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Washington sat in his office, drinking scotch-as usual, smoking his cigar, and coughing his way throughout the day. And of course, doing his day-to-day routine one 'Look and Pick'. Washington was taken aback every time he looks through the mirror and notices the visible drastic change in his posture and in complexion. He noticed he was looking rather pale as if there were no blood flowing inside his head, nor the veins in his neck.

A young guard knocked and entered the room. He was wearing a black suit and he had perfect skin, and hair. "Sir, Mr. Cunningham is waiting for you in the halls." He smiled and nodded.

Washington raised an eyebrow in complete jealousy to the young man's appearance and waved to basically tell him to "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM" with a gentle smile.

Washington let out a sigh as he watched the young man "get the fuck out" of his room. "A place they call dungeon is a place I call safe house" he muttered beneath his breath. He got up and left his office with his Cigar lit that was very close to a bunch of paper.

Washington entered the hall with a smile and greeted his friend. "Benny." He shook his head as he walked up to him. The bald man stood up for the greeting. "Benny Cunningham."

"George!" Benny greeted back.

"I thought you died or choked on sucking dicks?!" Washington said and gave him a quick /manly/ hug.

"Ahh. Your jokes never seem to get old, does it?" Benny laughed as he pulled himself from the /friendly/ hug from his friend. "But..." he smiled and lifted his hand, showing Washington the back of his hand. "...sucking clits is a more accurate term now."

"Holy shit." Washington chuckled as he gazed upon a ring that was on his finger. "You? Married?!"

Benny laughed. "Her name is Priscilla."

Washington was speechless. His old friend, getting married to a woman! From his perspective it was absolutely impossible. He was simply amazed. "W- Ho- Tell me, how the fuck did this happen?!" Washington exclaimed. "What drink was she giving you!?"

Benny laughed at his friend's reaction. His reaction was just priceless. "I really have no idea. Remember the time when the only thing in me that was against my sexual activities was my gag reflex?" Benny chuckled.

Washington laughed and cheered. "Geez I remember how that felt." he winked

"Ha! You always hated that." Benny smiled. "So how are you doing after all these years?!"

Well, nothing much. You know, the usual stuff..." Washington said. "Just chillin... Killin'."

"Do you smell something?" Benny asked as he raised an eyebrow looking at everywhere.

"Oh, that's probably because you're smelling my dick. I know you, benny. It calls to you." Washington joked. "Let's take this outside, shall we?" Washington said as began to escort his special guest to the pool.

"Ah, yes. certainly." Benny responded with hesitant. He swear he can smell something odd around the place. He followed his friend slowly, his eyes darting at everywhere, looking for the source of that smell.

There they stood just outside the door, facing the magnificent pool on a clear sunny day. Washington took a deep breath of fresh air and smiled. "It's quite beautiful isn't it?" He said.

Benny on the other hand was amazed of what he was seeing. "I've seen worse." he joked. A waiter offered them a drink or two ice cold sparkling champagne. "Oh thank you, dear."

Washington chuckled. "I beg to differ." He smiled as he raised his glass. "Cheers."

Benny smiled and clunk his glass to his friend's. They took as sip of their drinks under on what might and should have been the perfect day.

"I believe you didn't come here to boast about your marriage and your sexuality, I presume." Washington said.

Benny said "Well. I've been meaning to ask you..."

A loud explosion was then heard from inside the house as flame erupted from the house, out to the pool, breaking the shattering the windows and everything that it passes. The house was engulfed in flames in a matter of seconds.

A large shard of glass that flew up up in the air suddenly landed on Benny head, killing him instantly.

Washington's jaw dropped. Little did he know that this was the beginning of the end. This was the beginning of HIS end.
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