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Suppressed/Suppress/Suppressing = Forcibly put an end to; resist
- He suppressed a look of shock.
- It was hard to suppress his coughs.
- Suppressing a laugh, the man gave a light smirk.

Imbecilic/Imbecile = A stupid person
- He thought that girl was imbecilic.
- That man was an imbecile.

Pissant/Pissants = Worthless annoying person.
- That pissant was going to get us all killed.
- They are a group of pissants, nothing more nothing less.

Contemptible/Contempt/Contemptibly = Beneath consideration; Worthless
- That man is so contemptible, he once tried to date a guy he robbed.
- That girl has no contempt for the wishes of the majority.
- She acts contemtibly with no regard for others.

Ignoramus = An ignorant stupid person
- That boy is such an ignoramus.

Ails/Ailing = Emotionally or physically troubling; causing poor health.
- There's something ailing her.
- What ails you, sir?

Resuscitation = To bring one back to consciousness; revival.
- Resuscitation was performed to the drowned man.

Invalids = people made weak by a disability or illness.
- How did you pissants allow the invalids to steal our boat.

Brazen/Brazened = Bold and without shame.
- Coming out as a homosexual was a brazen experience.
- We at first were embarrassed about the job, but we brazened it out.

Adequate = Satisfactory or acceptable.
- He isn't the best worker, but his crafts are adequate.

Intermittently = At irregular intervals; not continuouslt or steadily.
- The girl was hiccuppig intermittently.

Interminably/interminable = Endless.
- The discussion was interminable.
- The boy was racing around the playground interminably.

Modicum = A small quantity of a particular thing, especially something considered desirable or valuable.
- His statement had a modicum of truth.

Poignant = Evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret.
- Walking into the resturanr after not having been here in so many years triggered a poignant feeling.

insinuation = An unpleasant hint or suggestion of something bad.
- She did nothing to deserve all the insinuations she recieved.

Tacit = Understood or implied without being stated.
- He took the silence as tacit agreement.
- She tacitly dismissed herself.

trepidation = a feeling of fear or agitation for something that may happen.
- He appreciated the younger girl's trepidation but gently dismissed her insinuations.

inauspicious = not conductive to success, unpromising.
- It was a slow start for her inauspicious summer

incandescent = emitting a light as a result to being heated.
- The candle produced a type of incadescent red color.

Oblivious = uninformed, unkowing
- The man was oblivious to his friend's intimate relationship.
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