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In this essay I am going to argue if celebrities deserve privacy. Some people actually question what a celebrity is. Well a celebrity is someone who is well known and has fame. Sometimes and most of the time celebrities are on TV or in movies and films even some on the radio. Most of the time to become a celebrity you have to have certain talent if it’s singing or dancing anything as long as it’s a talent. For example Bruno Mars is a celebrity and his talent is singing. It probably sounds like you have to take a test or exam to become a celebrity but no you don’t you just have to perform your talent on TV or in public to get fans and well known.
I think celebrities deserve privacy as we are all human beings and we have our own rights to get privacy or not to get privacy. If you were in their position and wasn't getting ANY privacy how would you feel? Would you want privacy? If you don't have privacy it wouldn't really be your life it would be yours and the world’s life as they are watching you throughout your life. Also we don't need to know every single detail about their life. It's important that the press and media should know their boundaries because all the attention will get to their head and they might do something stupid like injuring themselves on purpose. Sometimes it can be as bad as committing suicide.
I think celebrities don't deserve privacy because you have become a celebrity and you have to take all the consequences. When becoming a celebrity you have to think before you become one as you have to consider what happens after the part of it when you have lots of fame and become very rich for example privacy. In life it isn't all lucky and nice you have bad things as well as the good so with a celebrity you have the good and bad privacy maybe the bad for some. When a celebrity you can't choose when you get your privacy at all. Being a celebrity yes you get the luxuries but you also have a bad to it as you can't have privacy from anyone. Also when becoming a celebrity you have to know that you will be committed and that comes with the privacy again you have to be committed the whole way through life as a celebrity. When you became coming a celebrity you chose to let people into your life so you then can't just ask for privacy. Thinking of us, not celebrities, we want to know what's going on in their life and what interesting things are in it. You don't have a choice if you want privacy or not normally you just don't get it.
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