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i had a great conversation with one of my friends about politics. i'm not politically savvy, but he is. what we discussed was the radical viewpoint of a strong-right republican, vs. a strong-left democrat.. and really everything in the middle. what i mentioned to him was how you take a republican leader with a strong ideal, that should be accomplished. but what i also mentioned was you take that ideal and it falls short. so now what you have is a bill, a sanction, whatever. you take that and let's say it doesn't get accomplished. so now it, in a way, becomes a contradiction. what you have is that viewpoint gets pointed over towards a strong-left wing democrat. the finger gets pointed, yet not accomplished.. there's a conflict now, a contradiction. the 'should-bes' the 'ideals' even the 'unattainable but almost reached ideal.' but we are living in the real world, so it's usually not reached. without realizing, maybe both parties are striving for the ideal. i guess what could be seen is there's more pointing fingers then there is really getting anything done. should we really strive on making our country a better place to live in, or getting our ego's brushed with that keen way of slander, that multi-faceted strike sign, that 'conflict' that started with the point of a finger
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