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As soon as you enter their house, you come into this impressive --- , with its marble staircase leading to the rooms upstairs.
A room or space just inside the entrance to a residence.
entrance hall

The living room --- the rose garden, it's really lovely when all the flowers start coming out.
To look down upon from a place that is over or above.

Don't make too much noise, your daddy's busy in the --- , he's brought back some work from the office.
A room in a house intended for reading and writing.

All these cupboards are pretty --- for storing things.
Suitable, useful, practical, helpful.

I've left it in my bedroom, --- , I'll go and get it if you want.
Up the stairs; on a higher floor or level.

Why don't you go and play in the --- ? The weather is too good to stay indoors!
An outdoor area containing plants, grass, bushes, trees and flowers.

You'll have to --- the stairs, the lift is out of order, I'm afraid.
To go up on foot; to ascend.
climb up

With its two big windows, this room is very nice and --- .
Having lots of light.

I have lived in the --- all my life, I will never be able to live in town!
A rural area, or the rural part of a larger area.

How could you invite them? This house is in a mess, we can't --- guests.
To have someone over at one's home for a party or visit.

The toilets are on the --- , after the first flight of stairs.
The level area at the top of a staircase, or between two flights of stairs.

Go up the --- , and it's the first door on your left.
A set of steps connecting two or more floors in a building; a staircase or stairway.

There's a large attic in which we could --- all our junk.
To keep (something) while not in use, generally in a place meant for that purpose.

Her --- was so tiny that the only thing she could fit in was her bed!
A room in a house where a bed is kept for sleeping.

I had a splendid bedroom, with a --- en suite, with a huge bath and golden taps.
A room containing a bath/shower, and usually a basin and toilet too.

There isn't enough room for a bathroom, but I think we could fit in a --- .
A room, smaller than a bathroom, fitted with a shower spray for purposes of washing oneself.
shower room

We have our plane tickets to New York, but we don't have any --- yet. Do you know a good hotel in Manhattan?
A place to stay or live.

Oh no, I've left my book --- , in the sitting room, I'll have to go down all those stairs to get it!
A floor lower than/below the current one.

I don't want to --- those stairs, I'll wait for the lift.
To ascend, climb or move upwards.
go up

Their apartment is on the top floor, with no --- . Take your time to climb up the stairs, or you won't make it.
Mechanical device for vertically transporting goods or people between floors in a building; an elevator.

Emma, dear, will you please show our guests into the --- , I'll come down in a minute.
Any room in a private house where visitors/guests can be entertained.
drawing room

I'm having eight --- for dinner tonight, and I haven't even done the shopping yet!
A person invited to attend a special occasion.

Why don't you throw away all that --- ? Don't tell me you want to keep it!
A collection of miscellaneous items of little value.

Gavin could sleep in the --- when he comes and visits us.
An additional bedroom, primarily for guest/visitors to sleep in.
spare room

There are two extra bedrooms in the --- , but I suppose that, being below ground level, they don't get much day-light.
A floor of a building below ground level.

You have a shower room --- , but you can use our bathroom if you want to have a bath.
A bathroom connected to a bedroom to form a suite of rooms.
en suite

Does that room --- you, or would you like to have another one?
To be suitable or appropriate.

We are going to visit the place, --- we don't really want to buy it.
A word to show contrast, meaning though, but, even though, in spite of the fact that.

My sister and I cannot live under the same --- : the last time we lived in the same house, we argued constantly.
The structure that covers a building.

The bedroom is so --- that even this very big double bed will look small in it.
Having much space; roomy.

I'm starving: I woke up late and I didn't have any time for --- !
The first meal of the day, usually eaten in the morning.

We decided to rent that flat, --- it was exactly what we were looking for.
Because, since.

A beautiful wooden --- leads to the rooms upstairs.
A flight of stairs; a stairway; a set of steps.

It all --- really interesting, would it be possible to visit the place?
To give an impression.

Her husband was reading the adverts in the newspaper, --- she was phoning landlords to make appointments for visits.
At the same time as (something else).

My bedroom is in the --- , it's nice and cosy, but as it is just below the roof, it's very hot in summer.
The space directly below the roof in the uppermost part of a house or building; a loft.

I need to go to the --- , do you think I could ask the waiter for directions?
A room or cubicle with a WC or lavatory.

We also have a wine --- , but as we are not great wine drinkers, we only use it for storing things.
An enclosed underground space, often under a building; used for storage or shelter.

He lives in the --- .
A rural area; the country; a small district outside/away from large urban areas.

Put the skis away in the --- , we won't want them again until next year.
A room used for storage.
store room

There is a built-in --- just below the staircase, which is pretty convenient to store all our junk in.
An enclosed storage space with a door, usually having shelves, used to store crockery, food, etc.

When I visited them, I slept in the --- in the attic.
A bedroom in a home used by visiting guests.
guest room

Put your coat away in the --- , dear, I don't want to see it lying about in the hall.
A room or space in a building where coats, hats, umbrellas, jackets and other belongings may be left temporarily.

Would it be possible to visit the house on Saturday? Because then my husband could --- .
To accompany; to go with someone.
come along

This house is too big for the two of us, we should take a few --- in the rooms upstairs.
A person who rents a room or two in someone's house.

They were watching TV in the --- , waiting for their mother to cook the dinner.
A room in a private house used for general social and leisure activities.
living room

There are two --- chairs in the kitchen, let's bring them into the living room, so that we can all have a seat.
Additional; more than what is needed.

--- you pay the rent before tomorrow evening, --- I throw you out!
Describing a situation in which there are only two choices.
Either, or

I need a house with at least five --- : three bedrooms, a sitting room and a dining room.
A separate part of a building, enclosed by walls, a floor and a ceiling.

There are a couple of --- cupboards in the bedrooms, it saves room, and it's pretty convenient.
Fixed to a structure; not moveable.

I went to the --- to prepare a little something to eat, but there was nothing in the fridge.
A room or area for preparing food.

We could --- lodgers in those two extra rooms we have in the semi-basement.
To provide housing for.

I should call the estate agent to --- to visit this house.
To formally request and arrange a meeting.
make an appointment

There's an --- bedroom upstairs, which we could use as a guest room.
Extra, supplementary, more (of something).
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