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-Slow rotating shot around the whole band, speeds up at fast part, slows down again
-Tripod shot closeups on the instruments, dimmed, diffused lighting
-Back shots of the performance, singer looking down and to the left

-A car filling up with smoke in the dark, lit by streetlights, driving down a lit road
-Witnessing a murder, similar to how the girl sees all this going on but does nothing (Staves)

_Man driving in the car is him driving with his guilt (i.e. the fog)

(The man who murders the other is representative of the father murdering the girl's innocence - the other man does not represent the innocence, but the act of him being killed represents the destruction of it. The woman's absent, non-overreactive (save for a few shots) response to the events represents the acceptance/ignorance of the taking away of her innocence. The watch that she's checking in reverse stands for the time constantly ticking backwards to when it was all taken away from her - the gas station representative of a normal, everyday place, still a place where such evil and hate can happen. The car & fog are symbolic of a transport to take her away from all the pain, but the fog, the guilt, keeps bringing her back to it - an endless loop. The pool is the only escape she has to drown out the world, but it's not an escape/suicide attempt, as she can never truly escape the loss of her innocence, much like finding solace in a substance, relationship, etc. - a temporary escape.)

A: -Opens with a slow pan towards a nice car, darkly lit, full of smoke, with a man and his head against the steering wheel, very slow track towards it until the drums come in.
-Drums come in, band shots until 35 in, very interesting, creepy, still.
-Slow track towards the man with his head on the wheel, facing camera, crossfade closer with him reciting the lyrics "all I loved I loved alone" cut back to a wide, the car reversing out of the shot until 55 secs.
-Band shots 1:11
-1:11 car reversing down a road, very slow tracking shot, fog pouring out of it as it rolls down the middle of the road until 1:18, then there is a very slow, almost still tracking shot of the car reversing into a dingy, low lit gas station, parking at the gas pump (crossfade closer, two simple shots) until 1:27
-1:27 - 1:35 very slow track towards the singer, looking into the camera.
-1:35 - 1:36: quick cut of the car from the side (it follows type shot) of the fog reversing back into the car
-1:36 - 1:42: Slow, wide band shots that track very slowly towards them
-1:36 - 1:48: All in reverse, the man's foot is seen stepping backwards out of the car door after it opens, a slow tracking shot rising to see his extremely disturbed face, with some tears on it, as he walks backwards towards this gas station. Cut to a wide shot of him reverse walking towards the gas station.
B: - 1:48 - 1:53: Further band shots, a few cuts of still closeups mixed in with the tracking camera starting to just barely begin rotating around the band
1:53 - 2:00: An on top of, above the car, shot of the girl laying across the car's hood, crossfaded/cut in with a shot of him looking in the side mirror, crying with his head against the wheel (Looking down at her watch, cut to closeup of the -WATCH-(Key item A, time is running backwards)
2:00 - 2:17: Band shots, the camera starting to revolve around the band.
2:17 - 2:27: A tracking shot on the girl as she walks in reverse to the side of the gas station, her expression growing stronger, more upset/absent as she reaches the edge. Then, she stops walking, and a suitcase on the ground (that the camera cuts to a closeup on) full of colorful clothes and a flask reverse up, close, and back into her hand. Camera slowly tracks backwards, very slowly, as she looks mortified.
2:27 - 2:36: Closeups on the singer, instruments, and cut in the rotating shot that has begun rotating around the band
2:36 - 2:48: In reverse, slow motion, a closeup of boots running away are seen - camera tracks up to the runner, a man with a bandanna over his mouth and a wallet in his hand, slowly running back towards - CUT - to a wide of the man running back to another man laying unconscious on the ground.
2:48 - 3:00: In dramatic slow motion, a wallet is placed onto the ground (reverse shot) and the camera sees the man in the background being rolled over & the wallet reversing back into his hand.
3:00 - 3:06: Nick yelling these lyrics, lighting split down his face against a wall
3:06 - 3:12: Closeup of a reverse struggle of arms grabbing eachother, the attacker pushing down the attacked (reversed)
3:12 - 3:15: Closeup still of the girl standing still watching this happen
3:15 - 3:18: The girl floating in a pool, shot from above.
3:18 - 3:21: Nick screaming
3:21 - 3:24: A shot tracking in quickly of the girl in the car in the road from the beginning with her head on the wheel, cut in quickly at the end with a closeup of her watch ticking reversed very very fast.
3:24 - 3:29: The attacked man is hit in the head very hard with a glass bottle, but the bottle reverses back to form over his head.
3:29 - 3:36: A cut of the man's arm laying on the ground with blood trailing away from it, the girl freaking out in her car, a closeup of the clothes on the ground, her floating in the water, and her looking into the camera
3:36 - 3:48: A shot of the girl, having witnessed all of this - the camera slowly tracks towards her as she breathes heavily. Cut to a shot of her standing over a very reflective pool, looking down and checking her watch. Cut to a shot of the car with fog slowly coming out of it at the gas station, then back to the watch.
3:48 - 4:00: Very dreamy, simply band shots.
4:00 - 4:06: A side profile tripod shot of the car pulling out of the gas station, fog inside.
4:06 - 4:12: A shot from the side of the car that sees the girl, pulled up in front of a house, staring forward, then getting out of the -passenger seat- (She's a passenger in her life & has no control) and walks up to the house
4:12 - 4:24: Reflective shot inside of the pool now, the girl standing over it, camera extremely slowly moving towards her as she looks down at her watch. Crossfade to a closeup on her face as she looks forward still but lifts the watch, then crossfade to the watch, ticking in reverse still.
4:24 - 4:36: Slow motion shot of the car from the beginning, fog slowly pouring out of it.
4:36 - 5:00: Very slow tracking shot - Wide - Towards the singer as he sings, looking at the camera. Crossfade to closeup of him singing half through.
5:00 - 5:13: Close, similarly framed shot of the girls arm floating in the pool, framed like the man's arm with blood leaking away from it at the gas station - crossfade to a wide of her floating alone in the pool.

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