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KenUNot🍑 - 03/26/2018
That's fantastic
Mathalamus - 03/26/2018
hey ken, how are the kitties?
KenUNot🍑 - 03/26/2018
Atm idk cause I'm not at home but presumably they are still good.
Mathalamus - 03/26/2018
oh. they are probably doing human things. who knows what they do out of sight? :stuck_out_tongue:
KenUNot🍑 - 03/26/2018
Probably all the things I keep them from doing when I'm there.
Mathalamus - 03/26/2018
how often do you have to clean up after them?
KenUNot🍑 - 03/26/2018
Once a day.
Mathalamus - 03/26/2018
KenUNot🍑 - 03/26/2018
Is that supposed to be surprising? Lol
Gray - || Server Daddy || - 03/26/2018
my room smells like incense now and it's wonderful
cerisuu? - 03/26/2018
i have a giant geography project due in may and i'm supposed to be finished a couple subjects already and i'm stressed
i have the city spelling bee this week and i have my math shit and uughg
Gray - || Server Daddy || - 03/26/2018
just wait until highschool lmao
KenUNot🍑 - 03/26/2018
And then college. If you go. :joy:
Mathalamus - 03/26/2018
im glad i never went.
would have had a much much harder time than usual
Gray - || Server Daddy || - 03/26/2018
to what, highschool or college
Mathalamus - 03/26/2018
Gray - || Server Daddy || - 03/26/2018
college i can understand
Mathalamus - 03/26/2018
i dont think i missed out on anything irrreplacable
Gray - || Server Daddy || - 03/26/2018
lmao, yeah you did
Mathalamus - 03/26/2018
i can get a GED at any time i wish
Gray - || Server Daddy || - 03/26/2018
and that'll show on your record as a GED and not a diploma
KenUNot🍑 - 03/26/2018
Yeah and then get what kind of job? Lol. Highschool and college is required for most decent paying careers.
Gray - || Server Daddy || - 03/26/2018
and jobs discriminate against GEDs
Mathalamus - 03/26/2018
as i recall, they cant
Gray - || Server Daddy || - 03/26/2018
they do.
Mathalamus - 03/26/2018
franklyy, even a high school diploma isnt worth much anyway
KenUNot🍑 - 03/26/2018
Most places don't hire with GED. If they do its probably a grocery store.
Gray - || Server Daddy || - 03/26/2018
lmao okay(edited)
Mathalamus - 03/26/2018
considering how many epople go to college.
or university
you cant tell me you didnt notice that trend.
KenUNot🍑 - 03/26/2018
I didn't get to where I am without my diploma man. Wouldn't be making The money i do without it, and youre saying it's not worth much? Fuck that.
Gray - || Server Daddy || - 03/26/2018
if you ever do decide to become a contributing member of society, you'll probably be stuck in fast food, retail or doing lugwork.
KenUNot🍑 - 03/26/2018
I'd be living in some shitty ass apartment. Living pay cheque to pay cheque just like everyone else I know that dropped out.
Mathalamus - 03/26/2018
what makes you think i dont already contrbute?
Gray - || Server Daddy || - 03/26/2018
lets see
KenUNot🍑 - 03/26/2018
By doing what? Sitting at home? Being on disability? How is that contributing.
Gray - || Server Daddy || - 03/26/2018
you have no job, you coast off of disability because you're "hard of hearing", you're uneducated and seem to waste a lot of time online.
KenUNot🍑 - 03/26/2018
There's someone at my work who's hard of hearing and here he is. Working.
Mathalamus - 03/26/2018
how narrowminded. look at how i treat people. look at how i try my best to make everyone smile.
Gray - || Server Daddy || - 03/26/2018
Mathalamus - 03/26/2018
that is how i contribute
Gray - || Server Daddy || - 03/26/2018
KenUNot🍑 - 03/26/2018
You can be as nice as you want but that's not contributing to society.
Gray - || Server Daddy || - 03/26/2018
jfc you're delusional
Mathalamus - 03/26/2018
and its so much better than working at some lameass job to earn money i dont even freaking spend.
KenUNot🍑 - 03/26/2018
I enjoy my Goddamn career thank you very much.
It'll allow me to get my own house, and to retire.
Gray - || Server Daddy || - 03/26/2018
All I hear is a lazy child in an adult's body.
KenUNot🍑 - 03/26/2018
And to have things that I like. And to give to the people I like.
Mathalamus - 03/26/2018
you guys arent very nice or supportive
Gray - || Server Daddy || - 03/26/2018
cause you're a moron.
Mathalamus - 03/26/2018
i expected you to be smarter than the guys at pie
Gray - || Server Daddy || - 03/26/2018
we are, lmao.
not our fault that you're entitled and lazy
Mathalamus - 03/26/2018
not when you have such narrowminded money is everything view on life.
Gray - || Server Daddy || - 03/26/2018
did we say money is everything?
KenUNot🍑 - 03/26/2018
Fuck you. My life is my fucking family. And my fiancé.
Money just allows me to fucking live.
Mathalamus - 03/26/2018
im leaving.
KenUNot🍑 - 03/26/2018
It's needed.
Gray - || Server Daddy || - 03/26/2018
k bye
KenUNot🍑 - 03/26/2018
Good riddance.
chem - 03/26/2018
they used to be pleasant
KenUNot🍑 - 03/26/2018
I won't be ridiculed for actually being a functioning member of society.
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