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"Maya, which dress do you like better?"
I glanced in Riley's direction as she held up two decent-looking dresses, one of them was a coral midi-length that displayed a number of blue/white tropical flowers and the other was a black off-shoulder that had big coral tulips scattered all over it. Both of them tight-fitted and both of them were mine.
I looked in the makeup mirror one more time to examine my minimal makeup then turned towards Riley again.
"Which one make your boobs looks bigger?"
"The coral one with the flowers." She replied "Why do you even care if my boobs look big?" She shifted her gaze to the black off-shoulder dress "Besides I like the black one better."
I sighed "Riley, Mr. Fuckboy just broke up with you, why not go out to collect yourself a rebound so you can stop feeling sorry for yourself."
"Lucas is not a fuckboy, Maya. He broke up with me because I'm too clingy and I overact when he's talking to any girl that isn't me."
I raised an eyebrow "You honestly believe that Lucas Friar, one of the most-wanted guys in the city of Brooklyn isn't a fuckboy." I smirked just thinking about it "Well you should ask all the girls in our school that."
Riley's eyes suddenly flickered with mischievous "Maybe will should." She smiled then the mischievous slowly diminished into it's natural state.
"Come on just go put on the coral dress so we can go. You do wanna leave the house right?" I asked as she slipped on some clear Perspex heels to her feet which were yet again mine.
"Yes of course," She answered, walking into my bathroom taking the coral dress with her "By the way, you look just like fire, hope you burn off everybody's face tonight"
I laughed walking over to the mirror and scanning my short reflection, I was wearing a vintage black lace up front that had my favorite rock band, Slayer logo plastered on the breasts to the midi-stomach part. The dress was also a deep v cut which flaunted my boobs. I had on black knee-high boots that went perfect with the dress too.
My hair was in a low knot bun because I didn't care to do anything special with it. I did however pull out a few strands of my light golden blonde hair so it didn't look like I put too much effort into it. My makeup was the same as my hair, clean and yet not spend too much time on. I wore highlight, mascara, false lashes, and nude liquid lipstick.
I didn't want too much makeup because then I'd look like a drag queen but I didn't want to little because then I would look like dead fish, so I guess this look was perfect.  
It was 9:46pm and the party started at 10 so Riley needed to hurry her littleass up, I wasn't going to be late to any party on her account especially if it was fashionably late, the worst kind.
I walked over to my bathroom door and banged on it loudly "Hey Cinderella, you know how they said the ball ends at 12:00am well this one starts at 10:00pm and your pumpkin is getting impatient so may you please hurry up, 4 minutes tops"
"Ok I'm coming , bitch," She exclaimed "I'm to look drop dead as good as you so I can knock Lucas off his feet for breaking up with me and so I can get so new boy candy"
I grinned "That's my girl" I grabbed my Ranger Rover car keys, stepping closer to the door of my room "Go make your momma proud"
"Don't worry I will. Lucas is forever going to regret breaking up with me after this"
I never wanted to tell Riley because I knew she wouldn't ever fucking speak to me again but I have always fancied Lucas Friar for some odd reason. I don't know if it's the stupid Texan accent or his smoldering smirk but something about him intrigued me, it's always been that way since the subway.
But instead of telling him how I truly feel I do the opposite, I tease him. Call him names such as Little Fucker, Papi and my all-time favorite Huckleberry, I make fun of his Texan culture and sometimes ever so rarely I haahurr him just because I think it's funny on some occasions. But I just can't help it when I see him turn the corner in the hallway at school, my breathing hitches and my Lucas instinct takes over. And now that Riley has broken up with Lucas or the other way around, I have to try with every bone in my body not to do anything that will turn him on or make him ask me out because what kind of best friend would I be if I went out with her ex. An awful that's what. So tonight I just have to small talk with him and nothing more.
By the time my Lucas thoughts were vanishing back into my brain, Riley was coming out the  bathroom looking like queen.
Her hair was in a half-up, half-down state, she wore the coral dress I told her to wear, she changed out of the clear heels and had on blue crushed velvet ones and the makeup she wore was peachy & beautiful. She was defintiely blow Lucas off his feet.
"So how do I look," Riley asked me, twirling in her outfit "ready to knock 'em dead."
"Hell yeah" I replied "Let's go make Lucas sorry He ever broke up with you."
I grabbed my purse and phone from the dresser and Riley did the same then we were off.
We rode in my car for a good 10 minutes before getting to the party making us get there at 10:08pm and the party started at 10:00pm, I always get to parties on time so I was pretty mad about that but it was ok because Riley looked good and it was worth.
When we pulled up to the driveway of house, hold on let me correct myself mansion. A lot of people were there already. A girl was in the yard half-naked and throwing up.
"Great, we already missed something." I mumbled, mostly to myself turning the car off.
"What was that, Maya" Riley said untroubled by her new surroundings "Did you say something."
"No," I lied "Just enjoying all the wonderful scenery, this person sure can throw a party."
Riley laughed "If beautiful scenery is Missy Bradford throwing up in Lucas's yard half naked then I don't want to know what you think of anything else."
Almost everything in that sentence surprised me.
"This is Lucas's house and that's Missy Bradford making a complete fool of herself in front of everybody that's everybody. Ha I love this party already." I unbuckled my seatbelt and put my keys in my purse handing it to Riley "You know the drill"
"Yes I do," She said unbuckling her seatbelt as well "I keep hold of your purse so that way you don't lose it because you lose everything and in return you let me have "
"Your correct" I said opening the car door placing my foot on the pavement "Now let's go have some fun"
I placed my other foot on the pavement and hopped out of my car. I clicked the lock button in it so no one could get in then I slammed the door shut.
I turned around to make sure that Riley was behind and she was, smiling wider than ever. I walked pass Missy who was wiping her mouth to make sure there was no throw up on it.
"Missy," I called out to her in the my fake Maya voice "Hey are you ok?"
She looked up at me and rolled her eyes at me "Why the fuck do you care, bitch" She grabbed her purse and her dress holding it up against her chest.
I bent over to her level "Normally I wouldn't going around helping sluts like you but since you look so pathetic." The smell of the throw-up was overpowering, the vodka and cheesecake mixed together smelled like a dead fish in a garbage can. "You got a little something," I used my face as an example of her face "right here." I then motioned my hand around my whole face making sure she got the memo.
She glared at me for a good while then finally realized what I was talking about, "It's really hideous, you should go wipe it off."  I teased before getting up to leave.
"Fuck you, Hart." She screamed before getting up and walking over her car.
I giggled, "Fuck you too, Missy." I held up my middle finger making sure, she saw it. She did and scoffed all the way to her car.
I walked towards the doorway of the house, Riley had left me probably because she didn't want to see Missy and I's catfight. As I walked over there, all the people (mostly girls and like two boys) already outside came by to say hey to me or hug me. It felt good to be wanted, you know. Being popular isn't everything  but at least people knew you.
I finally reached the door after all the hugs and heys and there was a little note on the door that said 'party on the third level, take the elevator if your already wasted :) - lucas' . I opened the door to the mansion and it was pitch black for a second then reality hit me. The smell of the food, the half wasted people, the music it was all here. I smiled, "Tonight is going to be a great night" I thought
I walked inside and then I heard four no five masculine voices coming from upstairs, one of them who was Ryder Banks, brown floppy hair, blue eyes and 5'11 looked downstairs, he saw me and then he winked. I bit my lip and then he yelled "She's here " to the other guys and then they all looked down the stairs staring at me. I stared at them as they gaped at me, finally I got tired of there games  "What the hell is going" I asked
Blaze Martin, curly brown hair, green eyes and 5'10 said "Oh hello Mrs. Notorious, we've been waiting for you for a while. Might I add you look very sexy tonight"
I smiled at his compliment "Ok guys I'm not up for games to tonight, I actually came to party not stare at your weirdasses" I walked over to the stairs and started to climb up them. I reached the top before another one of them spoke.
"Mr. Notorious, told us to get you for him" Logan Danvers, buzzcut blonde hair, brown eyes and 6'0 said with a smirk
I climbed up the finally stair and looked at them strangely "Who's Mr. Notorious"
Diego Luca, light brown hair, green eyes, 6'0 "Mr. Notorious is Lucas Friar, Maya"
I laughed, "Ok, I'll play, this is going to be fun. Why does he need me" I walked over to the chair and sat down to rest my feet. It's hard walking up two flights of spiral stairs with heeled boots on.
They all started to crowd around me and I began to violated can't a girl breath, damn.
"He wants to speak to you about something important at the bars, he's a bartender. We all are tonight. That was the theme tonight for the guys." Damien Lucien, black hair, brown eyes, 5'8 told me with a smile.
I just noticed that all the boys were in very fine looking suits, so much for the bartender look.
"Fine" I raised a eyebrow in suspicion "Why are you telling me this and not him"
"Damn Maya are you always this difficult? He wanted us to be your escort." Ryder blurted out, his eyes lit up with annoyance and a slightly longing.
"Well I'm sorry if I'm fucking difficult, I told Ryder with a hint of sass in my voice "Take me to him."
"Ok" He answered "Let's go men we have a party to attend."
I got up from in the chair and walked with them into the elevator. Each one of them got in and then I got in. I stood next to Logan and Ryder. Diego clicked the 3rd floor button and the elevator started moving.
I was looking at my white stiletto nails and outting my lower lip when Logan whispered in my ear. "I wish you could be Mrs. Danvers but can't break my Captain's orders. It's the law" then he bit my ear. I guess he was hoping to turn me on which he didn't.
I bit my lip at his words and gesture, I turned towards  him and whispered "If me and Mr. Notorious I know who to call" then I winked and bit my lower lip.   
We eventually got to the 3rd floor and I was the first one to step off. They escorted me to the bar area. "Over there is where Lucas is" Damien pointed. I looked to where his finger guided and saw a bar with an extremely hot looking bartender and bunch of girls laughing.
I turned towards all the guys "Thanks for the help" and then I walked off
"Bye, Maya" They all said in unison and then they went there different ways.
I was all on my own. "Finally I can be free and do what I want" I thought. I walked towards the bar Lucas was at and listened to his conversation.
"...and that's how figured out my mom was cheating on my dad" Lucas finished, whatever he was saying "Interesting story, huh?"
There was a few hell yeahs and and all the rest were yeses. I decided this would be the perfect time for me to intrude.
"It would be interesting if I knew what the hell you were talking about" I said unfazed, I put my elbow on the counter of the entertainment chrome bar then I placed my hand under my chin.
Lucas turned in my direction and locked eyes with me, I felt weak, they were even more beautiful under bar lights. His eyes glimmered with amusement and anxiousness as he stared me then he smirked.
He looked away from me to talk to the girls, finally I could breath. "Ladies, I think you better go, Maya and I have to attend to" He told them in his now husky voice.
They looked at me and smiled, some of them waved then they left leaving Lucas and I at the bar alone.
I go up from the position I was in and moved to the middle sit of the bar.
"Your late, Hart" He exclaimed with his fists balled up "Tell me why you're late" His mood was tense. What it because of me? What had I done?
I smiled "Why did you miss me or something"
He smiled which caused me to melt "I had to talk to those hoes about my family becuase they wouldn't leave me alone if I didnt tell them so I told them the only story I knew how to tell well, the my mom is cheating on my dad with a person that is 10 years younger than her story."
My eyes widen "Well that does sound interesting. May I hear it?" I was scanning the wall that was behind him that was full of wine, shots and vodka trying to chose my drink.
"Nah" he responded "I hate hearing the same things twice " His mood suddenly changed to monotonous and boring.
"Oh, I get it" I said sympathetically surprised "How about you get me a drink and we can talk about other things" I placed my hand on his arm rubbing it, He quickly looked up at me "Ok?"
He nodded, I removed my hand from his arm even though I didn't want to. I scanned the 'Drink Wall' once more and couldn't find my drink.
"Hey do you guys have a Strawberry Hill wine here, I haven't had it all week and I need it"
He looked at the wall "I don't think we do" He looked down the wall  "Oh here it goes, Mami's favorite" He smirked, he knew I hated when he called Mami but what he didn't know why and it was because it made me want him even more.
"Yes Papi give Mami what she wants," I said grabbing 1 flute glass for my drink "make it snappy too" I shoved the glass into his hands.
He was juggling the bottle in his hands,completely ignoring my comment.
"You know what," I snatched the bottle from him, hugging it "you're taking too long and I need this now"
He just stared at me with this longing look in his eye then he chuckled.
"What is so funny. Haven't you ever seen a sober girl hug her favorite bottle of wine before?"
"Oh I have" His eyebrows went up when he said that "It's just that I've seen such a cute girl do it before"
My heart dropped to the bottom my a good way. Lucas is either trying to get in my head so that he can convince me to fuck him or he really truly honestly means it.
Fuck I hate these situation.
"What are you planning here, Lucas" I asked him
He suddenly grabbed my chin and pulled me towards his face "Admit Hart, you wanna fuck me"
How did he know?
"Why would I want to fuck you Lucas besides dickless, pathetic assholes aren't my type" I explained, trying my best not to stare at his full pink lips.
"Maya, this is Lucas not Farkle, ok. Why would all the girls in Brooklyn want to have sex with me if I didn't have a dick?" He smirked "Not unless you want to see it for yourself" He suggested, smirking wider exposing two dimples I've somehow never seen before.
"No it's ok," I retorted "Trying to make me horny by telling me about your imaginary dick isn't working out so well"
He licked his lips and sighed, "Just tell me if your turned on by me or not. All I need is the truth" I stared up at him just know realizing how close he was. I jerked my head back and stared at him.
"Don't you have to give head to one of your sidehoes"
"No," He admitted "Not unless you want to be one of them" He then
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