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Harrison Wells had suggested an experiment to test whether the accident had had any effect on Martin's body. Martin just hadn't known that said experiment would involve coming his brains out, sobbing softly as Harrison coaxed another Orgasm out of him, thrusting his hips desperately away as he thrusts into the older man's clenching ass.
Now Martin has exhausted his voice, and his protests at the overwhelming pleasure Harrison is strangely intent on inflicting on him are now only faint whimpers as Harrison, still fully clothed and greatly contrasting with Martin's naked, muscular body, bends down and once more sucks Martin's cock into his mouth.
The professor isn't a virgin or anything, but he hadn't had sex in a long time and then suddenly Harrison had propositioned him (and why couldn't he have just seen sooner that's that what it was) and started fucking logic and sense and everything else out of him. For god's sake, he was 65! Did Harrison truly expect him to come a 7th time?
Apparently so, if the way the younger was touching him was any indication.
"Interesting reaction," Harrison finally comments as Martin comes for the 7th time that night, his fingers digging into Martin's firm pectorals and spreading the shiny come around them. "I thought I should end the experiment here, but now that I've seen what I have, I think we should continue this."
Not that Harrison really cares what I think, Martin thinks wryly as Harrison slides his cock between Martin's pecs and begins sliding back and forth, the cone spurting foward onto Martin's face and nose and nipples.
I should've known what would happen, Martin laments as Harrison finishes on his chest before quickly penetrating his ass once again. Martin wasn't ignorant - he knew that, should he somehow become shirtless, it would take an incredible man not to jump his bones. Martin was just hot, attractive, even at 65. That's why he wore several layers of clothes ever since that incident with Jax, Rip Hunter, and Mick (Martin still shivered at the thought of how they had all worked so well together just to bring the helpless professor underneath them to another Orgasm).
Not that the clothes had worked. Ever since that first time the trio of men had come to Martin's room every single night just to "have some fun with your body", as they put it, and now it seemed they'd gotten Harrison involved too in their violating of Martin's body.
Just yesterday they'd pulled 3 Orgasms from him from nipple Play alone, and Martin felt like cowering at the thought that perhaps Harrison would do the same thing.
Martin had tried to protest before, of course, in a variety of situations, but in every case he'd always just ended up ass-up as he buried his face in embarrassment in whatever surface he could find as Mick or Jax or Rip took turns violating his ass and fondling his pecs.
Eventually, as Harrison's fucking into his ass and fondling him vigorously as Martin moans helplessly and tries to move away (honestly, considering he's been in a similar pose at least 400 times before, shouldn't he be used to it by now?), Martin feels himself slowly slipping into unconsciousness. The first time Mick, Rip, and Jax had truly put him through his paces, he'd passed out as he was now, and Martin had been foolish enough to think he'd wake up to something other than lustful faces and come-covered pectorals. He knows better now, though, and he's not surprised when, when he wakes up, it's to find Harrison there, still fucking into him. As he comes over his stomach once again, moaning and gasping, he notices Mick and Barry in the corner, watching him with dark expressions, and Martin tries to avert his eyes but Harrison quickly forces his eyes back even as he continues pounding into his ass.
"See that," Harrison hisses into Martin's ear as the professor begins to leak pre-come over his abs. "Barry knows too now about how fucking hot you are. Just hope he can keep a secret, or there won't be a time you're not being violated, fucked, and treated as people as god damn sexy as you should be."
Martin can only moan, even as Barry and Mick come over and begin licking up the come on his stomach and pecs and teasing his nipples and licking his balls and oh god-
"Congratulations," Mick says cheerfully as he licks the come out of Martin, the older man moaning desperately as he claws desperately at the sheets under him, now completely slick with come. "I think this is a new record. 18 Orgasms? Impressive, but I'm sure you'll beat even that tomorrow. I mean, it's probable, considering we've sent out pictures of you shirtless to Ray, Oliver, Nate, and Joe. I wonder whether they'll want to fuck you as a group or individually. Choices, choices..."
The professor can only sob helplessly as Mick violates him. After a few minutes, Jax and Rip and Joe join him, and they take turns eating out their eldest member, fondling his pecs, and playing with his cock. It's a vicious cycle, but eventually they get tired and leave him alone, leave him on the bed, unable to move, his muscled body splayed across the sheets, as he moans and pants and tries to remember his name.
The next day, he is allowed only 5 hours of rest until he's waken up by a cock in his ass.
"Morning," Barry greets him cheerfully.
"Fuck." Martin sobs out as Barry rubs repeatedly against his old, battered prostate. There's still come in his white hair from the night before, but it doesn't seem like any of them'll allow him to take a shower anytime soon.
Suddenly, Martin's coming again, screaming, arching his back against Barry as his come splatters across his chest and abs, and Barry only chuckles and licks some of the come off of the old professor's dick, smirking as Martin moans and gasps at the sensation.
Eventually, after a few hours, Barry gets up and leaves Martin, covered in new come and completely exhausted once again, and just as he's opening the door Martin faintly hears something.
"Yeah, Leonard, he's ready."
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