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Theoretically she does have option to go home, which can and will be used if necessary. Especially if we still use the plan we have, especially if we coincidentally all happen to be at the same place at the same time. Of course, she could figure out that it was meant for her, or she could be freaked the f*** out. Another thing to add, if we claim that we are in fact not inviting Jaja, Cydric, or Maicoo, but the stated parties do show up, there is the possibility that she will either

a. Ignore us for the rest of the night, and go off on her own adventure in the mall
b. Leave, as stated beforehand

Of course, either option would lead to a massive gap of distrust that we would have to cross again, and which may never be bridged. At which point, she can denounce the YFC to her mom, tell her everything, and refuse to attend another event in the foreseeable future. Of course, her mom will be ever insisting, and will most likely force her to attend the events against her own will, causing an extremely unhappy and depressed Katie. Of course, that could work in a positive or negative way, as prolonged exposure to even the most despised people can lessen your hate against them, or she could find a way to still be alone at said events, and not find any 'true' friends, as is her current goal. At which point she could find enough reason to kill herself. Of course, this would be over several months, which would give us time to attempt a restructuring of friendships.

Obviously, there are several other ways that Friday night can go.
1. She could enjoy herself, but if we neglect her afterwards, could find herself thinking that we were just trying to get her hopes up and then we just pulled the carpet out from under her feet and kicked her out the door.
2. She could just lone the whole night, as stated in an earlier situation.
3. There is a possibility where, that if we were to unintentionally ignore her, as we are caught up in conversations taking place throughout, that she thinks that we really still didn't care, as stated in Scenario 1, but in a much shorter time span.

Of course, I find flaw in the plan set that is currently in place, as it is an EXTREMELY awkward situation, and it also seems unlikely that the subject would even take part in conversation, or even acknowledge the existence of the person talking to her at any point in time. It may take her by surprise for the first one, and much less likely the second one, but as soon as she realizes we are all together, and that the 3 parties in which she has no interest in are present, she will most likely lead us on a wild goose chase throughout the mall, or, if as suggested, we wont allow her to leave, that would cause undue stress to the subject, with a chance that she would not appreciate the night as much as she would have under normal circumstances. Of course, much of this is personal opinion, as I think that the current plan is far too gradual, and appreciate more of a shock and awe strategy. Of course, there are several ways we could go about that, but most of which really wouldn't work in practice. This is quite a complicated situation, especially since I know nothing about the common reactions and emotions of the subject, but what I would suggest is to have a neutral party take her to the food court with the promise of food (Which I know that would count as bribery, but I have nothing else) or buy her ice cream whatever, and several other parties would show up and announce their presence and surprise her. Of course, that could lead to the several scenarios that would have resulted from the original plan. There is no way to calculate the risks and rewards of these approaches, as we have no information about her mental thought patterns, as stated beforehand.

At this point, I still have not thought up any further negative scenarios. Without over thinking things, I think that, no matter the approach, she will be far too surprised to do anything, and will comply to our requests as she would not know what to do. Of course, the first thing we would have to do is apologize, and make her trust us as fully as possible, which will then allow her to go through the night happily.
Another thing that might happen is the fact that we may give Jaja too much attention, or what Kateleen deems as too much attention, throughout the night, and in her mind Katie feels that Jaja is getting the spotlight again, which will undoubtedly be a catastrophic result.

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