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CaptainPop877's Helper Application [UPDATED]

As you just clicked on my helper application this is my second one.
If you have ever read my first application… it didn't go out so well, so I am here to share you my new helper application.

IGN- CaptainPop877

Say YES if you understand that asking a staff member about your application will be an instant rejection of you application- Yes I do understand

Age- 16

Timezone- EST

What time are you most often on? (your time)-Since I do have school on the weekdays I am off from 9:00 to 3:00. On Mondays and Fridays I am gone from 5:00-6:00 pm. On Wednesday I am gone from 4:00 to 5:15.

Are you multilingual (speak more than one language) - No I am not multilingual but I am taking spanish lessons, and speak some italian

When did you start playing minecraft? - 1.4.2 since then I was addicted!

Have you ever been banned or attempted ban on another server? - Sadly yes. I have tried to attempted ban on another server called Minetime which there are A LOT of hackers their. I only did it because I got very upset and angry that all the players were using hacks like nodus. So I tried to install it but i failed.But I will never ever attempted ban again.

What is your previous experience in any type of moderation? - I have been an admin on my friends server only just to help him set it up , but no I have not had any experience being a moderation with other players. But being a helper will be a great oppurtunity.

Where are you most active on the server?- I am most active in Mega Walls, the Main Lobby, Blitz, and TnT Games.

How many hours can you contribute per day?- I can contribute about 4-6 hours a day on weekdays and 12 hours on weekends.

Are you vip? If so when did you purchase? - Sadly I do not remember the day I purchased my VIP , but I am now currently MVP+ and I purchased it the day After Christmas 2013.

What advice would you give someone who had to deal with people younger with them?- Do not get too annoyed and do not use aggressive language back to them remember they are younger than you. The best solution is to keep calm and move on.

Do you use teamspeak and a microphone?- No and yes. I do not use teamspeak but I do own a microphone.

Are you able to record? - No I am not able to record.

How many staff applications have you made before?- This is my second staff application.

What is the date of the last application you made?- My last application was February 18th, 2013

Anything else we should know?- I do go to my dad's house sometimes and he wants me to get off the computer but let's me go on it for a period of time only on weekends though. I love helping people, I am a strong leader, and I am fun to be with. If you give me a chance to be helper you will not regret it !

I hope I will be accepted, and thank you to all who took time off to read this. <3
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Regards; Team

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