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1) Feeling weak and tired. Kinda depressed. No apatite. Ask someone to do streaks, turn of social media
2) Feel like shit. Barley eat. Pass out twice. Luckily Levi neutered. Dad three new customers.
3) Go comic con. Pass out again, taken to hospital. Diagnosed. Have to use wheelchair, drop college
4) Mid week we move out. Win a 85% off voucher at argos. Mum gets raise/hours. +£1.85. My hair falls out
5) Seizure, hospital 3 days. Manage to go to sashas bday. Rapidly losing weight. Dad buys new car
6) Alcohol seizure. Upped meds. Weak and feel like shit. We buy rats though and a puppy to alert (non guide)
7) shopping,meal Hair cut/dye .Sleepover. Eyesight lowkey goes for a bit. Pass out twice. Bad depressive state
8) We get kittens. Seizure hosp 1 day. Immune system starts to go bad. Pet shop round corner is being built
9) Feel very ill, walk (wheel) with sasha. Caitlins hamster dies so we get two more, poole with campbella
10) Seizure. Temporary blind gets better over 3 days. Pass out once. bbq uncle neil. Kent
11) Check up. Meet issac and we hit it off. Harry potter world. Southampton, Leanne go with her frens
12) Bad week mentally. Pass out 4 times. Decide to go to haven with fam+friends. Me+Issac talk more
13)Issac introduces me to his friends. We all go oceanarium, meal. Improving mentally still. Spain with nan
14) Seizure but no hosp. Sleepy a lot and ill again. Amarillas bday. I introduce both friendship groups.
15)Issac asks me out. Real bad seizure. Heart stops for 50 seconds and in coma for 3 days.
16) Get really ill again. Go out 3 different times though and have 2 day sleepover + both groups.
17) I get a gecko+ snake. Pass out once. Social media is restarted for everyone (LAMEEE). Fam goes to hungary
18) I feel a lot better mentally. Seizure though no hosp. Found good meds that start work.

From then on i rarely get seizures. I had two weeks of a lot of seizures and after that i didn't have one again. Around the start of the 3rd week i went and applied for a job and got it within 2 days. Its a 15 minute walk away. I get paid £6.50 an hour and work montues 8am-3pm and wednesday 6pm-10pm. Both of the groups are joined well and we are all amazing friends. We all go out a lot. I needed glasses though now due to the seizures and blindness. It took me around a week/two weeks to stop using my chair. My job knew i was still fresh on my feet so i started off easy. Really nice work environment. I didn't eat a lot so by the 18th week i was around 6 stone 10. I somehow got shorter and was like 5 foot. After a week at work i can properly walk now. I start my driving lessons and am actually really good. It took my hair a year a 3 months but it grew down to my waist. I had treatment done to it every 3 months and by the time it had grown 7 inches it was really healthy so when it was 17 inches it was really pretty and i upped the red so its vibrant but healthy and it also looked very nice. It took me like 2 and half months to grow my bangs out.
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