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Alternative Late Medievial Mapagame

Admin: Lazar Stoilkovic
Type: Stats-based Mapgame
Place: Europe with surroundings
Time: Late Medievial (begining with 1350)

1 turn = 6 months



- Unions (like HRE and Gibraltar) are consisted of autonomous / semi-independent states with rights to wage war, make foreign relations, develop and lead it's own policy independent of the Union's government, only obligation it has is paying an Imperial tribute and answering the call to war by Union's Leader when called upon
- States can lead wars beetwen themselves
- States can independivly lead wars against other nations
- States CANNOT attack Crownland, that is, seet of Union's Government
- Union's Leader is elected amongst the member states, and when elected, he keeps his possesions he has but gains rule over Crownland aswell
- When a nation is in form of an Union it grows Economically and Militaristically a LOT, but has a risk of breaking apart
- When one state is attacked, Union is obligated to help it
- In HRE, Member States have the title of Duchy, while in Gibralter, Emir
- Any country can form an Union


- Alliances can either be formed on Political, Economical, Religious or Military basis
- One country CANNOT be part of 2 alliances
- When one member of an alliance refuses to participate in war, they get penalty in various forms


- War cannot be declared first turn
- To start a war you need a Casus Belli, or otherwise your opponent will have an advantage and your own citizens will hate you


- You get money in treasury with 3 methods: Taxes, Trade and Tributes
- Taxes are paid by your citizens, the bigger the population (not neceserly territory), the bigger the income is
- Trade is made beetwen two or more different nations, and income is made by number of trading posts and trading ships alongside with number of trade deals with other nations
- Tributes can either be Vassal Tributes (20% of total income to the master-country), Friendly tributes (gold given by allies or such), War tributes (pillaged and stolen gold), Economy Upgrade tributes *from upgrading your Economy level) and Peace tributes (recieved from peace treaties).


- A vassal is obligated to pay 20% of his income to master-nation, go to war when needed, allow troops to pass and act defensivly for master-nation when needed.
- A vassal can either become by Peace traty after a war or voluntarilly.


1 Economy Level - 400 g
+ 50 g every turn
+ 1 Trade ship

1 Trading Post - 200 g
+ 20 g every turn

1 Trading Ship - 150 g
+ 10 g every turn

1 Footman unit - 50 g

1 Pikemen unit - 100 g

1 Archer unit - 150 g

1 Light Cavalry unit - 250 g

1 Heavy Cavalry unit - 400 g

1 Transport Ship - 100 g

1 Gunship - 200 g

1 Battleship - 400 g
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