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Verbs- Khan Academy
Ability of verbs to situate themselves in time. Past present and future.
for ex: talk, will talk, I talked
Present tense: Things that are happening in the present moment.
is and ing
I eat a donut. add right now.
Water is super cold, right now
Bertie is singing in the shower, right now

Past tense: Just adding -ed
walk walked, talk talked, sneeze sneezed, open opened, if its ends with
just d, else ed

Linking Verbs:

Actions, link ideas to one another. (Very Important)
I am, are, being was, is been, been where

Action: The bear eats the fish
Linking: The bear is hungry

Action: The bear looked into me
The bear looked lonely.

Bear smells a person
Bear smells like cinnamon

Helping Verbs: Auxiliary verbs
Inflected forms of the verbs.
words can help other verbs

Establish certain facts about a sentence.
Brian is eating a pizza
Brian has eaten a pizza
Brian was eating a pizza
Brian had been eating a pizza

Irregular Verbs: Verbs that are weird.
walked walk
slept sleep
kept keep
built build
spent spend
left leave
leapt leap
lost lose

Vowel shift: Sound can make, tongue is not touching your lips, teeth, or roof of mouth. (aeiou-y)

sing sang sung
drink drank drunk
ring rang rung
win won won
find found found
sit sat
sneak snuck
run ran
Sound shifts

Irregular Verbs - en
sing sang sung
tear tore had torn
show showed shown
prove proved proven
bite bit bitten
ride rode ridden
eat ate eaten
speak spoke spoken
be was/were been
go went gone

Truly Irregular Verbs:
Taught teach taught
bring brought
flee fled
say said
bet bet
set set
hurt hurt
can could
may might
shall should
will would

Verbal Aspect:
Verb tense.
I walk
I am walking
I have been walking
I have walked

4 mini tenses.
Simple Tenses: Bare tense, whatever conjugation you choose to do.
I walk- no information
I walked
I will walk - Simple

Progressive Aspect: Present progressive
I walk- I am walking. It changes it to ing verb

I walked-> I was walking, I will be walking ABC (always be conjugating)

Perfect Aspect: (have) we should add

I have washed the dishes
I had washed the dishes
I will have washed the dishes

Perfect refers to something that is finished

Perfect Progressive:
have - been verbing
I had
I had been eating cookes
I have been eating
I will have been eating cookies

Modal Verbs: Auxiliary verbs
Modality, likely to happen
ability, permission, obligation

may might must can could shall should will would
- Agree everything

I can do it, she can do it, They agree with everything
to may, to should
ungrammatical, indicate modality

must, he shall, agree positive

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