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Where this occuring and which group or indivuals are connected
While it is estimated that about 40% of all child soldiers globally are active on the African continent,
meaning that many children live in an environment that is constantly under threat of reverting to conflict. “Many of these wars do not formally end through victory or negotiated settlement; they are low-intensity conflicts […]. It is in these types of environments that we are most likely to encounter the use of child soldiers.”
Moreover, the end of the cold war left some armed forces or groups without further financial support – before, they had been supported by either the United States or the Soviet Union fighting proxy wars.9 The result was that “[g]roups no longer able to finance their conflicts pursued peace negotiations, were defeated militarily, or started recruiting or abducting relatively cheap child soldiers”.10

why are child soliders being used?
Some child soldiers are used for fighting – to kill and commit other acts of violence. Others are used as cooks, porters, messengers, informants or spies, or in any other way their commanders want.
Military organisations that recruit children find them easier than adults to entice or force into service. In general, children are more compliant and easier to manipulate.
Some children choose to join a military organisation as a route out of poverty, for protection, or as a way of making up for the loss of family or a lack of education.
In the chaos of armed conflict, children are often separated from their family. These children are particularly vulnerable to all kinds of abuses, including recruitment by military organisations.

which tatics and ways do these leaders to use to gain control of these individuals?
João F. told Human Rights Watch: "If you didn't comply with orders, you would be punished, sometimes killed. Children were punished too. Myself, I was whipped twice for disobeying orders. Other children were beaten with heavy sticks." At 13, Laidy, recruited by paramilitary forces, shot a policeman in the head. "I felt happy afterwards. I wanted to please the commanders. Because if you say no, they'll kill you."
Separated from their families and believing they will never be released or escape, many child recruits believe they have no choice but to prove their loyalty to their commanders and fellow combatants by participating in killings and other grave abuses.

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