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5 Steps to Pass the Real Estate Exam
When you are prepping for the real estate exam, it is imperative that you have a study plan. Not just that, but one that will set you up for success from the get-go! One of the biggest downfalls of prospective Realtors and real estate agents is when they fail to prepare for their exam. If you don’t adequately prepare and procrastinate until the last minute, then try and cram for the exam you are setting yourself up for failure. That is why the five tips we have for you will let you be prepared, confident and relaxed when test day arrives.
Step 1: Determine How You Learn.
Everyone learns in their own way, and this step lets you realize not only what your learning style is, but you can also apply this practice to future studies. There are three main divisions for learning styles and they are: visual, kinetic and auditory. In laymen’s terms, this mean that visual learners learn by reading the material they need to remember, kinetic types learn by doing, and auditory type learners absorb information by listening.
Once you narrow down which of the above listed ways you retain information in the best, here are some tips how to best utilize those methods. The traditional method of studying from a book and flashcards is great for visual learners. For those of us who are kinetic learners, writing out key statements and information helps your mind remember the details better. The action of writing is key for kinetic learners who learn by physically doing an activity, and this is a great way to transfer the classroom learning styles into your leaning method. For the third learning style, a popular way that audio types retain information is through the use of reading out loud, audio books and by classic lectures.
These are multiple paths towards the same goal. And when your learning style is determined you will remember all the details, laws and guidelines needed for the real estate exam!
Step 2: Prep Courses.
Prep courses are designed to simplify and streamline the entire exam preparation process, and this is the most important step you need to take in order to be ready for the real estate exam. There are many different aspects of becoming a Realtor, and these courses help you understand and apply all of these concepts and protocols. You have the personality and character needed, but now you need to learn about all the surrounding parts of being a real estate agent. You need to know about the current market, how to detect the ups and downs of the housing industry, the pros and cons of the area; and you have to have a deep knowledge of the actual home you are selling so that your client can be fully informed when they make their decision.
The higher caliber preparative courses are geared towards today’s market trends, and are flexible enough to fit around your schedule. Whether you need a classroom setting or an online course, the most seasoned and experienced real estate licensing schools have the tools and resources to make sure you thrive. In these classes you can also find fellow prospective Realtors and real estate agents, giving you the perfect study buddies and future networking connections in the housing market! Armed with a reputable prep course and a study group, you are one more step closer to acing the exam.
Step 3: The Importance of Details.
Now, there is one thing that you can absolutely expect on the exam, and that is about your state’s specific housing laws. Housing laws vary across states, cities and at times even districts, and this is one of the change ups you’ll encounter on the test that are intended to trip you up. Each version of the real estate exam goes over the general guidelines, but they are also tailored to the state and its requirements.
Be very familiar with what makes your state laws different. Majority of the guidelines for Real Estate Agents across the country are the same, but you need to identify and take note of the major differences between your state and others. You can be guaranteed that questions regarding your state’s specific laws are going to crop up on the exam, and these are intended to trip you up. Your prep course, however, should cover these specific questions, once again reminding you how important it is to find a reputable real estate license school to study at! But prep course or not, make sure that you remember these details to be safe and prepared.
Step 4: Practice Makes Perfect!
Practice tests are going to become your new constant companion! There are a wide range of practice tests online for you to use, but most official ones will be presented within your preparatory course books and classes. They will ask questions that you’re likely to see on the actual test, and this will make you more prepared for what is waiting for you on test day.
Additionally, not only will you have more of an idea of what questions to expect, but this will also significantly aid in test anxiety. We are all nervous before big exams, and test anxiety can cause us to lose focus, draw our attention away and even feel unprepared. By taking practice tests that look similar or even identical to the actual real estate exam, your nerves will ease and you’ll feel much more ready.
Step 5: Rest
The final and the simplest step you need to take once test day is here is to rest. Such a simple and common thing can be one of the most important. When you can recite the Realtor laws in your sleep and your prep book is pouring out of your ears, set the books aside, eat a good meal and rest!
You can prepare and memorize until the cows come home, but if you don’t let your body and mind rest and recuperate-and actually absorb the information you’re shoving in there-all of your hard work will be for naught. So rest and relax, you will know when you are ready and when test day comes you’ll tackle that exam head on and be that much closer to your career dreams!

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