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For the second time in a row, the Kullu Zila Parishad has won the Rajiv Gandhi Shashaktikaran Puraskar for innovative measures to strengthen panchayati raj institutions. This year's award, including a cash prize of Rs 40 lakh, recognises what has been the hallmark of this parishad: that it takes all its decisions unanimously, after debating issues through, and ensures quick execution on the ground.

Zilla parishad chairman Hari Chand Sharma sees it as an appreciation of the parishad's "total democratisation... with zero dissent". "Thirty-five per cent of the budget is earmarked for women, and another 20 to 22 per cent for Scheduled Castes and Tribes. Whether it's MNREGA funding or development grants received under the 13th Finance Commission, utilisation is 100 per cent, with no backlogs, diversions or leakages. Everything is documented and open to public scrutiny."

Of the 14 members in the zilla parishad, eight are women.

In 2011-2012, the parishad received Rs 3.07 crore under the 13th Finance Commission and Rs 68.79 crore under the MNREGA. It generated Rs 6.66 lakh during the last financial year, Rs 1.74 lakh higher than the year 2010-11.

The preparation of budget and expenditure estimates in the parishad is on the line of the state's budget. Schemes are listed under separate heads and grants earmarked. A shelf of schemes is prepared in advance. Separate committees consider different issues, example budget and estimates, and meet periodically before the parishad's session, which is called after every three months.

Sharma says no meeting of the zila parishad has ever been called off for lack of quorum or adjourned without a discussion on an item on the agenda, which is circulated well in advance. Four MLAs from the district and nominated heads of panchayat samitis and gram sabhas also attend, along with district officials such as deputy commissioners, SPs and district heads of departments.

Minister of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Anil Sharma says: "The Kullu zila parishad is a show-case for all zilla parishads, not only Himachal Pradesh."

Girish Sharma, a Kullu district panchayat officer credited with many of the innovations at the zila parishad, says most of the schemes and projects are conceived keeping in view the needs of the locals. "Link roads are a basic need in the tough hill terrain. These get the highest priority. Safe drinking water is another big necessity. Rural sanitation, environment protection, healthcare, awareness about personal hygiene particularly among women and young girls, toilets for all, and minor irrigation schemes are also top of the mind. This has really made an impact."

Daneshwari Thakur, the zila parishad vice-president—incidentally also chairperson of the State Women Commission—recently organised three awareness camps to make women know about their rights, health issues and economic empowerment.

Scientists of Palampur Agriculture University have held camps to educate families in the Lug valley on the cultivation of garlic—a cash crop giving high returns. After a Rs 1.49 lakh water storage tank built in Hat panchayat under MNREGA and new link road, farmers have also switched over to cultivation of pomegranate, turning the whole belt a cash crop zone.

The effect can also be seen in Bhun panchayat across the Beas river. More than 37 families living atop a hill and facing acute water shortage are all smiles this summer. While requests to government for 15 years fell on deaf ears, Budhi Singh, the local zila parishad member, ensured that the panchayat got a Rs 4 lakh water storage tank built at a natural water source. "Drinking water was the biggest problem in our area. Women were the biggest sufferers," says Kanwal Jasrotia of the Bhun panchayat.

At nearby village Bhat, the local mahila mandal has got a Rs 3 lakh water supply scheme approved from the zila parishad under the Vikas Mein Jansahayog Scheme (public participation in development) after having contributed Rs 80,000 from its side.

In all, 117 water supply schemes have been approved this year and many are completed. As per a madatory clause, 70 per cent jobs have to go to locals in the hydel projects.

Residents like Dhani Ram Thakur of Banjar hopes that the zila parishad tackles drug trade next. "Award is alright but the zila parishad should play a pro-active role checking cannabis cultivation and locals getting involved in the narcotics trade," Thakur says.

The zila parishad, meanwhile, is now planning to switch to web-based technologies, along with posting updates on ongoing development schemes, with complete data on their financial and physical progress. "Let the whole country see our work and replicate Kullu's example," says Girish Sharma.
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