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OCDaniel: 5 Paragraph Essay©
By: Chayana

Daniel, the least athletic boy out of every single grade eight in his school went up to the eerie and smelly old house which John, an unnerving and bad tempered man lived in. He then received his false newspaper advertisement and slowly stepped forward to collect their first clue yet. No matter what book you read, “OCDaniel” has the best quality of mystery in comparison to any other mystery book because of the author, Wesley King hooks the readers into the mystery narrative from the very first sentence in this immeasurable book. With the best detectives solving a complicated and jaw-dropping mystery and multiple surprises, this book can give you anything but dissatisfactory. OCDaniel wouldn’t be as outstanding as it is now if Wesley King, a superior author made OCDaniel a great book where anyone, especially people with OCD can solve a mystery just like the next best sleuth. Every single page and every single chapter has a mystery that will make your hair stand on its end until it is solved. From John to Sara’s dad, and even how Daniel found he had OCD, are all phenomenal mysteries in this one-of-a-kind book.
Sara’s Dad was a significant mystery in this book. All Sara wanted to do is to go on a journey to investigate about his strange absence, and what happened to him. Sara has never talked to anyone before, but she talked to Daniel just for this unnerving situation. The only person she ever talked to before the tragedy of Sara’s lost father. That is why Sara was strongly attached to her father. If she was to choose the best person in the world, it would obviously be her dad. They always spent time together and enjoying their life. After her father went missing Sara was broken, she just wasn’t herself even if she never told anyone about the pressure she has. Daniel and Sara were so immersed and determined to solve this enigmatic murder. The pair even broke into a house! I never heard of any eighth graders being able to break into a house -with an interior that seems like a murder can jump on you at any minute- and escape. This is a spectacular mystery unlike any other. Who wouldn’t think that a desperate girl solving a case, just to find her beloved dad isn’t a mystery needing to be solved? Sarah and Daniel would do anything to get him back and would not get stopped by anyone, or anything. In her hopes to find her dad, nothing will stand in Sara’s way from getting her dad and solving her mystery of whatever had happened to her father.
The author uses John to emphasize the theme of mystery in the book because he was a suspicious character. He, himself was a mystery to both Daniel and Sara, since he was Sara’s mothers new boyfriend after her father died. Sara always had a sneaking suspicion that John had killed her beloved father, yet with a suspicion so strong Sara and Daniel have no proof. In appearance, John looks like a bulky man that has tattoos wrapping his long muscular arms, with a heart that seems like it was made out of stone. Not only that, but he has a very deep and dark voice. Sara and Daniel even have proof that he gives money to others illegally. Who wouldn’t think that John wasn’t a suspect? In their immersed interpretation of Sara’s and Daniel’s guess-work, the group will have to work hard to find out the exact truth of who John really is. Mysteries are anything that make you wonder and want to solve it, this is a great example of just that Is John a unpropitious villain, or an optimistic and a good-natured gentleman? John could be anything there is, but can this mystery be solved? Sara and Daniel explore a way to crack this good-versus-evil mystery. No matter what happens John will always fit in the mystery category in this spectacular book, OCDaniel.
If I were to choose the most stunning, heartfelt and number-one of all the mysterious mysteries in this book, I would select the mystery of Daniel’s case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. The definition of the word “mystery” is something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain, and nothing shows a better example of a mystery than Daniels OCD. There is nothing scarier in the world than having what Daniel calls “zaps”. They make you do something until that activity is perfect. If you don’t complete what the “zaps” instruct you to do you will fail your life. Daniel had no idea why he had to get “zaps” and everyone else didn’t. “Zaps” are like getting forced to do a task or a job, and if you fail to complete the work needed to be done you will receive a parkour punishment in return. Daniel always thought it was crazy, but everything his brain tells him to do seems so realistic to him. Anything that his OCD makes him do is very unexplainable. Before Daniel knew he had OCD he was clueless about why he had to do these harmful activities. Every night Daniel stayed up and did a routine. The routine ends at approximately three in the morning. Flicking lights, crossing out certain numbers, and using extra toilet paper is just a few of the activities he has to do to fix the problem. Even worse than these examples is continuously brushing his teeth (making his gums bleed). Daniel always pounders about the activities Daniel had to do. Daniel had no idea that he was crazy like Sarah. When Sara gave Daniel a book clearly stating the outcomes of having OCD, and it is confirmed that Daniel has it, Daniel gets filled with shock and misery. All Daniel ever wanted to be is normal. Who will he choose to be? A weird and crazy Daniel or a normal and regular one? Daniel’s mystery is an easy one to solve, but can he overcome the harsh consequences if anyone finds out that he is diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and find out the mystery of why he has OCD? Even if Daniel didn’t solve the mystery by himself, I would rate this heart-breaking mystery five out of five stars
John, Sara’s dad, and Daniel’s disorder are just a few of the must read mysteries in this book. OCDaniel is full of complicated and serious mysteries (these examples above being just a few), but they can always be solved by the amazing sleuths, Daniel and Sara. These best friends can solve the simple, piece of cake mysteries to the toughest back-breaking ones. The many sophisticated and bewildering mysteries these two eighth-graders go through will never stop them from knowing the truth. Follow Daniel’s and Sara’s journey filled with of the top ranked mysteries that send a chill down your spine every time when you read OCDaniel, a book that should be awarded “the best book with multiple mysteries” exactly how it became a “Silver Birch” book.

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