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17th century; comparing it to the 1500s and 16oos
1500s : first contacts, 1600s: Second contacts
Chapter 1
Dutch East India Co.
(voc)--->Corporation - empire
joint-stick co.
Author: boy who falls off bike
Vermeer Dutch painter
- not very important when he was alive
- author wants us to understand Vermeer , placing Vermeer in middle class life , in a way to tell us about the middle class. ( Bourgeois) in the place of Delef.
Chapter 1 : 3 different stories that don't seem to related!

Places: China ---> Wealthy
Time: Cold ( conditions of the time) ( importance because of the quality of life)
Economy --> Fishing ( That's where the money come from)
Social Change.. deaths( Plague)
Doors and windows; " we tend to look at windows"
the author basically wrote about things that was in his daily life.
Why is the topic important?
because its more a vivid memory of history
Whos is this guy?
he is an historian ... ademeci training from china
who is the book for?
people interested in the 17thcentruy

Chapter 2
Native Americans ... different groups
who are the people? native americans Iroquets, Mohawk: French monopoly trade
what are the objects? they traded hats
alliance formed : iroqusis and the hurons
fighting against the mohawks
why this alliance; trading purposes and for survival
what does the hurons get put of this ; ally in a war and they also gain weapons ; GUNS!
they do not recieive guns at the beginning of the relationship; hes important because he has the guns , they make him powerful
the british and the dutch also start to trade guns.
Why ? Champlain doesn't want the mohawks to get in the way of the trade. .... he traded beaver fur, HAt!!!!...
the beaver is extinct un Europe !
wants to get to china.
Champlain ( main European, French)
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