother and dad are out shopping to cook at noon. The remaining members will decorate room and clean. My mother had to make pancakes because it was special food for my family. If anyone eats pancakes of my mother. Everyone will be asking for the recipe. Everyone said it was delicious. My mother would be happy.

Process of making is very simple. The ingredients are just flour, eggs, milk, butter, salt, baking powder, sugar and vanilla extract. The first step is crack eggs into a bowl and beat until fluffy. Add in the dry ingredients. Do not stir mixture at this point. The second step is add the butter and milk to the mix and do not blend until completely smooth, if your batter is smooth, your pancakes will be tough and flat. The third step is sprinkle a few flecks of water onto your pan, pour about three tablespoons to 1/4 cup batter onto the hot frying pan. After that, cook the other side until golden pancakes. Finally, you can put the pancakes onto a plate and enjoy it. Try adding butter, syrup, chocolate chips, cookie or candy crumbles or fruit to your pancakes for a different, more exciting flavor.

Everyone was happy and enjoy this party. When the party ended. Everyone was tired and want to relax. But unable to do so because they have to cleaning. When everything is done, everyone is going to shower and go to bed. In order to start a new day tomorrow.

This birthday will not fun if there isn't everyone in family. It will be requires the cooperation of everyone. It was an important day of many people. Party was held from the love of family.
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