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It had been many years since I last saw Dezrael or Sabrina “The Mother Superior”. I was based in Prague for about 10 years, while The Mother Superior remained in London and Dezrael was living in Amsterdam. I was in training for about 6 months in the Dungeon of my Mother Superior Sabrina Blaze. During that time I was trained in how to adjust to my conversion to succubus from the human form, how to manage the pain and pleasure of our victims, and how to punish their bodies and control their souls. By corrupting humans with our seduction, and breaking their will, we take control until they become our servants.

Upon completing my training with the Mother Superior, she advised me that it was time that I form and establish my own separate coven. She was a great help with the process of moving and was invaluable throughout with her advice on how to settle with a new identity in a new country. Language was not a problem, just by drinking someone´s blood; I could absorb their knowledge and learn all about a new culture. And by coming to Prague, you could say that I was very thirsty.

With the help of the Mother Superior I bought a property with a small chateau on the outskirts of Prague City. Once I was established on the property I had a dungeon built in the basement of the big house. The dungeon was designed for my particular games and pleasures. I had furniture and equipment brought from London and other cities to complete it to my specifications. I included many ideas for my game room that Mother Superior had suggested and I adapted them to my particular tastes.

We kept in touch by phone regularly each week. With the luxury of modern communication systems it was very easy to stay updated on what each of us was doing in their city. Our gossip frequently consisted of what we were doing with our victims in our dungeons. Then, one morning approaching the tenth anniversary of my rebirth, I received a closed envelope that was sealed with black wax inscribed with RT in gothic font. It was without doubt from Sabrina!

In Sabrina´s letter, she announced that she and Dezrael were organizing a special coven to commemorate the 10th anniversary of my succubus birth. The event was being scheduled for the night of October 31. She said that she was looking forward to the celebration to enjoy using my delicious new creations! “Damn, time went really fast and I had not transformed anyone!” I thought. I had at least three months left so I had to start NOW! “Tonight, if necessary, I should begin my hunt so as not to get to October 31 empty hands”. So I decided that night would leave in search of someone whom I could seduce to the darkness.

[font=Calibri","sans-serif]During my regular days alone at home, I enjoy the nature of my demonic body, and do not maintain the unpleasant human appearance. Sometimes I even went out hunting to feed without changing my shape. But today I needed to take the form of a human. It is not very pleasurable for me to take my human shape, applying makeup, and getting dressed. Nevertheless, for this special night I chose bright red patent leather plateau laced front knee boots, zipped, with 2” platform soles, 6” heels; a black LOUVA TiTi PARISIAN cut-away Basque, Laced Back; and a calf length latex gipsy skirt all of them from my much loved kinky rubber store… Demask! For my stockings I selected striped thigh highs with a lace top and completed my outfit with red latex fingerless gloves that left exposed my long pointed nails painted in matt black. My makeup was designed to seduce: eyes with a heavy smoked shadow and liner, deep black lips, and just a hint of purple blush on my cheeks. They definitely gave me a very gothic look.[/font]

I took a look in the full-length mirror and confirmed that I was ready for a hunting night. Into my coffin shaped purse I put a bottle of my red elixir, my black lipstick, and a vial of my intimate perfume. I went down to the basement and started my car. I smoked a thin handmade cigar, while the engine warmed. The purr of the engine made me remember the day that this vehicle came into my hands.

My car was one of my most precious objects. It had belonged to a pimp and drug dealer. He was a disgusting being that attempted to rape me and ended up being fucked by me and becoming my food. That night, I was very hungry and needed to feed. I went out to find some food. I was dressed like a cheap whore, since I had learned that it was the easiest way to get or attract drivers who are seeking a quick solution to their sexual desires. When this bug appeared, he tried to humiliate and rape me; because he thought I was some bitch from another area that had come to invade his territory. In the eyes of this detestable being I could see all the evil, the murders, and the rapes that he had committed during his life. This fed my desire, and the lust took control of my entire body. With a force that he not expects; I twisted his arm and forced him to kneel. He struggled, trying to escape, but I pressed with even more strength and broke his arm bone in two. The miserable creature shrieked in pain!! With one of my hands, I took him by the throat and told him that he would feel what it was like when he had done those terrible things to so many women.

The man saw the strength and power that was burning in my eyes! He began to mourn and begged for me to let him live. He felt sharp pain as my nails grew longer and dug further into his throat. “Open your mouth bitch! That´s an order! Open up if you want to live!!” I advised him. The worm of a man was now shivering and crying, but he opened his mouth. With my free hand I released my long cock from its confinement and placed it between his lips. “I order him: SUCK! If you do not do good job, you will die right here!!” The man began to suck harder. He was shaking with fear. I vigorously banged my hips against his face and started to deeply penetrate his throat. He reacted with violent reflex movements from the depth of my penetration. “You like it bitch? Are you enjoying that Sissyboi?” I asked him. His answer was a desperate look. I let out a demonic laugh. “Let me explain to you, you disgusting bag of bones! I´ll cum soon and you will not waste even a drop of my delicious semen. You got it slut?” I screamed at him! With his gaze he nodded. My back muscles tensed as my climax approached and a powerful jet of black semen shot out from my huge balls, through my long hard dick, and into the throat of the whimpering beast. He was surprised by quantity of semen that jetted from my cock and he tried desperately to swallow all of it. My pleasure was intense. It had been far too long since I had the pleasure of enjoying a meal.

My cock relaxed and I pulled it from his mouth. From his lips my thick black sperm gushed. I still had the bug by the throat! I started to lift him and the worm of a man felt even more pressure on his throat. His eyes widened and were exorbitant. “Come to me my Sissyboi without resistance, all resistance will be futile” He stood up and I relaxed my grip on his throat. “Let me live, let me live pleaseee” he said begging,! I said, “No, you worthless bag of bones; you are a miserable being” “Sorry! Sorry!! Let me live pleaseee” he pleaded. I moved my mouth close to his throat; my tongue began to lick the blood pouring from his throat wounds and rolling down his body. “Mhhhhhh delicious!” My fangs grew longer, I sunk my bite deep into his flesh and started to suck hard. He tensed his body when I started sucking his blood, but soon his life gradually died down. I was drinking all; blood and life energy until finally, the only thing that remained was a heap of dry skin and a lot of bones that began to quickly turn to dust between my fingers.

In the mountain of the powder that was a man few minutes ago; there remained his wallet with a wad of bills inside, an antique gold pocket watch attached at long gold chain, and car keys that he had when he approached me. I bent down and picked up his belongings in order to leave no traces and then I approached to the car. It was a black 1946 Plymouth 5 windows coupe. I sat behind the wheel and let my demonic powers flow through the vehicle which started a powerful transformation: The steering wheel became a nickel chain, the center horn button became a chromium nickel skull, the old upholstery became bright red leather, the dashboard front turned black with nickel edges, the gearshift knob became a black skull with red glowing eyes. The original external painting was sloppy and began to shine as huge orange and purple flames appeared on the both sides and on the hood. I started the engine; the bonnet center opened and out of it a polished aluminum three barrel air scoops emerged. On the front of the bonnet a sculptured skull formed and from the skull´s mouth several tentacles arisen and curled over the nose and grilled front panels. The regular wheels changed to turn on four ”Cragar 6 spoke chrome” ones. The engine roared like a cat! The license plate changed to the number: 666-FUCK. I turned on the MP3 player and rode the darkest streets with the sound of “Highway to Hell” by AC/ DC!

I pulled out of my basement garage and I began to roll through the streets of Prague while I tried to think of the best place to find prey that would fit my needs. As I drove on, I decided that the best night clubs or fetish bars to find prey were near Wenceslas Square in central Prague. It was one of the most visited areas of the city for its cultural and night life activity. I remembered that a monthly fetish event called “Sinless” was scheduled in the Club Paradiso that very night. I took out my phone, called Club Paradiso, and in moments had booked one of their private rooms for 9 pm. Twenty minutes later I was pulling up in front of the Club. It was a dark, cold and rainy night in town, with a new moon! I stopped the car in front of the club and I gave the keys to the valet parking attendant. The boy could not stop staring at my full, voluptuous breasts that my leather overcoat did not completely protect from the rain falling at the time. At the entrance, I was greeted by a familiar face, “Ms. Maryann! Welcome, long time no see” Lukas was correct; it had been too long since I had visited them. Lukas gallantly opened the door.

Inside the room, the music was loud. My musical memory did not fail me, I immediately recognized that they were playing Bauhaus - Bela Lugosi´s dead!! That was a coincidence!! I was seeking prey and the DJ played the soundtrack from one of my favorite movies, “The Hunger”. I smiled, as I recalled the scene where Catherine Deneuve and David Bowie were in a club looking for prey! I was not looking for a meal today. I had much more evil intentions, to corrupt a soul. I wanted a chair on the bar to begin my hunt. It was early, so there were several available for me.

As I sat down at the bar, the bartender greeted me, “Good evening Ms. Maryann, what would you like to drink?” The old man had been the bartender for more than 30 years on this bar.

“Pierre! Nice to see you again!! I would like to start with a delicious glass of that dark unfiltered beer from the brewery ´U Fleků; I know that you have a few bottles hidden for your special clients” was my answer.

Pierre smiled and answered me, “You never seem to change and you always look spectacular”.

“Thanks so much Pierre for your really nice compliments. You are so kind to me…”

“Anything else?” he inquired.

“We´ll see Pierre, the night is still young!” I replied to him with a broad smile.

It was Friday, the club had opened just a half an hour ago! Pierre served me the beer. I took the first sip while carefully searched the club environment... Officially, I was in hunting mode and it felt wonderful. Not much time had passed, when a divine gothic creature approached me. She was thin but with a good figure and small breasts. She was fairly young. I estimated 22 years old or probably less, but the heavy makeup made it hard to judge her age. She had several piercings on her lips, nose and ear. She had shaved and tattooed eyebrows. Most of her head was totally shaven but she had a long ponytail that had dyed a garish red. Her big green eyes were in clear contrast with the makeup around her eyes and her black lips.

She greeted me with a hello and held out her hand. I smiled, kissed her affectionately on both cheeks, took her hand, and asked her name. She answered immediately, “My name is Cassandra, but you can call Cassi” I smiled, told Cassi to take a seat and asked her if she wanted a beer? “That would be cool, yeah!!” she chirped.

“Great! Pierre, please serve a glass of the same tasty beer for my thirsty friend” I directed. When Pierre arrived with the beer, she took her glass in hand. We raised our glasses and together said prost!! We both took a sip of the delicious dark beer. “By the way Cassi, my name is Maryann” I advised her.

“Nice too meet you”, she answered. “I have not seen you here before. Is it your first time, and do you live in Prague?”

I laughed, “So many questions at once. Yes, I live on the outskirts of Prague and I´ve come to the club several times before, but it has been a long time since I visited.”

“I come every Friday, but I especially like the Sinner event nights”, she responded quickly. Her eyes stared at my enticing voluptuous breasts. As she nearly drooled at the sight of my breasts, her forked tongue began protruding from between her lips.

“I love your tongue”, I remarked. She came out of her trance and blushed. “As I was saying, you´re bellisima!” She shouts out “You are also very beautiful Cassi, and your tongue absolutely lovely” I continued.

She blushed again and offered, “I want to transform my body”

“Really?” I probed further, “What do you want to do on your body?”

She replied quickly, “Well I want another tattoo and several piercing, and I was also thinking about having three implants placed on my head and forehead.”

“I see Cassi” I casually answered her. Suddenly, I felt an extremely attractive presence entice my nose, my skin and my dark soul... Someone very special had entered the club! I started to survey my surroundings to locate the source of this stimulation.

In the center of the dance floor was the person I needed. He had good body, angelic face, but not too muscular. He seemed to feel my aurora. But he did know from where it came. I saw him staring at me. At same time I felt the struggle in his mind between fear and desire. The fear of the unknown was winning and I had to hurry or lose him. I asked Cassi to take care of our seats. I said to her, “Excuse me; I must leave you briefly to talk with someone. Please Cassi do not move from our spot, I´d be back in a few minutes” She assured me that everything would be fine. I immediately focused on relocating my prey, the guy who was so appealing to me. I let my dark instinct work. I found him on the dance floor; he was trying to “fit in” dancing alone in the spacious dance floor. I eased over nearer to him and I was soon dancing close to him. He was somewhat surprised by my arrival, but he embraced it with pleasure and quickly reciprocated my attention. We danced and flirted for a little while before the DJ ended the set.

I took him by the hand and led... well almost dragged him to the bar where Cassi and I were sitting. She had a puzzled look, seeing me return with a guy from the dance floor. I knew that she thought we would be alone. She wanted to be with me, she wanted me more than anything in this entire club. I presented him to Cassi and she politely extended her hand. He courteously took her hand and gallantly kissed it. She smiled at his gesture. A gallant man is a rarity in these times. He stood erect and inquired, “May I ask to be informed of the name of the beautiful woman who enraptured me and saved me from the dance floor?”

“Ohhh, that´s me, hahaha!” I laughed. “My name is Maryann.”

We all laughed and then he took my hand and kissed it. When he saw my black long sharp nails, he paused with surprise. I stroked his face with them... I turned my gaze to Pierre and asked him to prepare the intimate room that I had previously reserved. He politely replied. “Mrs. Maryann we have everything ready for you, the waiter will guide you” I thanked Pierre and gave him a kiss on his cheek and a nice tip!

Lukas invited us into our reserved area and assured me that everything was prepared as requested and in accordance with the reservation. He asked if he should open and serve the whiskey. I declined his offer and informed him that I would handle those duties myself for my guests tonight, and that if I needed anything more, I´d ask. Lukas welcomed us and offered, “If you need anything more for I´m ready to follow your orders Mistress Maryann. Whatever you need… just let me know.”

“Ok Lukas, I´m confident that you would be able to satisfy all my needs; whatever they are! With equipment like that, I am sure you can” I teased! I thanked him and he slipped a note into my hand with his phone number. I gave him a demonic smile. Then I whispered into his ear that I certainly was going to need something more, so I´d call him. He looked me directly in the eye, smiled, and then disappeared from our room. Cassi was already seated and Peter remained standing until I was seated, as always very courteous.

The private cubicle was small but comfortable. In the glossy black panel box on the table was a bottle of Macallan Single Malt Whiskey, 55 years old; a very special and aged whiskey in a Lalique crystal decanter (there had been made only 420 bottles made of this whiskey). The cubicle wall was bright blood red and the oval sofa was covered with black leather with red leather trim. Some chains fell down from the ceiling with handcuff hanging open. Ready to be used! I sat in between Cassi, who was sitting to my right and Peter on my left. I opened the bottle and placed a piece of ice in the short crystal glasses that were on a table. Peter courteously helped me open the bottle. I took responsibility to prepare the glasses. After I poured a reasonable amount of the aromatic whiskey on each glass, I removed the small bottle containing my special dark crimson elixir from gothic purse. I had prepared the elixir for that evenings´ (It contained measured drops of my blood and black semen especially prepared to “enhance” the single malt whiskey). Peter inquired what it was, and I informed to him that it was very special liquor that designed to highlight the deep aged flavor of the whiskey. I immediately placed a few drops into each glass with double doses for Peter. He expressed his concern over the cost of these scotch´s bottle. He knew it was certainly very expensive and he indicated he was not in a position to pay for such an expensive drink. I told him not to worry about a thing, because today he and Cassi were my guests. He thanked me and made no further comment on the contents of his glass.

I passed a glass of the whiskey mixture to Cassi as used my long middle finger nail to stir the contents. As she accepted the drink she took my hand and put my long finger nail to near her mouth and licked it with deep lust using her forked tongue. Peter´s eyes were a poem. The scene he had witnessed made his mouth water. Cassi´s eyes were bright with lust! I turned to Peter and giving him his glass while I mixed the elixir with the single malt with using my finger nails just as I had done for Cassi. Peter took my hand and following Cassi´s lead he licked all my fingers and began to suck my middle finger. I smiled at him and raised my glass and said, “For one night of pleasure and lust!!! ...” Everyone laughed and cheered “Prost!”

While we sipped from our glasses we began to feel more comfortable... I asked my guests what they do for a living.... “First you Peter!” I was really curious about him. “What do you do for a living? It took a few minutes for him to respond as if he was seeking an adequate response to a complicated question. He answered: “I´m the school bus driver for teenagers at the Convent of St. Agnes. Only teenage girls attend the school. It is very rigorous and governed by nuns. I am single and live alone in an apartment that I inherited from my parents. They died a few years ago; I am 28 years old... Mhhh... I´m like... How can I say it?” He sighed looking down and finally said… “I´m a virgin!!”

“Wooowww… That´s a difficult confession!!” slipped from my mouth…

“What the fuck!!?” uttered Cassi, with a big look of mock surprise.

I looked her and asked her to be kind to Peter because it was difficult for any man to be so honest and open. I looked deep into Peter´s eyes and asked him, “How you feel about your life and your work?”

“Well, Miss Maryann...” he began…

I interrupted, “Please do not call me Miss!! I´m a Dominatrix, but you´re not my SLAVE yet! Hahaha; we are just friends today; so you can address me as Maryann, simply”

Not realizing the meaning behind my comment, He nodded and said. “Good, Maryann in answer to your question, my job is pretty boring, I must be very strict, especially when I´m dealing with the teenagers girls. And it is not easy at all. They are always trying to make me lose control and drive me crazy. And to top it off, Mother Superior Sister Severa is extremely strict. If anyone from my job were to discover where I am today and with whom, I´m sure I would be fired”

“Perhaps we are a very bad company”, I suggested to Peter pointing to Cassi and myself. I displayed a look of disappointment on my face.

He quickly corrected himself, “No! No! Do not misunderstand me, please! You two are wonderful, spectacular, sexy, I am grateful; I would have never imagined I could live this experience in a fetish club, with so many beautiful women. But I must be careful”

I assured Peter that we understood and that his secrets were safe with us. He reiterated that Sister Severa was a very demanding and strict Mother Superior.

“So am I honey, I´m a very strict Dominatrix too, Peter” I assured him with a wide evil smile on my face. I turned to face Cassi and asked her: “What about you my dear, gothic girl! Tell us a little about your life... what do you do for work?” She opened her eyes wide and gave serious thought in the back of the cubicle. “Maryann, I think my life is not very special. Life, apart from my work, I have no parents or siblings, no family and very few if any friends. I´m a very lonely soul. And I think that´s why I have concentrated on my own dream”

“Do you want to share your dream with us my dear gothic girl?” I encouraged her.

Cassi hesitated a little and then answered: “I want to transform my body!!”

Looking to push her more deeply I asked her again: “Very nice Cassi! Why not tell us… mhhh… What else you want to do with your beautiful body?”

She opened her green bright eyes wide and almost whispering she continues her confession: “I love body modification, it has brought me so many happy years, and I think that´s my biggest fetish. I do not want to see it in the bodies of other people I want to see those changes in my own body. I have already taken some small steps”

“Why not show us, Cassi?” She showed us her split tongue, licking her lips seductively. “I split my tongue few months ago, I have several piercings too, some tattoos, and my next step will be some implants on my forehead and head. I want to look like I have horns emerging from several points of face and head. I also want to change my ears”

“Modify your ears?” I asked her.

She took a breath and answered me: “Yeah Maryann, I want to have pointy ears, and on them many piercings on each edge. By the way, I love your nails! I too, want long, pointed nails; sharp and black all the time. I do not like at all what I have now, I am very sorry” She hides her face, with her arm; meanwhile try to hide her fingers.

“Peter, what do you think about Cassi body changes? Do you want to be like our friend Cassi?” He was wide-eyed, still looking Cassi licking her lips with her split tongue; and he with his trembled voice murmured: “Incredible!!” Then quickly, he turned his face from one of astonishment to one of defeat.

“Why that faces, Peter?” I asked him!

With a beaten face he answered me: “Maryann I cannot even have a tattoo or piercing on me that is plainly visible. It would jeopardize my job. And now with the terrible economy, I would almost immediately be in the streets if I lost my job”

I took his hand, placed it close to my heart, and looked directly into his eyes and assured him, “I can understand you situation my dear!”

His face still showed concern. I took Peter`s face between my hands and looked deep into his eyes, meanwhile I caressed him with my stiletto nails and asked him:

“What brought you to this place today, Peter? Had you ever been to a fetish club before?”

With a pitifully face, he answered me: “No Maryann, it´s my first time in many things”

Cassi and I both smiled!

He continued “To be honest, if you had not grabbed me by the hand on the dance floor, I would probably have run out of this place, but touching your hand gave me courage to continue the adventure”

Let me ask you again “What brought you here Peter?”

He replied with his head down almost whispering. “Maryann would not... I think, the curiosity, I had heard many stories, read on the internet and was very curious to come to a place like this. And I had not dared to until to this day!”

Again I took his face in my hands and stared at him ... “Do you like BDSM? Have you ever tried or experienced any BDSM?”

His eyes showed anxiety, a part of him wanted to run away from my questions but the other part wanted to explore further. I knew he was stripped to his soul. Peter´s face became very red. Watching his reaction, I nudged his glass of whiskey close to him and told him to drink a little and relax.

“Listen Peter, no one here will judge you; nobody here will point at you! You are in our confidence and you are with people who understand your anguish in situations like this; we all go though it once. We are here to liberate our darkest desires and I want to help you!”

Peter looked at me carefully and I felt he had found the answer! He replied calmly, “I´m attracted to bondage, spanking, whipping and physical torture, but like I said, I´m a virgin in every way and wanted to live life to the fullest, I wanted to explore vanilla sex, but also want more perverted things, like try anal and oral sex”

I laughed with his full confession and said: “Anal sex and cunnilingus are not perverted things honey! They indeed, are really delicious! And maybe you will also love fellatio!” Cassi and I laughed “Hahahahaha!”

I really enjoyed his confession; all this made him more appetizing. Peter was definitely like a slice of the most delicious “Tiramisu” and Cassi, was my “Dark chocolate cake”!

Peter took a big gulp and drained his glass. He had taken a big load off his mind. Cassi and I also drank what was left in our glasses, and I started to fill Peter´s glass and put in a little more of the elixir. I needed their barriers and taboos to fall. I handed the glass to Peter, served him his drink and I got up telling Cassi to accompany me to the bathroom. I asked Peter to take care of the cubicle and I assured him we would not take long in the bathroom.

I winked at him and said close to his ears: “Drink your single malt whisky, it will help you, I want to lift your mood. Today is night of fun and you´ll spend it spectacularly! After tonight you will not be the same person” I assured him with a lick on his ear.

His eyes opened and looked at me hopefully. “Believe me” I said again.

Taking his face between my hands I whisper at him: “Tonight many of your darkest desires will become a reality. But you must trust in me. Do you trust in me? Peter?”

He nodded and assured me with his deep brown eyes, “Yes Maryann!”

I took his answer like a break in his will… and again assured him “Perfect, in a few minutes we´ll be back”

Peter reclined with his back on the sofa, looking to relax a little. Cassi and I left the cubicle, and walked to the bathroom, the bathroom was fortunately unoccupied. Cassi was immediately looking for the toilet. She peed, while I checked my makeup in the mirror, and applied my black lipstick over my lips, the special one! The corrupting one! Cassi finished and she approached to me and looked at me in the mirror, in her eyes there was only one word: LUST!

She said, “You´re so beautiful Maryann”

I turned and moved my face close to hers, our lips merged into a deep kiss, our tongues played, and the desire flowed around us. Someone entered the bathroom and briefly interrupted our kiss before quickly departing.

“You are also very beautiful Cassi” I said.

I gave Cassi my lipstick; I think you´d like to wear this color too! Her eyes glittered; meanwhile I removed the perfume vial from my purse and put a bit on me between my breasts. Then I did the same with her. She was finished with the black lipstick and I caressed her with my hand and put some drops of my perfume around her neck and my hand reached her cleavage and placed few more drops of the same between her breasts.

She looked at me with those big green eyes and she said, “It smells very rich Maryann” Her forked tongue licked her black lips.

I started running my hands over the top she was wearing. With one movement, I lowered her top and since she was not wearing a bra, I began to lick her nipples alternately. When they were erect, I sank my sharp and long fang into their delicate skin and injected my poison into each nipple. She moaned with pleasure. Then I took my lipstick and painted her areola and nipples. The breast were small, at most a B cup. I then pulled up the top covering her cleavage.

I broke her trance when I ordered, “Upon reaching the cubicle I want you to approach Peter and give him a deep kiss with those beautiful lips painted in black”

Her eyes shone with a perverted look. “I will Maryann; it will be a pleasure for me!”

I nodded and kept looking at her in the mirror and asked, “Do you want to have large breasts Cassi? Like mine?”

I took her hands, moved them up to my large breasts and caused her to fondle them. Her mouth watered. “Yeah Maryann I would love to have such big, juicy boobs like yours; nature was not so lavish with me”

“This can be changed” I said.

She was almost crying as she answered me: “How can I do that Maryann? Surgery? I do not have the money to pay for a procedure like that; I could not do it with all of my life savings!!”

“Do you trust me? I asked. Are you willing to follow and obey me, Cassi?” I said as I stared deep into her eyes, searching her soul.

She responded quickly, “Oh yes, Maryann!! Or should I address you as ´Mistress´ Maryann now?”

I smiled devilishly and hugged her deeply and whispering into her ears: “My, dear Cassi, I´m happy with your answer; I can assure you, my little dark creature, your life will change forever and in a way you will not expect. You will not be a lonely soul anymore!”

We left the bathroom and returned to the cubicle. Peter was waiting with much anxiety and hopelessness. His eyes flashed when he saw us! It was as if his life came back into his body! Cassi approached him and took his face in her small hands and gave him deep French kisses probing her split tongue into his mouth and playing with Peter. He responded and also stuck his tongue into Cassi´s mouth. I watched closely at the scene and clapped my hands. Cassi and Peter broke their kiss when they heard my claps. Cassi smiled at me with that naughty look as the corruption rapidly progressed in her body. Peter´s lips were now painted glossy black.

“The gothic style suits you Peter…” I assured him… Cassi looked at him and said: “Yes Peter looks like a dark boy!”

She approached to him and with an evil smiled said: “He needs a more deep touch”

I immediately removed from my purse the black lipstick and black eyeliner and passed them to Cassi. She applied a glossy black coat on Peter´s lips, almost immediately Cassi gently painted the edges of his eyes black, and then she ruffled his hair.

“Okay kids, everyone in their place” I said as I sat in the sofa center with Peter on my left and with Cassi to my right.

I caressed Peter´s face and said to him: “The Gothic style is well suited to your beautiful face Peter”. He blushed.

I approached his face and gave him a deep kiss. My tongue was longer than Cassi´s and it darted quickly into his mouth. He responded to my advance with his tongue. When he reciprocated and stuck his tongue in my mouth, I bit him with one of my long fangs and injected the corrupting poison into his tongue. He reacted with surprise to my bite. I gave a devilish laugh. “Everything has its price Peter, even a kiss” Peter sighed with pleasure!

I undid my latex bra and laid my body back on the sofa back. Cassi´s hands began stroking my big breasts. Then she took my left nipple into her mouth and she elongated it and made erect with her delicate lips as she began to suck hard on it.

I let out a soft moan of lust and told Peter, “What are you waiting for?” Peter began to lick my other nipple shyly as I took the back of his head and pushed to encourage him to suck me deeply. He understood, and with a new boldness, began to suck hard and bite my nipple. which started to pour out black thick cream. Cassi´s eyes sparkled when she tasted it for the first time and gave a deep groan, Peter sucked hungrily and lustfully; all of his taboos, fears and barriers were falling fast. His gaze was lost and he swallowed everything that came out of my engorged nipple. He was a very thirsty soul for pleasure and had found a source to satiate his lust.

I placed my hands on each of their heads stroking and thinking loud: “This will be your first food, my gothic creatures, take everything you can now, fill your body and soul, feed your lust with my dark juice” The black lipstick, my corrupter, that Cassi was wearing on her lips had begun to reveal the effects, revealing the first corruption signs progressing through her body. I began to see small black veins spreading from her lips down her face. Her skin was a little whiter. Even her nipples looked more swollen under her translucent black elastic top. Peter´s eyes glittered with lust; he was in a pleasure trance like Cassi.

The two eagerly and hungrily sucked and drank my dark juice. I gripped them each by the hair and pulled their heads vigorously to break their trance and detach their mouth from my nipples. They raised their heads dripping with my juices from their lips; the three of us kissed and licked our faces. Cassi´s forked tongue was now very dark, more elongated and much more pointed. Peter´s tongue was much longer and had also darkened a little. I put my bra back on, as I told the two: “Ok my gothic puppies, it´s time to find a more comfortable and private place to unleash our games and desires. It´s time for some unfulfilled wishes to come true. Let´s go home!”

We got up and I arranged my clothes. Cassi did the same. Peter now seemed a gothic boy. I cancelled my remaining club account for the night and asked Peter if the remaining half bottle and three glasses were brought to my car. The bellboy brought my parked car, opened the door, and then I gave him a generous tip. Cassi and Peter were surprised at my vehicle. Certainly it was one that did not go unnoticed. I asked them to get into the back seat so Cassi could warm up our very hot virginal friend.

I sat in the driver seat and turning on my car…. The engine roared… As it warmed up… I advise to Cassi and Peter, who were now sitting on the back seat, “It will be like an hour from here to my home, dark children, so make yourselves comfortable”

Cassi looked in the rearview mirror and I mouthed to her “Don´t let dear Peter cool down!” She stared back at me with a deviant look. With her now long, dark, forked tongue she licked her lips and assured me: “Mistress Maryann, Yummy!! I´m going to eat this guy before you get home!”

With a devilish laugh I warned her, “You must leave me something, does not be a selfish!”

It was nearly one in the morning when we left the Club Paradiso. There was no traffic at all, the streets were deserted, so the return home was a cakewalk. Cassi had not stopped playing with Peter; she introduced her hands everywhere, caressing his cock and pinching his breast. Peter was in a trance of ecstasy, his breathing was ragged.

“Don´t excite Peter too much; I don´t want him to come early. Just keep him warm and aroused, dear Cassi!”

About 10 minutes after; I announced: “Hey bitch! We´re approaching my home!” I pressed the button that opened my outer gate and the underground parking gate. The night was dark, but even so the silhouette of the house could be seen. Through the front window of the car they both could see the size of my property, the expression of Cassi was a priceless poem, and “Maryann you´re really rich”! I laughed.

I went down the ramp that led to the garage, stopped the car and turned it off. We got out of the car and then I guided them to a small elevator that would take us to my room. My house had two levels above ground and two below it. The master bedroom was located on the top floor where also there were two more rooms; the ground floor level was devoted to the regular services of a home, kitchen, dining room, storage and a large living room. The first basement worked as parking, workshop, heating and utilities. The deepest basement was dedicated to my dungeon.

The small elevator door opened and we walked into my room, the lights automatically turned on, filling the room with warm light. I went to a large sofa located near the fireplace and lit black candles in the chandeliers at each side. They approached to the couch and I told them, “This is your home my beloved pets, take sit and relax” and for my inner thoughts, “And it will be your delicious hell forever”

I left them in my bedroom while I proceeded to walk to my wardrobe looking to change my clothes into something more “comfortable” The fire was already warming the cold room, Cassi began to undress and sat on the couch and called Peter with wicked smiled on her face, “Come to my side gothic boy”. I saw her with the corner of my eye and yelled, “First serve three glasses of whiskey Peter! Then you can warm up the bitch!! I will be back in a few!” And then I went into my wardrobe. I took off my bra; I put on a “Deluxe Red Feather Robe”, and returned to the room.

When I arrived back in my bedroom, they were sitting on the large couch; Cassi was naked and was stripping Peter. Cassi looked directly into my eyes and she moved over to make space for me between them. I sat on the couch and she turned towards my side, Cassi´s eyes were shining as she searched my boobs for more of my juices. Peter was watching us as he savored his drink. I grabbed my glass and took a sip while Cassi bared my chest and began licking my nipple. She asked, “I want more ´Mistress´ Maryann! May I?”

I caressed her face and answered: “Drink all you want my dark harlot!”

“And you Peter!! Take off all your clothes!” I ordered him.

He started to undress but stayed with his boxers on. I saw him and said: “I ordered you to take off EVERYTHING!!! You fucking bitch! Do you not understand a simple order ´Sissyboi´?”

He replied, “Yes ´Mistress´ Maryann!” Under his boxers the size of his nearly erect cock was revealed. It was about 5 inches long! His cheeks were flushed. “Come close to me gothic boy…” I directed.

In response to my order he approached me. With one of my long black nailed hands I started to stroke his cock and play with his small balls. He closed his eyes and let out a heavy sigh as I stroked his genitals hard. Cassi did not lose any time and had unlashed my robe, and sought out my private parts with her hand. As she sucked my nipple with a fierce hunger her nails grew a little longer and black; I watched the corruption changes taking place in her body.

She moved her hand toward my inner parts, to touch my crotch. But I stopped her hand with mine, and meanwhile I released my beautiful big cock from its confinement and started stroking it. She was surprised to see a huge dick emerge and immediately her mouth started watering because It was almost upright and was about 10 inches long. Peter´s eyes were also focused on the size of my hard on. I said: “Cassi, what did you expect bitch? Suck it!! It´s all yours, I know you want it. And Peter, it´s your time to feed me!”

Immediately she moved and started licking my huge dick; meanwhile I took Peter´s dick into my mouth and began to suck hard on him. From my stick started to sprout black pre-cum. Cassi quickly licked it up, and opened her mouth, and began to deep throat me. I introduced all of Peter´s cock in my mouth, my long tongue stretched out of my mouth and spread to find his balls and began to caress them. This was too much for poor Peter, who began to make loud moans and to tense his body. He came fast into my mouth; a surprising amount of sperm shot out from his balls. I took his entire load in my hungry mouth and swallowed. My eyes began to shine while my body absorbed all his sperm with which he fed me. Then, in a split second of time, I sank my fangs into his cock and injected a large amount of my corruption poison. Peter screamed loud! With my tongue I licked his shaft and soon there were no traces left of the two wounds.

I said him, “Sorry love! It was the passion!” He smiled, his eyes misted; he had dumped a big load of semen and was deeply relieved.

I wiped my mouth with my long tongue and ordered Peter, “It´s your time to worship me ´Sissyboi´ I want you to suck me!”

He responded with surprise, “Me??”

I answered by showing him my lips with his cum on them. “I drank your load Sissyboi; it´s time for you to do the same with mine!” He hesitated a little but then he timidly approached my organ and began to lick my long cock along with Cassi. “You Gothic bitch, Cassi!!… Teach our Sissyboi to be like a whore who knows how to eat a real dick! I want you to turn Peter into an expert dick cumslut!”

She nodded to me in response and said: “Yes Mistress! It will be a pleasure to teach this Sissyboi how a real whore does fellatio!!, Mhhhh, how we love long cocks and enjoy eating as we drink all the semen without leaving a drop .... Look Peter!! I want you take that dick deep up to her root, so take her to until the depth; I know that you can!! My mouth is smaller than yours and yet I can go deeper than you Sissyboi!!!” He watched as Cassi swallowed more than half my huge piece of meat and then she pulled my stick from her mouth.

“It´s your turn Sissyboi, I want you to swallow it all now!” She ordered him showing her dominant side for the first time!

“I want to see you eat the cock of our Mistress! Come on, take that dick deeper!! GO DEEP in the next attempt Sissyboi! I want you to go deeper, so you will! Peter!! Do it!!” Cassi encouraged him meanwhile she stroked my engorged balls with her hands.

My climax approached and she knew it. Cassi could feel the pressure growing in my balls and she moved her eager mouth toward my massive cock. I screamed, “Cummming! gggghhh!!” Lots of cum rolled through my long piece of meat and began to sprout out, Peter took the first load and swallowed, but the amount exceeded his ability to drank it all and it began to scatter everywhere. The black sperm began to fly out through Peter´s nose! Cassi also began to lick and drank all that she could take too. They licked and drank from my fountain like cum source. My semen juices were black and thick. I told them, “I do not want to see a single drop of my precious elixir to be wasted on the floor. You must clean all floor; my gothic whores. Clean it up with your tongues!” I let out a diabolical laugh, my eyes shone with an unnatural light and they turned black...

They cleaned everything with their tongues and then proceeded to lick their mouths and bodies clean with their tongues in between kisses. Finally they looked at me as they knelt. “Very well, bitches. Rise up, both of you, in bed!” Peter and Cassi quickly got up and went to my bed. Next, Cassi waited in a recumbent position propped up by my pillows against the headboard as she obscenely exposed her labia to Peter who licked her hungry pussy. I said to Peter, “Today you will cease to be a virgin, I want you to fuck Cassi in her pussy with your tiny penis, I´ll bury this real cock in her ass, both of us will fill this nympho bitch. Tonight we will break many of your taboos, Peter!” A mischievous smile appeared on his face. The effect of drinking the large amount of my semen was beginning to show in both Peter and Cassi. Cassi breasts had grown and her skin had become very white. From her lips journeyed many black veins all over her face. The travelling blackness grew also from her nipples and areola. “But before that, Peter, I want you to wear this harness. The harness will allow free passage for your ´shecock´ and at the bottom is joined a long silver buttplug to fill your tight ass!” He nodded, and said, “I´m all yours Mistress, you can do with me whatever you please. I want to fill all your darkest desires. I am a horny bitch, at your service!”

“Okay, bitch, on all fours, with your face down. Peter, I want you on all fours and to plunge your tongue into that juicy cunt!” I pointed to Cassi´s cunt, “and keep your ass up!” Peter obeyed me, lifting up his ass and at same time starting to lick Cassi´s wet cunt. Like a horny bitch, Peter licked Cassi´s pussy deeply. He began to drink the black juices that were beginning to leak from her cunt. They hadn´t noticed but their bodies were changing fast. Cassi´s mouth, nipples, areola and pussy were showing the distinct signs of corruption. At the same time, Peter´s cock head took on a black color and the veins on his shaft bulged, while his piece of meat lengthened and thickened. The corruption progressed quickly in Cassi´s body and she began to generate more black juices. There was no question that her conversion into a dark being was now irreversible...

I placed my mouth near Peter´s ass and began licked him with my long forked tongue. As my tongue stroked his sphincter muscle, I buried one of my fingers that was greased with the black lubricant and caressed his anus. “Hahahahahaha!” I erupted with diabolical laughter as I started to insert the long buttplug into his maiden ass. On the third attempt his sphincter relaxed allowing the entry of the massive invader. His painful body spasm was so exhilarating. “There is no pleasure without pain, Bitch!!!” I cried to him as I dug my nails into his buttocks, drawing rivulets of blood. I licked the blood with my tongue, closing the wounds. My saliva has the property of healing wounds in humans. I finished tightening the harness around his waist. Then he turned and I gave him a deep French kiss. I still had some of his blood in my mouth as he licked my lips with his tongue. Next, I lowered my kisses to search for his small nipples. I sank my sharp fangs in his right nipple, injecting my black poison. He moaned and I moved to his other nipple and did the same. From his wounds my black elixir was transported down thru his body. I licked the wounds closing them with my tongue as his blood trickled down his skin.

I said to Peter as I pointed at Cassi face “Well it´s time to fill the bitch´s holes.” Cassi was fiercely masturbating her corrupt blackened pussy with her long black nailed hands. “Lie on your back Peter!” I ordered him, “Cassi my devilish harlot it´s your time to take the Sissyboi virginity!” She gave me a wicked smile, got up and positioned her cunt over Peter´s body and with an agile movement took Peter´s elongated hard on, and buried the now lengthened and widened cock deep into her hungry pussy.

I went around to her back side and watched as she buried Peter´s penis inside her pussy and then pumped on him over and over, again and again with a lustful rhythmic movement. As Cassi rested and laid her body on the Peter´s chest, face forward, I got into position so that I could bury my enormous cock in her ass. She offered her breasts to Peter´s mouth and he began to suck from her swollen black nipples as black milky juices poured from her. In the last hours Cassi´s breasts had grown to a full C. Cassi lifted up her hungry ass and with my hands I pushed her butt cheeks to the sides, leaving her asshole completely exposed. First I stuck my long black tongue into her ass; I gave her a deep dark kiss, licking her ass. She moaned loudly with pleasure as she felt my tongue invade deep into her until I touched her inner wall., I introduced my tongue again, licking deep into her ass and greasing it with my mouth juices. I took my tongue out of her ass and put her in position to bury my cock, she panted heavily.

I introduced the tip of my cock in Cassi´s asshole and even with a strong push with my hips I couldn´t overcome her sphincter´s opposition. It took two more attempts to overcome her resistance before I was able to bury my long piece of meat in her ass with a forceful third stroke. Cassi screamed in pain as she felt the rush of my shaft plunge into her. She sunk her nails into Peter´s skin. I could feel my cock touch Peter´s penis within the body of Cassi. Just a thin tissue wall was between us. She screamed in pleasure and pain with each stroke. With my hands I took Cassi by her torso and lifted up her body and head. She was now in a vertical position. I hugged her breasts from behind and started to kiss her neck. I bit her at the junction of her neck and shoulder and sucked the blood; leaving behind open wounds. The blood flowed freely and rolled on to her back and chest. Peter sat up and began to lick and imbibe her blood. At that moment, we were all unified in the ecstasy of lust and blood.

I spoke into Cassis´s ear: “Do you want to join me and live a life of lust, pain and pleasure for all eternity??”

“Yess Mistress!!” She replied me with a loud moan and panting with deep pleasure.

“Do you freely deliver your body and soul to me?” I asked her again!

“Yesss, Mistresss!” she hissed with her black forked tongue slightly protruding from between her lips.

She was in a trance lust and I whispering on her ears: “Do you deliver your body and soul to Baphomet??”

“Yessss Mistresss!” She screamed again, “Yesss Mistress!!! Fill me with your seed! Yeaaaahhhh Mistresss! Take my blood, my body, soul and whatever you want, I will be yours forever!”

I screamed!! “Yessssss my whore!!, Drink my blood, gothic harlot!!”

I bit my wrist and my dark blood spewed out and I offered it to her. She began to drink eagerly, a few drops rolled over Cassi´s body and Peter licked. My body tensed and I screamed, “I´m cumminnnngggggg!!!” And a massive load of black cum poured into the Cassi´s ass. The huge amount of black sticky goo that came out of my big balls filled Cassi´s stomach, which began to inflate by the vast amount of semen. She looked pregnant. Peter cried in delight as he came into Cassi, filling all her uterus. His orgasm demonstrated that the effect of corruption had also moved into his body; the amount of sperm was not normal for a human being. Cassi fell on Peter´s chest; spasms of pleasure shook her whole body. Then her eyes darkened, they were almost totally black obsidian like a stone. From her mouth came black cum and Peter licked it up. I pulled my stick from her ass with a loud ´puffff!´ and out of it a stream of black semen began to flow that spread across the bed. Cassi was still sweating and shivering.

Now my body began to change in front of Peter´s eyes. He was mute as my skin turned red, my feet became hooves, from my forehead emerged two large horns, and my nails grew into long sharp claws. My breasts grew larger and my long nipples took on the shape of horsecocks. My piece of meat began to morph and grew into a enormous horsecock. From my back emerged two large leathery wings and my dorsal spine elongated until it became a long tail tipped with a dick shape. My forked tongue slid from my mouth and pointed fangs grew between my lips, my ears also enlarged and became pointed. My eyes turned black with red vertical pupils. Peter stared at me wide eyed, dumb struck by my transformation.

I stood up in front of Peter stroking my horsecock and asked him: “Do you love my true nature Peter? Yess It´s me your Mistress Maryann a succubus, demon of pleasure, sex, pain, corruption, depravity, and lust...” Peter could not find any words and was unable to speak. I ordered him to get up and follow me. He took out his cock from Cassi´s cunt and stood up. He looked at Cassi. She was still trembling. I said to him, “Leave her alone; Cassi´s body is changing.” He looked at me with fear! “Hahahahahahahaha!” A demonic laugh came out of my throat. I continued my talk with him: “You deserve some answers my beloved Peter… Cassi will soon become into a beautiful Naga!! A Naga is a creature of darkness. She gave her body and soul to the lust. She will cease to be human and become demonic being, a sort of, snake-woman. Her deepest and darkest desire is coming true!”

I yelled him: “Come on Sissyboi! follow me!”

My heavy hooves echoed on the stone floor. He hurried up to follow me, shaking in fear. Seeing his reaction I tried to calm his nervous: “Relax Peter! You are not going to die! I do not want to kill you!! I have better plans for you!”

We descended to the dungeon level. Peter was silent, breathing heavy. I told Peter, “Follow me Sissyboi it´s time for a bath!” Then we entered a room where there was a big round black tub filled with a reddish liquid color located at floor level. I got into the tub letting the red liquid bathe me. “Come with me Peter and sit beside me!” I ordered him. Peter entered and discovered that the liquid was warm. He sat next to me, still shaking!

“Why are you so quiet, pet?” I asked him.

He murmured, shaking in fear: “I´m really scared… Mistress Maryann!”

“Why are you afraid?” My dearest pet! I asked him caressing his face with my long clawed black nails…

He replied to me, still shaking “Of what might happen to me!”

I moved my claws near his crotch, searching for his member inside the red pool. “Ahhhh...hssss... here you are sissyboi!!” He shivered as my claws took his cock and I began to caress him.

I was caressing his now long cock and then whispering into his ear: “You must relax Peter. I will not hurt you. I have better plans for you my Sissyboi. I want to make your darkest desires a reality! You wanted a heavy and long prick and not that pitiful little penis. Now you already have it. You are now a stallion that produces a lot of sperm; Hahahahahahahaha!” A diabolical laugh came out of my throat. “Every time you cum, your sperm count will be higher. In addition, your small balls are already changing, they are growing. Soon you will have big balls like mine and very sensitive to any touch” I stroked his dick with my claws and he gasped in pleasure. A sudden jolt of pleasure made him grit his teeth and stifle a moan.

“What did you do to me?” he asked while his eyes shone of lust.

“Nothing my sluttyboi!” I replied to him while was playing with his piece of meat. He moaned again.

“What do you want with me?…mhhhhooohhh” He asked me again with a loud moan.

“I want all of you sissyboi, your body and soul! You will be mine forever... like Cassi became tonight!” I replied at him, as I continued stroking his long cock on the red pool… “You can stay the rest of the weekend with me and Cassi or leave anytime Peter! You are free to do so. But I´ll explain what will happen in the coming days. Peter; If you decide to go, you will return very soon, that is inevitable, dear. After you drank from my dick you became addicted to it. You now need my black cum; your hunger for it is now insatiable. You will crawl through anything to get to it! Over anything!!. And without it, the pain will be unbearable for you. If you decide to stay, we will go forward with your dark conversion. But if you leave here to go back to your regular activities, within a week you will return to me every night until the dark lust completely fills your soul. You should know by now that your body is already beginning to change!”

“What types of changes are you talking about?” He asked with a concerned look on his face.

Stroking his hardening piece of meat with my claws I began to explain to him: “Oh darling, it will be a wonderful change! Let me explain to you the wondrous changes that will occur in your body. These changes are the price that must be paid for that delicious dick you wanted. Your cock and your balls will continue to grow, and with it, your lust also will increase. Right now your skin is changing and it will become even paler and softer. The hair of your body will disappear completely. Your breasts will increase in size, your areola and nipples will grow, and your face will become more androgynous. By Friday your body will appear to be very feminine! Your hips and your buttocks will also grow. On Saturday you will come begging and crawling back to me to fuck your sissy asshole with my big horsecock and finally you will receive your dark baptism with my black cum!! I will fuck you hard!! And you will become as lustful being as me, a corruptor entity. And later, if you like, you can get back at your mother superior for revenge”

“So Peter, what do you want to do? Will you run and come crawling back to me or do you want to give yourself freely to me and the bliss of lust?” I asked him as I stared deep into his eyes!

Peter asked me: “What will happen to my soul? I am a believer in God!”

“God is a lie!! That Christian lie!!” I screamed at him! “You will not lose your dear soul Peter! You are going to deliver your soul to the darkness! Sissyboi, if you accept my dark gift your soul and body will live in the eternal bliss of lust, corruption, sin and perversion!”

Then I asked Peter again, pushed him for a decision: “So Sissyboi! Let me know your desire! What is your decision?”

Peter spoke, “I hope that you will let me stay here the rest of the weekend with you and Cassi. You can take everything you want from me now. Monday early I will be back at my work and I will return to you each night until you, my beloved Mistress Maryann, decide it´s time for my dark baptism. I want to be bathed in your delicious black semen. I do not want to continue with this pathetic life that I lead. I want to live immersed in lust and become your darkest whore. I will beg every night that you will come to me with your huge lust, passion, and your hellish cock to sodomize me”

A unearthly laughter came from my deepest entrails as I thought “You are my whore!” I got up and took a few steps out of the tub and then I extended my hand to Peter and said “Look at yourself, get up and follow me!” He took my claws and stood. His cock had grown to almost 10 inches long and at least 2 inches wide his balls also enlarged. He was amazed! We walked to the dressing room in the basement, where I kept an extensive selection of fetish wear that was used in the dungeon. I said, “Choose how you want to dress bitch!” Peter carefully examined the outfits hanging in the dressing room and poked through the items on the shelves, selecting several things. When he finished, I said to him, “Show me your selection, little perverted bitch!” He showed me a nun´s latex black and white hood with Baphomet´s symbol on the crest, a black latex corset with 12” gather belts. A pair of socks, faux lace up sheer thigh highs, a broad black latex skirt and black latex coat and platform shoes with stiletto heels.

“Very good little slut, now get dressed, put on your makeup properly, then sit and wait for me in the dungeon main room until I return with Cassi” While Peter was getting dressed, I noticed his skin was much paler, almost white. I went up to my bedroom, where I found Cassi wrapped in a cocoon of black sticky mucus, semen and blood. She writhed and screamed in pain and pleasure with every spasm. I put my arms under her and lifted her close to my body. She shivered with my hug, I spoke softly to her: “Soon you´ll be free my beloved harlot! Relax and be quiet, you´re hungry, soon you´ll eat!” A deep beast scream arose from her. I carried Cassi´s body to the basement, where Peter was sitting, fully dressed, and with his makeup perfectly done.

Peter looked like a perverted and corrupt nun; his dark lips, his eyes lined heavily in black, his skin almost white, his black latex wear and his Baphomet illustrated nun´s hood gave him a sinister look. He had in his hands a black rosary and a black cross with four penis-shaped ends. I laid Cassi´s body in the center of the round altar. She writhed in pleasure and pain inside her cocoon. I turned and looked at Peter who was sitting near her and said, “Soon you will see a beautiful rebirth! Cassi´s true nature... blessed in the dark!” I approached Peter and took him by his hands and brought him to where the flat St. Andrew´s cross was, “Lie face up!” He complied, then I secured the straps on his hands and legs, placing him with his head leaning back and his arms and legs tied open wide. I opened his long latex skirt to the side exposing his long erect penis and unbuckled the harness that he was wearing for hours. Peter gave a lengthy pleasure squeal when I extracted the huge buttplug from his ass.

I took the black cross-tipped penis and buried it deep into his ass with a single stroke. “Here you have the cross, devil harlot!!” I yelled. His body tensed and shuddered with the pain with the new invasion of his ass. “There is no pleasure without pain, little whore!” I moved my lips close to his swollen black nipples. “Mhhhhh that´s delicious!!” I caressed them with my long forked tongue… and then began to stroke and pinch his nipples with my claws. Sending jolts of pleasure to his tortured overloaded mind “I will pierce each with a black metal ring and I will hang a five-pointed cross from each of them” I spoke into Peter´s ears as I showed him the devilish jewelry that was to pierce his body. Peter shuddered with each puncture. “This bitch is ready! Each of the piercings I have placed on you is greased using my sperm, little whore. The Corruption will spread from your breasts rapidly, just as it is doing in your penis and balls. You see your penis veins are black and bulging. As the corruption progresses and moves through your body, it will make your skin whiter and begin taking on paler shades of gray around the corrupted veins”

A loud shout was heard in the hall, Cassi was almost convulsing within her cocoon. “Now comes the moment” I gushed to Peter! The cocoon membrane broke with a loud cracking, shedding and jetting blood and goo onto the altar. Two hands with long black claws emerged from the remains of the membrane. The clawed hands gripped the edge of the altar pulling her body with the strength of her arms to free herself from the cocoon. Cassi was now completely converted into a Naga, a woman snake.

Cassandra´s body measured about 6 feet 3 inches tall. Her face was fairly human in shape, but was covered in smooth, silver scales. She had a nice set of cheekbones and lips that had the barest hint of pout. Overall, her visage had a jaw-droopingly feminine shape with bee-stung lips, an adorable nose, and long, beautiful eyelashes. Her eyes bore a vertical slit instead of rounded pupils, surrounded by a green iris. The lengthy, glowing red hair atop her head couldn´t possibly hide the pair of exquisitely long, pointed ears. Her mouth contained a black, thick, fleshy, forked long tongue, which, if she so desired, could elongate up to a distance of about four feet. Her tongue had sufficient manual dexterity that she could use it almost like a third arm. Two pair of black curvy horns, had sprouted from each side on the top of her head, the first one was 10 inches long the second around 6 inches.

She had a humanoid shape. A pair of large wings had sprouted from her back; the membranes were covered in fine, delicate black scales with a wicked talon that jutted from the end of each bone. She had wide hips and a firm muscular ass that easily displayed the detailed curves of its lean musculature. A thick, scaly, prehensile reptilian tail, almost double as long as she was tall, swung behind her like a powerful living whip. Its tip menaced with spikes of bone; meant to deliver painful blows. Her legs were sheathed in black scales and ending in clawed feet. Three long toes were on the front, and a small hind-claw was on the back. Cassi´s cleavage was now expansive with two breasts that could easily fill an EE-cup bra; each had a huge black areolae with a one hand width penetrable nipple. While she may have appeared to have inverted nipples, her chest actually contained wet, slippery secrets. A large cock could easily slip inside her breasts to give and get as much pleasure as any crotch-couched cunt. Her big, lactating love-pillows were sore and sensitive from being so stuffed with cum-black milk. Her stiff cock was shiny, black, and slicked with her thick precum: 16 inches long and two inches in diameter. She had a long and wet tight cunt, with a 2 inch clit. The cunt´s external black lips protruded obscenely, and its inner fat lips were shiny red. Black juices dripped from her cunt and ran over her scaly skin.

She spoke, “Mistress Maryann!! I´m hungry! Sssstarving!” She hissed between her lips as she showed me her long black forked tongue.

I approached her and our lips met in a passionate juicy French kiss. I pointed to the Saint Andrew Cross and said, “There Cassi dear, your meal is waiting. It is time to feed your new body!” Together, we walked closer to Peter´s body. She approached his penis and said to Peter, “I´m very hungry!” with her bright green eyes glistening. She opened her wide mouth; her tongue rolled up round the huge Peter´s cock and continued searching until she found the base of the cross that was buried in his asshole. She completely swallowed his piece of meat with one motion. Then she used her strong tongue movements on the “Cross” to fuck him in the ass while she began to suck his engorged penis with savage ferocity.

I positioned myself in front Peter´s face, and said, “Open your mouth wide Cumslut! I want to fill you with my black cum!” I placed the flared wide tip of my horsecock upon his lips and with careful movements of my hips; I advanced my cock into his mouth as he purred a soft moan. “Are you ready for my devilish piece of meat, Harlot?” He nodded! And as I thrust my hips toward his mouth, his eyes widened and tears began to flow when he felt my horsecock hit his throat. To Peter´s surprise, my dick penetrated very deep into his throat; and with two more thrusts, I pushed my cock even deeper until was deep buried on his stomach. My huge balls began to hit his head on every stroke. I screamed: “Yesss! I´m fucking you Bitch!! Your throat is really tight my beloved Harlot and you will take all of my long horsecock! I will fill your stomach with my black cum!!” I plunged my dick in and out of his mouth and down his throat for more than 15 minutes, fucking him with a savage insane rapture. Any normal human could not endure this invasion. But Peter was no longer a “normal” human. The corruption on his body had already changed him… My claws sliced into the skin on Peter´s chest, I was close to reaching a glorious climax. I sank my claws deeper into his chest and blood began to sprout from the wound. I screamed aloud “Yeeeesss fucking bitch!!!” And loads of cum flooded from my balls, filling his stomach, which began to bulge with the immense amount of my black girl cum. Cassi marveled at all the events happening in front of her and she felt Peter´s cock pulsing. Her eyes shined, filled with lust and perversion. I continued forcing my enormous meat in and out from Peter´s mouth and throat, pumping my own cum deep on his stomach, and filling his body with my black corrupted seed. My semen began to leak from his anus, greasing the dick tipped cross that Cassi was using to fuck his ass. Peter nerves shattered as his balls squeezed tight and his semen gushed into Cassi mouth. Peter´s dick ejected huge torrents of cum into Cassi´s hungry mouth, sending her over an ecstasy peak that she never knew existed. Peter orgasms were so intense that he literally passed out from the pleasure.

Peter awoke in the darkness; the black silky blankets curled around half of his body, hugging him like a giant anaconda. He awoke groggily in the early morning, peeling himself out of bed, his back and ass were sticky from the sweaty residue of the haunting dreams of the previous night, his throat was sore, his piece of meat was now massive; more than 16 inches long and 2 inches girth. In addition, his balls had increased in size to become two large bull testicles. He heard pleasure moans in the room and Peter left the bed to investigate. In a dark corner of the room he discovered that I was fucking Cassi´s big cunt with my long horsecock while I was fucking her tits with my horsecock nipples. Her inverted nipples were amazing and she was hungrily sucking my nipple cocks. The moans were loud; we were giving each other oral pleasure and were in a state of pleasure bliss. Peter approached our sofa. In the soft darkness that the candle lights gave us, Cassi´s unnatural green pupils stared unblinking at him while she breathed steadily. “Come on Peter, join us!” I motioned him to join us. I extended my hand, full of black cum, to Peter´s mouth, gently pressed my finger to his lips, and slipped effortlessly inside his mouth. The flavor burst on his tongue with the delicious sweetness of a dozen fruits. Peter´s shuddered in ecstasy as he swirled my essence throughout his mouth. Peter´s suckled lightly on my fingers trying to scrape every last particle off my fingers with his tongue. Peter was no longer in control of himself; he now only had one objective, to obtain more of that delectable substance. “Come my cumslut, you are hungry, this will be your meal now and forever, no meal will replace my demon black seed…. And for you, we have two long cock´s full of cum to fill you!” Peter knelt down in front Cassi and Me and sucked our dicks with eager lust. We both laughed as we witnessed Peter force our cocks into his face and begin sucking our shafts.

And then Peter felt a surge of nausea. Something was swelling within his throat. Gagging once, he opened his mouth wide, as his tongue pushed forward, lengthening, and thickening. The nausea passed as his tongue settled into its new size and mobility. His tongue seemed to have a mind of its own, lashing, twitching, salivating as his brain discovered and acclimated to the new nerves. Another surge of nausea hit as Peter´s tongue grew longer, thicker and more malleable. He opened his mouth and let his long tongue slide across the top of both cocks together. The amazing taste made his pupils dilate. His lips grew plump, more inviting as he wrapped his tongue around our dicks, slowly exploring its new flexibility. He wrapped the long tongue around our bulging ridges and across the pumping veins. He needed both of them inside him, and hearing our moans, he brought our piece of meats deep into his mouth, sliding his lengthening tongue down around our shafts and balls as if to milk us dry. Peter could feel Cassi and me twitch against his tongue and throat. His gag reflex was gone. He looked up to see me, his mistress and Cassi staring down at him, eyes glazed over with desire and pleasure. Smiling as best he could around our dicks, he brought our cocks in deeper expanding his mouth and throat in an amazing inhuman dimension.

Peter asked himself, “How I can breathe?” He had no idea, but the sensation was amazing, he fantasized about their inevitable load cascading into him and he was starved for demon cum. He was moaning, muffled by our cocks as Cassi and I finally came and he came with us. That ethereal desire Peter had seemed to sense before grew even stronger, flooding into and around us. Cassi and I began to orgasm driving him to a shuddering orgasm. We came, crying out as we let loose our load of cum into him. Peter felt the semen blast into his throat and he swallowed the huge load that we injected into his body. He could barely think. He had become a cumslut, a ravenous whore, an insatiable nympho by our black demon cum. It was as if his whole soul was in ecstasy. His tongue was alive with pleasure. His nipples, brushing against the skin of my legs, were electric. He shook and shook as wave after wave of pleasure rattled him to his core.

“Well done Peter, you are becoming a lovely cumslut!” Cassi came over to Peter and kissed him deeply. She began taking cum from his mouth as Cassi started fucking his mouth with her long tongue which began to thicken and expand in his throat. Slowly she snaked her tongue out of his mouth as she worked her way down his body and wrapped it around his straining dick. Suddenly Peter felt a pinch in his pelvis as Cassi bit into him while her tongue continued to stroke his length. Her tongue then retracted and she lightly caressed where she had bitten him and said, “That´s to make sure that your body can withstand our ministrations tonight honey”

Then Peter inquired: “What day is today?”

I replied to him with a laugh “Hahaha. Its Sunday afternoon honey!”

Peter again questioned, “How long did I sleep”?

Cassi replied him: “You were sleeping for more than 24 hours hun! You passed out yesterday afternoon!”

Then I caressed him on his back “You´ve lost your virginity in many ways during this weekend Peter, but we are really hungry! We need your cum, and your cock is now large enough to fuck me!” I said as I turned my body, spreading my wide ass checks apart with my claws, and showed him my dark black pucker hollow. Then I raised my tail to leave free the way for him. “Come now and lick my dark ass like the dark whore that you´ve become!” Peter came closer to my ass licking me with his long tongue. Then he entered my asshole with his tongue, sliding down into the depths of my ass channel as he began stroking my large meat pole with his hands. At the same time, Cassi reached in front of me and began playing with my horsecock nipples while kissing me deeply. Peter then began fucking my ass with his long tongue which began to thicken and expand inside me. When he had completed his tongue ministrations, Peter pressed his huge cock between my butt cheeks, poised to penetrate my hungry ass. Black cum poured from my ass hole as he pressed his cockhead in the first time.

He began to push into me, my sphincter spread as I moaned with pleasure. “Yess, fuck me hard and deep my lovely Harlot!” I screamed to him. He was immensely turned on. His cock was harder than it had ever been. Peter´s dick pushed and slid past the first sphincter ring; four more were waiting for his cock. The pressure on my insides increased as Peter continuously fed his long hard shaft into my ass. He slowly pressed forward, inch by inch, as I felt his bulging cock rolled over my hyper workable and excessively active demon prostate. Peter then slammed the length of his meat into me and I felt his huge balls slap into my legs. He began to growl as my body began to shake from the impending climax. Suddenly, I felt Peter´s cocks expand and bulge as his shaft poured huge torrents of cum into my ass.

I screamed with pleasure!!!! “Yessss, fill me with your cum… feed me!”

Then he quickly slipped himself from my body with a pop, causing me to have a small, brief orgasm. A large amount of sticky cum poured from my ass hole. Cassi and Peter came over and started to lick and consume all the black juices that were gushing from my inner parts. They proceeded to kiss in a rapture of lust.

At four am, we were still fucking each other´s bodies in every kinky way imaginable. Finally, I stood up next to the bed while they continued licking each other´s genitals. Peter screamed loudly, “Yesss, I want more, fuck me!!!”

“We need to stop my Harlots! It´s time to get out of my bed now!!” I ordered to Peter and Cassi. “Come with me now hookers!!” They got out from the bed and followed me to my dresser, and I ordered Peter, “Take a shower slut; you need to be ready in one hour. A Taxi cab will pick you up and take you to your job. You must drive the school bus today!” He displayed a sad face. “Don´t put on that face Peter! You will be back this afternoon honey and we will fuck you again!” I assured him. Peter took off his Nun apron and Cassi helped him to take off all his fetish rope. Peter showered and returned in a few minutes. He was more than surprised when he saw his body in the full length mirror when he discovered that his body was changed in more than one way...

His shape was more androgynous. His skin was white with gray hints. His hair was kept in a long boy´s cut style but was a bright fuchsia color. His lips sprouted obscenely out with a dark purple stroke around the edge. His meat shaft was now really long at 17 inches long 2 and half inches wide. His breast increased their size to a girly cup A. His black nipples were swollen to a half and an inch long with wide and darkened areola; from them many black veins grew in any directions. His nails had grown and were turned black. He screamed when he saw his features. “You don´t like little bitch?” I inquired.

“Yessss Mistress I like! But how can I go to my job like this? I will be fired today!!”

“Ohhh don´t be worried Peter; I have a solution for your problem. But first, get dressed! I have selected your inner clothes: this black corset heavy boned with 12 garter belts, this girly thong, and these lovely fishnet stockings. You will not dress with those ugly boy boxers anymore. Do you hear me little whore??”

“Yess Mistress! I love your selections!”

“...and those black Daisy Moccasins. Mmmhh we also need to hide your widened hips, take these black sweatpants and this black pullover!” Peter dressed with Cassi´s help, and he took another look in the mirror. “What do you think now?”

“Well think I´m ready”

“Ohhh no, my little whore, we need to put some makeup to hide some of the changes to your face. Sit there, I will teach you” In few minutes he was ready to go out. “With this woolen hood we will hide your fuchsia hair. Feel better?”

“Yess Mistress” he replied.

“Great Peter; just one more thing!” I took a long black jewel buttplug with a broad base covered by a red stone from a silk wrapped box. “Bend your body over pet! I have a gift for you” Peter obeyed. Cassi pulled down his pants and spread Peter´s buttocks apart. I advised him, “You´re going to take this fucking buttplug with you all day, Honey!!” I buried the buttplug deep inside Peter´s ass hole and the doorbell rang; it was the driver who had come for Peter. We said goodbye to him with deep kisses and walked away.

Cassi asked me again, with concern at seeing Peter leave us. “Are you sure Mistress? Will he return to us?”

I assured her with calm voice: “Yes my beloved Naga! He needs us more than we need him. He already cannot eat or drink anything more important than our cum. He is addicted to our sperm. He will return this afternoon very hungry!

And then I spanked her wide butt and pulled her inside the house… “We must get back to our room!” I closed the door and Cassi and I returned to our bed. Throughout the day we sent selfies with our poses and texts to Peter on his cell phone, tempting him, telling him obscene things.

That Monday afternoon Peter returned to our home around 6 pm. He came bringing his belongings and the ones belonging to Cassi. I knew that they would both stay in my coven now and forever. Peter arrived home extremely hungry. During that entire night Cassi and I were dedicated to filling him with our black cum; feeding him and having him feed us with his large load of human sperm. We did not need any sleep; we just needed and wanted to fuck each other.

Every day that week, Peter left us and returned in the afternoon; at night we fucked each other and played in the dungeon. As the days passed his body kept changing. And on Friday, he looked much more feminine, her hips had widened, the exercise pants, were fitting tight. His breasts had grown to a C cup. That Friday morning I had to place a breast band on him to hide his cleavage; also we pulled up his hair into a large bun that we could no longer hide with the cap.

Around noon on Friday I received a call on my cell, it was from Peter, he was crying, he had been fired, humiliated by the school principal, Mother Superior, Sister Severina! She had treated him like a scum faggot. I told him, “It´s not worth more tears and shame. Listen carefully my beloved harlot! Come to your home right now!” He obeyed me, took a taxi, and came home. On his return he was still crying as he was hurt deeply by the thought of being fired. I reminded him that I had told before that these false nuns had tricked him with all their white lies about love and forgiveness. As I spoke with him his anger grew and I advised him, “Soon you can get back at them dear! Soon you will become into a delicious dark creature, and you will remember today will be a special day! Come into the safety of our home!”

We entered the mansion together and went down directly into the basement where Cassi´s was waiting for us. She was sitting in the chair of pleasure. The chair had a long dildo attached to the seat that was penetrating her ass. She also was masturbating herself with a long black cross shape dildo. To complete her lustful pleasures, her long tail was attached to the jutted point in the cross forcing fiercely stuck deep into her vagina. Her long and divided tongue was wrapped around her huge snake cock. Her eyes shone with uncontrollable lust. Her dilated pupils emitted a green inhuman light. I told Peter that he must dress appropriately for the ceremony and that he would find all his required clothing arranged in the dressing room. Then I slammed the door behind me in anger because that fucking bitch Cassi, was masturbating without my permission.

While Peter was dressing he heard my “cat-o´-nine-tails” whip strike Cassi´s body over and over. Her cries of pain and pleasure filled the entire dungeon like demon music. After about 20 minutes, he was fully dressed, wearing a white hood coif, a black veil, and a black latex holy habit that could be opened fully forward or backward. For his inner clothes I had chosen a leather harness that fit around his breasts, forming an inverted cross on his abdomen by clutching his cock and extending out three bands on either side of his ass and one in the middle getting deep into his back slit. An embroidered garter belt with 6 straps on each side held the black stockings and light reflecting platform shoes illuminated legs. Peter´s makeup was simple, heavy black lines around his eyes, lots of mascara to lengthen his lashes, and black lips.

Peter entered the room, and I told him to approach us and stand in front of the throne. I was sitting in the throne and beside me was Cassi with a black leather collar around her neck attached to a long chain. Cassi stood up, walked over to where Peter stood waiting, and inspecting Peter´s attire. She pointed out that everything was correct.

I said to Peter, “Today you will get what want, you will give me your body and soul, you will turn into a starving infernal bitch, a whore of hell, like us. You must make the decision and bring yourself freely. You must answer all my questions freely Peter. Do you understand?”

He replied to me nodding “Yes Mistress!”

With his consent, I replied: “Very good bitch, it´s time to start the ceremony!”

“Peter, get on your knees and crawl up to my hooves!” I ordered him,

“I want to see you humiliated bitch, I want you to beg me to fill your pathetic ass with my delicious black and corrupting cum!”

He replied as he crawled to me, all the while begging: “Yes Mistress, please fill me with your delicious semen, I so desperately need it! It has been many days of torture without it, I want more, I beg for more, I want you to fill me completely with your essence and I want to fuse with my dark sister Cassi in your coven!”

I pointed at him with my longest talon: “Answer my questions Whore!”

“Do you freely give your body and soul to endless lust?”

He responded while he was licking my large black hooves: “Yessss Mistress, I pray every night that you, my dark Mistress will come to me with your huge lustful, angry, and hate filled cock and sodomize me. I give you my Soul and body freely”

I asked him again: “Are you ready to be blessed by Baphomet, the demon of lust, our mother-father!”

He peered over his leg stared at me and answered with a low voice: “Yessssss My dammed Mistress… “FUCK ME!! I want to turn into the Baphomet´s WHORE!! I am Baphomet´s CUMSLUT. I am nothing without you, Mistress Maryann. I am a bitch in HEAT for you! And I beg to be filled by you and for you to change me forever and ever!”

I leaned over him and licking his ear lobe with long forked black tongue while whispering into his ear, “Do you give up your pathetic Catholic faith? Do you want to become a priestess of lust?”

He answered me as he licked his black lips: “Yesss Mistress, I want black cum like my soul, corrupting semen, to corrupt bodies, to surrender to lust; I want to be a priestess of lust, a sodomy whore, a pleasure hooker, and a slut in pain and sin”

Then I stood up and raised my arms above my shoulders and I declared: “Well dear, it is time for you to join our coven, to be our sister!!” Cassi led Peter to the Spanking Bench, laid him face down, and then fastened his hands and legs. After Cassi finished strapping Peter´s body down, she opened his black holy habit, and exposed his ample and delicious ass. I stood behind him near his yearning ass. I asked him: “Bitch this is your time! Are you ready, for your baptism in the dark?”

He replied with deep lust and anticipation, “Yesssss! Mistress I'm your hunger bitch!! fuck me hard, strong and deep; break me! I beg you!!!”

I warning him: “Bitch, as you want!”

And immediately after saying that, I buried my huge horsecock in his wide hollow ass that had been trained all week with my evil buttplug. Peter cried out in pain as he felt my big meat pole being buried deep inside him. “This bitch screams a lot. Cassi, stuff that mouth with your delicious cock. We must fill this harlot with our demon cum!”

We fucked Peter for over half an hour. I pushed my cock deep in his ass while I sank my claws into his back, causing blood to pour from his back again and again. I buried my horsecock deep into him all the way up to my base. Then I slowly retreated to the flared end, again and again. My balls hit his legs. Cassi filled his mouth and throat with her huge cock. Our cock heads kissed and touched inside his stomach forming two huge bumps. Our climax approached, my balls enlarged and a powerful jet of my corrupting juices shot out from the balls and ran through my cock to hit Peter´s stomach. His abdomen began to swell as he received immense quantities of cum in load after load of my ejaculations. At the same time, Cassi was cumming into Peter´s mouth and further increasing the semen volume on his body. His stomach distended even more to form a mass of dark seed. His distended belly made him appeared to be nine months pregnant.

I screamed, “Yesss, a new dark creature is born; your name will be Spermula the QUEEN CUMSLUT!! Born!! Darkness takes his soul and body and morph this being into a devil creature!! You are no longer a human being!”

Cassi unfastened the Spermula´s wrist and legs, and we together lifted her body on to the round stone altar. The Baphomet symbol on the floor was emitting a soft purple light. From Spermula´s mouth and asshole black cum flooded out and splashed on the stone surface. The darkness corruption was spreading fast in her body and was boosted in strength by the large amount of cum that filled her body. The desire exploded within her, accompanied by pain as the corruption made its way through the body. The creature felt two sharp stabs at the crown of her head and managed to wrest control from her hands. Two hard, bony growths were pushing up from beneath her deep fuchsia colored hair. Two pairs of horns sprouted from the demon nun. The Sulfur and Demon signs appeared on her forehead. A feral scream came from her throat as she wrested for control of her body. She felt the corruption slam against the barriers of her sanity once again. She lost control. Her hands flew towards her nipples and her huge cock, pleasuring herself, inviting the changes with sexual lust.

We watched in intense pleasure as a cunt, plumped and tightened, grew on her backside, just behind her black ass hole. It was very sensitive, and elastic. The cunt was like a flower. A “crown” surrounded her black asshole and the vagina´s inner lips. From this crown, tiny long tentacles sprouted, each one tipped with a harpoon that could inject a poison aphrodisiac payload. From the cunt and ass base a number of similar, longer tentacles formed, guaranteeing that pleasure would be forced upon any partners. A long black prehensile tongue snaked up inside of her wide cunt. She cried in pleasure when she saw her new tongue slide in and out from her cunt mouth.

She saw her feet curl into an unnatural ballerina-esque pose and hold that shape as a cone of horn tunneled out of her heel. Her feet were permanent high-heels. She would never again escape a sexual swagger. Her body changed more and more by the second, turning her into a machine of seduction and sexual power. Drunk with sexuality and desire and utterly unprepared to control her own body´s form, Spermula screamed in pain as her face drastically restructured, becoming angular, beautiful, with black lusty eyes. Her girly nails elongated and became black sharp talons; her skin grew white with grayish tones. Her breasts increased further from their previously enhanced size until they could fill an EE cup.

Then she felt a sensation like claws raking across her breasts. Nothing could have prepared her for this twisted change. With a tearing sound, Spermula´s breasts seemed to split in two and stretch. She watched as they reddened, became wet, twisting and churning until they resembled two spotless replicas of her own cunt lips. Involuntarily, she flexed and watched them open as sensually as her own cunt lips would. Within each of them a wet tunnel like her vagina opened. Her mind was immediately flooded with the thought of having them fucked and filled. She smiled drunkenly and moaned as she imagined hot cum dribbling out of her cunt breasts as cock after cock plunged in and out, jiggling her massive tits as she sucked off another cock. Her black nipples elongated and widened and reshaped to become small headed cocks above her new breast pussy lips like twin black cum spewing extended clitorises. Red tendrils grew from the inner lips of her cunt-breasts! The tendrils were like pulp fiction arms with black harpoons on the ends.

Spermula´s attention was pulled away from her vengefully warped nipples and breasts to her pussy as she slid against the wall, shuddering. The desire that now radiated from her pussy was something completely new. As her new tongue moved around within her folds, self-pleasing, she tried to regain composure. She lifted herself from the floor onto her heel-like feet which clicked lightly against the stone of the altar. She tried to resist the images that came to her mind; of walking into the room and fucking me, her Mistress!! Or Cassi, the Naga! Or leaving the building and fucking every man and woman that she met or sucking off a ring of men while sitting on the faces of their inferior girlfriends. She found her new visions as persistent as hunger, as commonplace as thirst.

With a shrug, Spermula licked her breast pussy lips with her tongue. Maybe two quick releases… her hands pumped up and down, clinging tightly to the sixteen inch beast´s flared head. Her stiff cock was shiny, black, and slicked with her thick precum, and she was desperate to cum once more, the painful ache of her throbbing balls meant she would need to climax soon if she hoped for even a moment of focus. The ´head´ of her shaft widened quite noticeably; all the better to stimulate her partners!”

I went up on the base of the altar where Spermula was; I gave her a deep French kiss, our black tongues played perversely. “Welcome my dark Whore!!, My cunt slut!! You´ve become a delicious creature of the night; I would like to fill your juicy hollows, my dear!” I said, pointing to her pussy, which expelled streams of black dense fluid with every loud squishy spasm.

“Yesssss fiiiillll mee!” Spermula answered with a guttural cry, hissing as she licked the black, thick and juicy lips of her mouth. “Yessss Mistress I want to feel your big cock deep inside my hungry pussy, I want you to take my last virginity, my creator, my mentor”

A dark, thin, and pointed black tongue, came from inside of her vagina licking the hollow of her ass and cunt lips that was coated and bathed in the thick black vaginal fluid. “Yeesss fuck me, I´m hot, I have become a burning hell bitch eager to be filled, I beg you Mistress fuck me, fuccckkk me!” she screamed again.

The vaginal tendrils emerging from her vagina were frantically grabbing at “something” in the air; they seemed hungry and needed to cling to “something”. I approached and moved my long prick close to Spermula´s body. They quickly spread even more in the air, as if they could “smell me” until they reached and grabbed on my huge flared cock head and started to wrap it very tightly while pulling toward their origin: “Spermula´s vaginal dark hollow”. She screamed in pleasure as their tentacles wrapped my cock, her long vaginal tongue emerged in search of my cock wrapped it also and groped even further; their goal was my balls and my own vagina.

Spermula hissed, telling me with her sultry voice: “Come fill me, fuck me!” I ploughed under her huge horsecock and penetrated her tight vaginal hole, breaking her virginal tissue. The blood mixed with her black viscous vaginal juice and came out from the walls around my tightly wrapped cock and dripped down our legs. Her tentacles spread to my balls and massaged and gripped them. The harpoons on each tentacle pricked me, injecting her aphrodisiac into my balls. Her long black tongue stretched out and penetrated my juicy vagina, large amounts of black sperm flowed out of me, dripped down my legs, and pooled near my hooves.

The Spermula backbone started to lengthen with strong spasms that shook her body. Apparently, she had not finished her changes. A long prehensile tail emerged, and began to fatten then divide into two at its base, the tip of each tail then began to change into a flower bud shape, and the two ends of the tail began to approach my body looking for “something” until they found my nipples. Suddenly they opened revealing tips what looked like small black anemones that stuck to and into my horsecock shape nipples, Spermula began suck and massage my huge tits with these new appendages.

Cassi madly masturbated while she watched; with her scaly hands and claws she stroked her huge penis. Her long tongue licked the head. Spermula yelled to Cassi, “You Bitch!!! Come feed me, I´m ravenous, I want that big cock of yours in my mouth, you whore NAGA demon! I want your sticky cum inside me!” Spermula had become a nympho; insatiable, addicted to sperm... totally insatiable. Cassi went up to the altar and stood before Spermula´s mouth and introduced the tip of her cock while playing with her juicy black lips as she laughed at Spermula´s hungry desires. Then something happened that none of us expected!

The sound of broken bone and tissues was heard in the room, an inhuman scream of pleasure and pain came out of the depths of Spermula´s body while both sides of her lower jaw were split, opening from each side of her face like a half opened pocket knife. At the tip of each split jaw grew two large retractable fangs. Her black and fleshy lips expanded like stretched latex rubber to the extent that each side of the mutated jaw was covered. Her lips, inner cheek flesh and lower jaw resembled a one and a half foot long mouth-flesh, with the original upper and lower jaw line intact. Next, the teeth of the lower gum disappeared and were replaced by eight thin and very long red prehensile tendrils appendages that blew-out in the air. Her long, thick, black tongue licked and stuck out exploring new possibilities while four long sharp retractable fangs grew in the upper gum in her mouth.

The long tentacles grabbed Cassi´s cock head with inhuman strength, pulling her closer. She lost her balance and stepped forward; burying her big cock, in one fell swoop, wedding it to Spermula´s hungry mouth. Spermula´s black eyes glowed with satisfaction. She was impaled in front and from behind. Cassi grabbed Spermula by her huge horns; and I began to take her from behind fiercely with forceful strokes. The two new sides of Spermula´s jaw stuck like suction cups on each side of the Cassi´s butt cheeks to finally bury her fangs and pump a powerful aphrodisiac into Cassi´s squamous, broad buttocks! We fucking and cumming our bodies, over and over; in an endless deep embrace; filling our bodies and minds with lustfulness and sexual frenzy, more and more!

We fucked Spermula in so many ways throughout the night, exploring all of her physical properties. Cassi soon discovered that Spermula´s huge horsecock had a very large hollow and flared head; it had a V-shape. Spermula provided us another surprise when she was docking and engulfed Cassi´s cock up to her root, fucking and sucking her snake long dick. Cassi was filled with Spermula´s powerful aphrodisiac and her black eyes rolled back into her head, she was in a pleasure hell! She screamed in pleasure when she unloaded her cum that was taken by Spermula as she sucked Cassi deeply. Spermula had been blessed in a very spectacular way.
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  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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