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There are 4 government types - You cannot enter alliance with different government type
Monarchist - universal g.t., can enter alliance with Democratic and Nationalist

All states will have different % of each g.t. and once different g.t. is in power they can make coup d'etat or civil war. Major countries can also influence Lesser countries with +5%/turn. Normal movement of g.t. is +5%/turn.

There will be also a lot of events to keep the historical timeline.

Also there are Major, Minor and Lesser powers
Major Powers are
France, German Empire, United Kingdoms, Soviet Union and Italy
Minor Powers are
Spain, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Poland, Czechoslovakia
Lesser Powers are everything else

Only way to increase your income is by conquering other nations or building a Factory
Factory - costs 100g, gives 10g income, this also makes a role in Powers rating

Other buildins you can invest to
Fortification - Fortifies the border with a single state (may need more fortifications for 1 border, depends on admin), gives +10 Defense, stacks up to +100, costs 100g

Airport - Allows you to recruit up to 15 planes. Stacks. Costs 100g
Port - Allows you to recruit up to 10 ships. Stacks. Costs 100g


4 Land unit types
Infantry - 1/1 - 10g
Cavalry - 2/1 - 15g
Motorized - 3/1 - 20g
Armored - 6/2 - 40g

4 Naval unit types
Transport - 0/0 - 10g - can transport up to 20 stats (10x 1/1 soldiers, but only 2x 6/2 and 1x 3/1)
Destroyed - 4/4 - 60g
Submarine - 4/2 - 45g
Aircraft Carrier - 2/6 - 70g - can carry up to 5 planes

4 Air unit types
Transport - 0/0 - 5g - can transport up to 5 Infantry
Interceptor - 4/4 - 50g - cheap air unit used to intercept bombers and transports
Fighter - 8/8 - 100g - expensive air unit used to gain air superiority
Bomber - 7/3 - 70g - can only be used in Naval and Land fights, cannot attack other air units

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