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Eat a healthy, balanced diet with lots of vegetables and fruits, and drink plenty of water (eight glasses a day will keep you hydrated and is beneficial during high-energy activities). Avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates found in foods like white bread and pasta, where possible. Complex carbohydrates, such as those in whole grains and beans, are a better source of energy. Moderate your fat intake, but don't try to eliminate it from your diet. Your body does need some.
3Start an exercise routine. You'll want to start out small and work your way up. Start going to a gym and, if you're really determined, get a Personal Trainer. They have you do a physical test and a written survey and match what you want to gain to your body type. This may cost a bit though.
If you're too young to work out in a gym, there's still plenty you can do! Get involved in a sport; soccer, tennis, football, basketball, and roller blading are all fun ways to get and keep yourself fit! Or, start doing push-ups. Do as many as you can every day and keep a log book of records and goals. Try sit-ups, pull-ups, and jumping jacks, too. Go jogging, sprinting, and running as much as possible. If you are getting better at running, maybe you could join the cross country team.
4Don't stop once you reach your goal. You have to keep working to stay fit, so form healthy habits that will last you a lifetime!
5Get moving. Walk, dance, be active. Thirty minutes, ( three 10 minutes sessions are fine) most days of the week and you will reduce stress, gain energy, and reduce risk for diseases.
6If it’s painful, stop. Trust your instincts, they are usually right. If you feel uncharacteristic pain during a move, stop. I’m not talking about the “burn” of exercise, I’m talking a pain that is unusual for what you are doing. Notify your doctor of the problem.
7Have fun. If you work out to feel energized or happier you are more likely to stick with it. Those who only do it to look good are less inclined to keep it up.
8Get support. Find a friend who has shed pounds and work out with them. You will be likelier to stick with the regime and will have some great support.
9Tone up. For some great muscles, do two weight sessions a week, using weights heavy enough so the last two reps feel tough to eke out.
10Don’t go crazy. Take two days off a week to recover from your efforts. Let your muscles repair themselves between strength sessions. (Do cardio on these days if you want.)
11Ease in. Always start your workout with 5-10 minutes of easy light cardio. Warming up helps prevent injury and can help to maximize the calories burnt during your entire workout.
12Do the talk test. If you are working out and you can chat with your workout buddy, but you are too winded to sing, you are working at a perfect moderate pace.
13Cool down. If you take the time to taper off your workout with a cooling down stage you will feel less taxed when you are done.
14Mix it up. Every few weeks, increase the intensity, use different weights or swap to some new moves or classes to stay challenged.
15Encourage others to join a little fitness club. It's so much more fun with friends!
16Treat yourself: A chocolate bar once in a while is fine, slouching about is fine, but all in moderation!
17Don't forget, this is meant to be a fun time for you. Don't make it too grueling!
18Make sure you get enough sleep.
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