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Dear Leo,
Livi and Gabe are so excited to see Daddy in 5 sleeps! Gabe has been chattering away about all he wants to do on the plane. I haven't had the heart to tell him you don't get to go in the cockpit. Livi wants to know if she gets to come on the field after games. Is there a way to make that happen?
Baby #3 has been kicking up a storm, I think they're excited to see you too. I can't believe he or she will be here in just 4 months. Are we crazy for having so many kids close in age?
I can't wait to see you, babe. 2 months is too long, even for the Olympics. Speaking of the Olympics, how does it feel to officially be an Olympian? Everyone went wild when you were on TV during the opening ceremony. Gabe and Livi were hugging the TV. I may or may not have cried a tiny bit, but it was definitely the pregnancy hormones. No, just kidding, it was pretty emotional getting to see you living out your dream.
Anyways, I better go finish packing. 3 weeks worth of clothes for two toddlers is no joke.
I love you baby and I can't wait to be in your arms again. Livi and Gabe say hi and that they love you a lot!
Lucienne, Olivia, Gabriel, and Baby Bean

Dear Leo,
I couldn't sleep last night and I started thinking about names for this little bean. I have a feeling naming this baby will be much harder than the other two, since we loved Olivia and Gabriel right off the bat. I like Emma or Charlotte "Charlie" for a girl and maybe Cass or William "Liam" for a boy. I don't think Cass fits with Olivia and Gabriel though, and Liam might be confusing with Livi. No one ever talks about how hard names are when they talk about the hardships of parenthood.
In other news, we're going to see you in two days! I can't wait, I've missed you so much and so have the kids. Speaking of the kids, Livi has become obsessed with One Direction in the past few days, so sorry in advance. Apparently Auntie Camille played some of their songs for her and she's hooked. I think she has a crush on Harry.
In regards to our son's love life, he has told me multiple times that he wants to marry Sophia from school. What are we going to do when they're teenagers and actually dating?
Also, and I can't believe I forgot to mention this, the kids have a new cousin! Owen and Jade had a little boy,
Finley Owen Wilson! He's adorable and the kids are smitten, although I'm not sure that Allie is impressed by her little brother. Remember how confused Gabe was when we brought Olivia home?
Alright, I have to go pick up Gabe from his playdate with Sophia (yes, the same Sophia) so I better sign off.
I love you so much baby! T-minus two days!

To my incredible gold medalist husband,
Gold medal baby! I'm so fucking proud of you! I hoped that we would reach this point but I didn't dare to expect it! You and the guys played out of your minds and had such an incredible tournament.
Watching you step on the podium, having watched you work your ass off to get to this point, was incredibly emotional. I thought back to middle school, when you tore your ACL and I was sure you were done with field hockey. To watch you step up there today and have a gold medal put around your neck was the most rewarding sight, almost as good as the celebratory kiss ;)!
Livi and Gabe are so proud of Daddy and I'm sure they'll be bragging about you to their friends. Livi wants to know if you can help her meet Harry Styles. I told her maybe.
I love you so much and I can't wait to celebrate "properly", just the two of us.

Lucienne and Leo Baumgardner
Gabriel Leo Baumgardner
Olivia Roux Baumgardner
Emma James Baumgardner
Owen and Jade Wilson
Allison Annaliisa Wilson
Finley Owen Wilson
Natasha and Matthew Kyle
Freddie Matthew Kyle
Lauren Natasha Kyle
Ethan and Sarah Wilson
Patrick Ethan Wilson
Ellie Annaliisa Wilson
Joshua Vilppu Wilson
Camille and Jacob Patterson
Sasha Annaliisa Patterson
Mila Eleanor Patterson
Luke and Amelia Vilppu
Henry Nicholas Vilppu
Alfred and Lucia Wilson
Claire Annaliisa Wilson
Sydney Annaliisa Wilson
Alexa Annaliisa Wilson
Evan Vilppu Wilson
Violette and Evan Bronson
Lily Rose Bronson
Marley Jane Bronson

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