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look at cs from 15-30 excluding jungle and short games. eu na and kr. to see of that stat is really important and better teams have higher numbers

its very common in sports that a top tier team plays to the level of a weak opponent, so need to feel bad about it. you just win those teams off of mechanics and decisiveness, dont feel bad about not beating them strategically, cause games are too random

disagree with thresh vs a classic tank team fighting comp, nami was better to disengage if they try to force 5v4 with kennen winnin split.
at least get alistar for wombo
cause in kr how no tank comps with a gold lead tf vs tank comp, is just dive into their backline

i actually like runaan over mallet. your dmg in tf increases sooo much. mallet is mostly about abusing its passive, cause its cost efficient is rather low

check kennen gragas matchup

update soloq and pro databases

pb prediction element: take away/ban champs that enemy picked in recent weeks

what wrote before: dont contest towers/dragons vs a tank comp, even with a gold lead, if they already got the position. or get to the area first and dont let them set up positions. But contest map and vision, cause enemy team is not grouped for those. If tf - go for backline. those tank comps tfs are comeback mechanisms, but if avoid those - early game leads win games
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