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Dear Camila and the female parent you both dumb people and first of all I hate boynton beach fl because there are to much black and black black people and to much garbage people I hate boynton beach fl forever 2 I hate palm beach county Florida it's not special palm beach county only Orlando is special 3 Orlando is more special and more fun and it's not a delay or regarded area its have allots of fun like magic kingdom seaworld animal kingdom water parks and other fun stuff in Orlando and in clermont it's also fun seeing deferent restaurants there bob Evans perkins mimi cafe in Orlando and it's a very special area Orlando and clermont it's very special area very it's more special then this ugly retarded area Palm beach county well Palm beach county is restated area and it's very delay and very retarded area Palm beach county is not special at all its have magic kingdom it's doesn't have seaworld it's doesn't have animal kingdom and I hate Palm beach scene when I was in 4 5 grade because a boy namer kamron and Daniel fifty nigger bully me and scene that day one i hate the people kids old people animals in Palm beach and boynton beach is ugly retarded area boynton beach is not special only Orlando is because boynton beach is delay retarded area it's a not area it's doesn't even have Cheesecake Factory or brio the big Italian restaurant and well boynton beach in Palm beach Florida so automatically it's retarded Ianm not part of boynton beach only camillia is part of boynton beach fl She not part of Orlando she's dreaming to be part of that place she will never be part of Orlando boynton beach ugly restart area it's the most weirdest ugliest disgustingest area it's a nigger area boynton beach Palm beach : are not special weird weirdest ugly ugliest disgusting disgustingest area it's not very special it's not more special and it's not so special It's cold ugly disgusting nigger evil unchic area and boynton beach Palm beach will never be special never there dreaming to be special they will never be special Orlando is very special the two floor houses there much more nice then the houses in Palm beach in boynton beach too as well Palm beach boynton beach two floor houses are ugly weird looking and they not special they just old ugly dirty rotten Orlando have the best two floor houses in the world and they have there the mall at millinia it's more nicer better beautifuler then the ugly boynton beach mall and the mall at Wellington green the boynton beach mall is full with trash people and full with black people and same thing with the mall at Wellington green full with trash people and full with a lot of Spanish and full with a lot of black people in the mall at millinia there only white people more and less Spanish people less black people more white people in this beautiful inside shopping mall boynton beach you just ugly area you not a chic area your just a rotten nigger area You not special at all Palm beach you just ugly area to you retarded you just nigger area also you not special at all and you will never be special both on you now to me your dead in hell go die to hell screw you to hell both of you don't deserve to live both of you deserve to die screw you go to hell.
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